Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Flowers and more

My small flowerbed is looking really good.  The squirrels have taken out a few plants.

For the most part it looks good.  The Pansies and Violas don't like the heat...they will come back nicely when it gets cooler.

I mowed yesterday here and next door it took a couple of hours.  The rain we have been getting lately makes the grass grow real fast.  I dumped out the rain gauge again this time it was 1 1/10 inches.

Far Guy finally has tomatoes forming.  This is a Yellow Pear Tomato plant...so we should see them getting larger and ripe in the next few weeks.

Yeah for tomatoes!  I harvested lettuce again...it is so good to have our own lettuce.  I also picked a few raspberries and the chokecherries are almost ready to pick...the shrubs that get the most sun are real close to being pick worthy.

With so much rain mushrooms are popping up in the lawn.  I know nothing about mushrooms...other than the ones in the store are safe to eat.  I mowed over quite a few yesterday!

I went in the local little store for milk...the mask law is supposed to be in effect however inside a woman and grade school age child wore no masks.  Until everyone wears masks inside public spaces the Pandemic will continue.

Our oldest daughter Trica had a positive Covid test last week just before she had emergency surgery for a looped intestine.  So far she has no terrible symptoms but we are still concerned...Far Guy is worried...I don't worry as much as he does...let go and let God!

Far Side


  1. Your grass is so green; ours is dried up from the sun. I love your pretty flower bed. I've never tasted the yellow pear tomatoes. Praying for Tricia. Please keep us posted.

  2. Lovely! The flowers are so pretty.

  3. I hope Trica never feels badly with the virus. Some people don't so I hope she is one of the lucky ones. And I hope her surgery went well.

  4. Sorry to hear about Tricia; hope she feels better soon. I have that same mushroom growing in my yard. Your flower bed looks very pretty. I haven't had much luck with flowers lately. Wonder if the soil around our house has gone bad as everything I plant dies.

  5. Your little flower bed looks beautiful, so full and lush! The heat we are having here is really helping our gardens grow. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter and hope that she feels better soon and is one of the people who is asymptomatic.

  6. Prayers for Trica, hope her symptoms stay mild and that she has a quick recovery!

  7. I love your pretty flowers, too. Sorry to hear about Trica's surgery and Covid test. I hope she will recover quickly.

  8. Yes indeed, the flowers look good. Oh goodness, sorry to hear about your daughter. We have a friend's toddler grandson tested positive. He had mild symptoms of coughing & not feeling well. None of the other family members got it. He got it from his speech therapist. I've gotten 4 cherry tomatoes so far. They are on the vines, just not getting ripe.

  9. We'll keep good thoughts coming your way for the daughter with Covid and having surgery. Poor gal. Hope she recovers from both quickly. A few locally owned stores here require masks and no one seems to complain. But SD will not likely make any kind of state mandate while we have our current governor. It's fun to see those baby tomatoes. There is nothing quite as tasty in summer as a garden ripened tomato.

  10. Prayers and hopes for Tricia to heal quickly with no problems! We're waiting to hear how our DIL's virus test comes out, they said it could be 7+ days before she gets the results, they're becoming backlogged again. Hoping our tomatoes begin ripening soon over at the kids' garden. Your little flower garden is looking so sweet and colorful now! Yay for rain to get it growing good! Blessings!

  11. Flowers are the topic around here too :) Get well wishes to Trica!

  12. Prayers for your daughter. Hopefully light or no symptoms, the intestine is certainly enough to deal with! I don't understand why people won't wear a mask and help this end! Our state is mandatory mask and at least 50% of people are trying to work around this, even to the point of lawsuits. Meanwhile I am holed up at home fuming. We had one storm last night had an inch and 6/10. My husband is jealous because in the rain gauge wars, my son on the other side of town got 2 1/10 inches.

  13. Beautiful flowers! It's always fun when the vegetable garden starts to produce. Hope your daughter will be ok - what a unexpected, scary diagnosis.

  14. May Tricia recover quickly. God’s got this!

  15. Oh dear, I hope Tricia is one of the lucky ones who have just a mild case. I send my positive thoughts.

    Love your flower bed, it's so pretty!

  16. Your garden looks very nice. Hope your daughter recovers soon.

  17. Your flower bed is ... exuberant! I bet you have some hummingbirds visiting those bright colors. Hope those tomatoes grow fast and you get to enjoy lots of them before (ahem, the white stuff) makes an appearance again.

  18. I will pray for Trica, that she heals well from both the virus & her emergency surgery. Poor thing! I worry about the virus too and I "let go and let God"... but He threw it back into my lap and said "You know what to do for yourself. I gave you good common sense. Use it!" :-D Love, Andrea xoxo

  19. Your flower garden is so pretty! I sure hope Trica recovers quickly from the surgery, and gets through the virus without any problems. I see folks out without masks too and it bothers me. Everyone needs to wear them now.

  20. Prayers for your daughter and for each of you!!!

  21. Your little flower garden looks beautiful. We're having really hot weather this week. It's supposed to be 103 Thursday and Friday.
    Oh, I hope Tricia continues to not have major symptoms. Was she still able to have her surgery? I'll be in prayer for all of you.

  22. So you have a mix of good and bad. I hope things work out well for your daughter.

  23. Your flowers do look beautiful! Thank goodness the local bears respected the beauty of your flowers and left them alone.

    I'm so sorry to hear that Trica had emergency surgery! I know that is frightening enough in itself without hearing that she had Covid too! They must routinely test for that in hospitals before doing any kind of surgery. They tested Tom while he was in the hospital last week and luckily he was negative. I do hope Tricia recovers quickly from the surgery and the Covid. I am also a big believer in "Let Go and Let God". It has carried me through many difficult times.

  24. Good thoughts for Tricia! Your garden looks like a park - lovely!

  25. I've heard that a looped intestine is very serious so I sure hope she's okay. And that her Covid will be a mild case. Poor girl.
    My Pansies are looking stressed too but hopefully will recover.

  26. So sorry to hear about your Trica.....praying that her surgery went well and that she doesn't suffer terrible ill effects from the positive Covid. Your flower garden looks so lovely.Take good care, you two.

  27. Flowers make the world a happier place
    Hearing that a loved one has Covid is not what one wants to hear, I hopeshe is alright and only has a mild case.

  28. Your flowers are lovely. I have flowers on my deck in pots. I have pepper plants this year. Waiting to see how they come out. So sorry your daughter is having surgery and tested positive for COVID-19. I am sending positive thoughts and good wishes that she will do fine and the surgery is successful. thanks so much for visiting my blog.

  29. Oh, no! What a difficult turn of events for Trica. Will certainly be praying!

  30. I pray Trica doesn't get really sick with the COVID and that her surgery goes well. That poor girl! I love your flower bed...so pretty! I don't worry much either..it does absolutely no good...if it did I would take it up! Take care and stay safe!

  31. I hope Trica heals up well from both the surgery and the virus. Talk about a double whammy. The flowers look beautiful!
    Your mushroom photos remind me that I need to go looking for some just to take photos of.
    I cringe when I see maskless folks now. Most of the people around here do wear them. Yet so many seem to think it is such a terrible thing to ask.

  32. What frightening news about Tricia. I hope you can continue to have peace of mind among your flowers and greenness.

  33. I hope Tricia is like others that never experience the covid. Our friend who ended up in a rehab nursing home for fourteen days was a home that had covid 19. We mask up for her now we are driving her to the chemo treatments from her apartment. I am with Far Guy, I get nervous with all of it. Our son who went to the funeral in Iowa did get out of there safe.


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