Friday, June 5, 2020

No Trillium and Town Report

Something ate our Trillium bloom.
Most likely the bunny.

He/she has been scarce the last few days.  We had evidence of one bunny that lost its tail.  Just a fluffy round tail found by a tree. Possibly the rest of the bunny was a snack for one of my baby brothers Owls.

Far Guys infusion appointment went well.   He was the only one in the Infusion Clinic...he saw three people downstairs at registration. 

There were many people in town.  All my errands are drive up... groceries, bank, Post Office and gas with a car wash. Some groceries are in short supply...this week it was Outshine Fruit Bars,  frozen corn, Naan bread and a cookie mix.  I asked the delivery guy how it was in the store ...he said some things are in short supply because the tourists are here.  I visited with my parents a bit outside on their deck.  They are doing okay, but getting bored staying at home.

Far Guy and I are doing just fine at home.  We stay busy doing something every day.  Despite a very sore thumb Far Guy has been able to rough cut all the Christmas Ornaments out of basswood.  Soon the carving will begin.  The pattern was picked out a year ago....I suppose that means I should be thinking ahead.

Gas was $1.89 a gallon.  They now have single use plastic gloves at the gas pump.  Most all activities for the summer have been cancelled...the County Fair, the Rodeo, the All School Reunion.  We still don't know about the 4th of July Fireworks. Most eating establishments have outside shop has people eating in parking spots.

Far Side


  1. I know that people are complaining about things being cancelled here also. The fireworks in some areas have been cancelled. Camping at parks may just be opening around the corner.
    Sounds like things are going well there. Quiet here also.

  2. The only time I have ever killed something that I wasn't butchering for the table occurred when I went outside and saw a rabbit sitting the galvanized wash tub eating the pansies I had planted. I was so mad I got the .22 and killed it. Now we put out corn for them and have pleasure watching them.

  3. Your husband's finger, ugh! A a mom of 16, my kids have had their share of bangs, bumps, breaks, and cuts, and I cannot stomach it. I will if I have to, but I get light-headed and the bottom of my stomach feels like it's free falling. One clever daughter cut her thumb open twice in the same week, in different places, and kept asking me if I wanted to see it. No thank you, dear. Things are opening up a bit here, in NY state...

  4. Since the girls (Nitty and Annie) are gone...the rabbits and squirrels are back! I have my container plants on benches and something ate my beans, lettuce and I think a deer cleaned out the bird feeder! I'm about ready to give up! The tomatoes are okay so far...probably waiting for the horn worms! LOL!
    I hope Far Guys finger's amazing how incapacitating an injured finger can be. That is so nice that you can drive up to everything.
    I never get bored. I'm thinking maybe because I was an only child and learned at a young age to entertain myself. Enjoy your weekend. I could mow again but it's supposed to storm today. Stay well!

  5. Nothing seems to stop the tourists.
    Glad your trip to town went well. Seems like they are usually out of something for your groceries. Summer carving will begin soon. I always love to see what you two come up with for Christmas ornaments. :)

  6. The tourists seem to come whether things are happening or not. All our events are cancelled (or moved online) too, but there are tourists all over the place... I can hear them on the beach from my apartment. They've been told not to come, but they come anyhow.

    Glad you can drive up to do all your errands, and Far Guy's appointment went well. Good his finger is at least healed enough that you guys could start getting ready to sort this year's ornaments... Hopefully it heals completely soon.

  7. Life has certainly changed and summer won't be near as much fun without the fairs and such. The day after the Sioux Falls riot/looting my small city had people freaking out on social media that there were lots of out-of-state license plates on Main Street. I really wanted to remind them that it's tourist season. Our Main Street IS SUPPOSED to be full of out-of-state cars here to visit the Corn Palace. LOL Glad your week has gone well.

    1. Love the Corn Palace. We were there twice last year!

  8. More signs of life again. Doesn't mean it's good , just changing.
    Trying to get out around here, even if it is just a good long drive.
    Best to you guys, you are doing all you can.

  9. I do errands every other week because very few people are wearing masks. It makes me uncomfortable to be around those without any face coverings.

  10. They cancelled our 4th of July fireworks here at the beach and I am more than happy with it. Araignee

  11. We have cancelled the Fourth of July parade (we have a really large one, lots of communities participate), Fireworks, all summer festivals including our church festival. For some reason we are opening the large amusement park a few miles up the road which attracts thousands and thousands of visitors from all over the country. I can't understand. We actually bought season passes for the first time this year (they are going to honor them next year, too) but I am not even going to that city to shop with all the out of state tourists.

    I made my first solo trip out today. Yesterday I drove myself the 3 blocks to the hospital for PT all by myself for the first time since February. This made me brave to drive to Walgreens today for some necessary items. Masks are not mandatory, but I went the minute they opened. Everyone had a mask, the cashiers had plastic shields and there was hand sanitizer everywhere. Unfortunately my husband did the grocery run on Monday and our stores have discontinued old people hours. The old people tended to wear masks. He went as they opened at 7 and said that only about 10% had masks, people are not honoring safe distance and there is all kinds of yacking and running back and forth from the register. He was not happy. He talked to the cashier and she was not thrilled either. Unfortunately there are some things I cannot get delivered from click list.

  12. I'm glad your weekly trip to town went well. We still can't find some items on our grocery list. The canned soup availability is very limited and rice is hard to find. You two are so well organized, already working on the Christmas ornament! It's so exciting each year wondering what this year's ornament will be!

  13. Bad bunny who ate your trillium. But maybe he paid the ultimate price?
    Everything is cancelled here and we are very slow to reopen in the more populated counties because the virus is still spreading. More rural counties are clamoring to get back to business.

  14. Things are starting to open up here but I am staying home still

  15. So sorry to hear you guys lost your trillium! Sounds like you also lost your rabbit! Glad far guy can use that thumb even though it hurts so much. You got alot of errands done....that's good. You are two of the busiest people I know. Take care of each other!

  16. Darn bunny! It seems they like petunias too as my one plant, not in a container, has been chewed down. It's still green so I'm hopeful it will come back.

    Take care and stay well!

  17. I'm impressed that FG still carves even with his recently cut thumb. My DH cut his hand yesterday... I have not looked at it and don't plan to until it's mostly healed. It had something to do with a saw of course.
    Too bad about your Trillium. Rabbits will eat anything !

  18. I'm not surprised your tourists are back. Even though most summer events have been postponed and/or cancelled, we still have lots of people here. That's why I'm spending time at the lake. I seem to be more isolated here than at home.

  19. Such a sad picture: fluffy tail without its bunny :(

    Glad you are doing better. And wow...Christmas already? You really do plan in advance!

  20. Glad to hear FG's hurt thumb isn't getting in the way of his being able to carve. I have seen an unusual number of bunnies around here this year. Been busy during the pandemic, I guess. :-)

  21. How sad to find a bunny tale. My mom has a tailless squirrel but I doubt your bunny got away with his life. Nothing much seems to be cancelled here and we can see the results with quadrupled covid cases and deaths every day. Instead of being able to go out more, I think we are staying home just as much if not more. I’m real tired of it!


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