Thursday, June 4, 2020


I mowed.  It takes a couple of hours. 

Changed the stuff on the wreath outside.
My baby brother brought me a gift.
Scandinavian Butterfly House
Far Guy put it in a tree...close to the ground and close to the flower garden.  I will find a glass flower in my collection that has a larger dish to collect water and put that in the flower garden.

Far Guy says his finger is okay...I don't look at it.   I am feeling a bit better...just had a twenty minute nap yesterday.

Our weather has warmed up. It was 79 F or 26 C eh! yesterday.  The Oaks are almost all leafed out now.
The Oaks make for nice shade in our yard.

A friend of ours died of Covid~19, he was 73 years old.  His wife has escaped the virus so far.   It seems more real when one of the statistics is someone you know.
Far Side


  1. Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope his wife remains alright. Take care, Mxx

  2. My sister and her husband both 61 are still recovering. They were warned that there is no proof that you can make antibodies so they now have to be particularly careful not to pick it up again as it could be deadly if they do. They are both scared to death and worried about the lingering symptoms that may now become chronic conditions. They've been told that they are both now at a higher risk of strokes and heart attacks and may have to go on blood thinners and that their kidney function has to be monitored. It's such a terrible thing. She's aghast at all her friends that think it's no big deal. It is NOT like the flu.

  3. My condolences on the loss of your friend. Praying his wife makes it through all this. I am having to mow at least twice a week. Can't believe how fast the grass is growing. Happy to hear Far Guy's finger is doing okay as well as youn are feeling better. Stay healthy.

  4. So sad to hear about your friend. Glad you are both doing better! It amazes me that some people are not taking this virus seriously. Debbie (above) is so is not like the flu. No one around here wears masks at all! My neighbor had her roof done and she was out there right next to them talking up close with no mask and she is in her 80's! She goes everywhere and doesn't wear a mask or do anything. I used to think she was a smart woman....not any more!
    What a lovely gift from your brother! I want to plant some milkweed and things that will support nature in all it's forms. I pray that your friend's wife stays is a terrible disease.

  5. Even though my husband and I are in our late seventies and have done everything right, I believe we caught it in March and, although sick, we both got better. He might have some lingering lung damage, but some people get very very sick. I pray your friends will recover and that the wife remains healthy.

  6. Our small community is open for the most part after Covid state ordered shut downs but I'm still being cautious such as only one of us go to the grocery store & staying away from people that we're not around daily in our community. We've heard of friends that have friends or family that have had Covid but we don't know anyone personally that has been affected with the sickness. I've seen those butterfly houses but never seen them in use. You will have to give updates & more pictures. We're in process of building a birdbath for the garden, so hope it stay together.

  7. I am so sorry for your friend and his wife. Sorry just isn't big enough of a word sometimes.

  8. So sorry about your friend. You're right, it does make it more real when you know someone personally. Our numbers in our community are climbing slowly but surely. And I notice fewer masks in public. Yikes!! We "broke quarantine" yesterday to celebrate our youngest grandson's 5th birthday. First time I've been able to hug him since first week of March.

  9. Hope you get lots of butterflies visiting your butterfly house. Glad Far Guy's finger is OK, and you're starting to recover from that shot. Sorry about your friend. Hope his wife continues to manage to escape getting the virus.

  10. When the virus hits close to home, it definitely validates the vigilance of isolation and of wearing masks. Just like Sara,I’m noticing fewer and fewer masks when in public. That makes me very nervous about going on errands.

  11. I'm so sorry about your friend passing away, Connie. I will keep his wife in my prayers. I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. Don't overdo with the yard, ok? I know it probably made you feel better to be out in the fresh air tho. I love that butterfly house. Please let us know when the new residents arrive. Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. Sorry to hear about your friend and I hope his wife stays well. The butterfly house is lovely.

  13. Well as usual, I had about five posts to catch up. Hope you're feeling better from the shot. I am scared to death of shots! The little bird nests are so cute and cozy looking. Hope Far Guy's finger is healing. Oh I don't do good with people with cuts and injuries. I panic and then not worth two cents. Love your beautiful shawls. Your replanted flower garden looks pretty...and I can not believe that Hey Mikey is three already! Enjoyed your posts...all of them.

  14. My sympathies on the passing of your friend. I certainly hope his wife can continue to be well.

    The butterfly house is amazing - I've never seen one. As for mowing for two hours - wow!

  15. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It does bring it home, doesn't it. I understand the mowing. It takes me an hour just to mow the front yard when a younger person can do front and back in that time. Oh well. I love the butterfly house! What a perfect gift for you! Enjoy it!

  16. I've never heard of a butterfly house. If it's only for Scandinavian butterflies, they'd better have strong wings. :-)
    Yes, the pandemic is more real when it strikes close to home. My condolences.

  17. The butterfly house is interesting; you'll have to let us know if it actually attracts butterflies. We sure don't see many kinds except for the Cabbage White that are everywhere right now. Why couldn't they be some pretty colours at least.
    Sorry about your friend who died too young from Covid. It definitely does make the whole threat of getting it more real when someone you actually know has been affected.

  18. The first death in our area was my sister-in-law's brother-in law. We call that a "shirt tail relative here. It really does make it all real. He was only 67, no health issues, and really didn't go out and about much. It has kept us home, wearing masks and staying away from others. I am very sorry for your loss.

  19. I'm so sorry about your friend and I hope his wife continues to be okay. After my brother's death from it last week it definitely made it more real to me and I had already been taking it seriously. I see very few here realizing how bad it really is. Few wear masks so I try to keep my distance and stay in our campsite or at home. I like your butterfly house. What a sweet gift from your brother. I hope we see some butterflies using it.

  20. Sad that you lost your friend.

  21. Sorry for your loss, it is a shame that the older ones are the ones that are a little more susceptible to the virus. The butterfly house is beautiful!

  22. I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend.

    I like the idea of a butterfly house. I think my garden needs one of them

  23. So very sorry to hear about your friend who died. How sad. Love your new butterfly butterflies really go in them? Let us know.

  24. So sorry to hear about your friend. I hope his wife doesn't get it.
    Glad you are slowly feeling better and FarGuy's wound is doing okay, too.
    Lovely gift. I have never seen a butterfly house before! :)

  25. Sorry about the loss of your friend. It could be any of us. We have that factor in common "age". Two have died in my county. Today, my daughter, evaluator for medicare, was to go to a house and was told a short time before this lady had the virus. Keep hoping we will see a clear blue sky soon.

  26. So sorry to hear about your friend - and interesting to read the comments above about the risks once you have had it. You are correct, it is more real when it seems closer to home (we have heard of relatives of others one recovered, one passed away). Take care and be safe!

  27. So sorry to hear about your friend. Yes, that does make it seem more real when you know someone who has been impacted. So far, we know relatives of two friends who have died from COVID-19, and a couple others who have had the disease, themselves (but so far are doing fine). It's hard to tell how hard the illness will hit, since so many people have had different experiences. Wish the thing would just mutate itself out of existence...

  28. I’m so sorry to hear about the death of your friend.


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