Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hooks and flowers

Far Guy wood carved some crochet hooks for me, the wood is black walnut.  They match my yarn bowl...which I just love!

I used each of the hooks a bit, they do work but are not as fast as my other hooks.  I have another shawl in the works.  One more is upstairs being blocked.

I planted the small flower garden yesterday; Impatiens, Violas, Pansies and Salvia.

I pinched most of the flowers off so they would settle in faster and bush out!  We got a little rain yesterday just enough to settle the pollen and the dust...not enough to wet the soil more than one inch...if you dig around it is dry as a old bone.  We missed spring rains completely...we have had quite a dry April showers that bring May flowers or June bugs.  Although we are starting to see some skeeters...

Last night we watched a Doe with a few days old fawn come through our yard.

Far Side


  1. I love the bowl and crochet hooks. We've had a very wet spring here.

  2. I love the bowl and crochet hooks. If you need rain I'll be glad to send you some of ours. We've had way to much this year.

  3. Those hooks are just amazing! We are being overrun with June bugs. I am an itchy mess. We had such a mild winter I am pretty sure it's going to be a miserable, buggy summer and fall. Araignee

  4. Did Far Guy do the yarn bowl too? The hooks are gorgeous! I have not seen a June bug yet which is fine with me! I do not like them at all. YOur flower garden looks so pretty!

  5. We've had a dry spring too. But after the flooding last year I'm OK with that. I notice that one of my flower planters needs a couple of plants replaced as they are not doing well in spite of feeding and watering. My others are doing fine. And my husband's 3rd attempt at reseeding part of the back yard seems to finally be taking hold.

  6. Yes, your garden is sure pretty. I look forward to seeing it in its full glory. Your crochet hooks are a wonderful addition to add to the bowl. Thanks for the lovely card you sent me. I will treasure it. :-)

  7. That's a pretty purple yarn. The crochet hooks look like they are the right size for hands that don't work as well as they used to.

  8. Nice set of crochet hooks. Those flowers will be pretty. Sounds like you'll have to water them everyday like I do mine. When it rains, it's not enough. We've been watching for baby wildlife. There are deer around our yard but not seen any babies in their herd. We did see a baby antelope along the side of the road.

  9. We had a lot of rain and then no rain and the garden was dusty dry when we planted. But it's rained off an on now, so things are better. We have skeeters now too! I bought some yarn from one of the places you recommend, can't remember which now...and got the pattern for the last shawl you did...but now I have to go out and get a crochet hook! Always something! :) I love your yarn bowl and hooks. He sure is talented!

  10. I haven't started planting as I have not plants. My grocery store has a greenhouse and I will put on my mask and go. I rescued a part of rescue a flag iris and iris yesterday to plant today.

  11. Far Guy is so clever with what he can make.
    I like your seedling combination - your garden will be so pretty when they all flower :)

  12. Lovely hooks!
    That will be a colourful patch when they flower!

  13. You and Far Guy are so talented and have so many hobbies. That is great!

  14. Skeeters are active here! Holy buckets, they are thick. Love the new hooks.

  15. And here we've have more rain than usual this spring. I hope that means less fires this year, but the news is saying otherwise. Your new crochet hooks are beautiful. Far Guy is so talented. Love the bowl too.

  16. How sweet of Far Guy to make you hooks. He is very talented. How fun to have a baby fawn to entertain you.

  17. That is so nice of him to carve you those crochet hooks! And of course that bowl is perfect. It looks like your flowers are off to a good start. It's always a good feeling when we get them in the ground. I hope you are both feeling better and Far Guy's finger is healing well.

  18. The bowl and hooks are so lovely!! What a talented husband you have. :)
    Flowers look great. A baby robin has been staying around my patio for a few days. Mom is feeding it less and less. They love the water dish and my regular watering gets water on the grass, too, and brings up worms, I think--LOL! Have a quick, efficient Thrusday tomorrow.:)

  19. Beautiful bowl and hooks - I love the color of the shawl. Your flower bed will be lovely when the plants take hold. Hopefully there will be some rain in the near future.

    Take care and stay well!

  20. Can't wait to see your colorful flowers when they get blooming!

  21. I like how your hobbies have combined, yours and FG's.

  22. What an absolutely gorgeous color that yarn is! And the carved set of the bowl and crochet hooks look great. You two are so talented!

  23. Nice little flowerbed. I know it's best to pinch off the flowers and even the buds when you first plant the flowers out but I find it hard to do.


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