Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Someday Project: Rhubarb Jam

Far Guy made his Seafood Gumbo. ( I helped, I cut up the peppers and deveined shrimp) anyways... I needed space in the deep freeze for it....out came three quart jars of frozen rhubarb.  (Friend Jill gave me all the fruit from her deep freeze when she moved to Florida.)  Far Guy says "What are you going to do with that rhubarb?"  He doesn't really care for rhubarb.

I thought a crisp or jam.   Jam won.

I measured  a bit then just dumped it all in the pan...added sugar and dumped in all the pectin I had...then a box of raspberry jello just for good measure...it makes the rhubarb look better!  I mashed it up with the potato masher and stirred...it smelled really good cooking.  I had no idea if it would turn out or not...possibly not a jam but a runny ice cream topping.

When it had cooled a bit.  I put it on a biscuit and took it outside to share with Far Guy...he was wood carving in the sunshine whilst I was slaving away at the stove.

It was declared delicious!

So much for that someday project at the bottom of the freezer.   I shared with my parents, my other baby brother and niece Stacey.  I put it in plastic containers...forgoing jars, lids and the canning bath that are the usual for jelly and jam.

One small container made its way back into the freezer.  Old frozen rhubarb makes great jam!

A bit swirled in my Greek Vanilla Yogurt is a great lunch!
Far Side


  1. That looks and sounds delicious. Wishing you both a nice day.

  2. I've made rhubarb jam a few times and really love it with ginger (both candied and ground) added. Yum :)

  3. I love rhubarb! I will try to remember jam when I get deep enough to find some in my freezer.

  4. My farmer friend John takes big batches of rhubarb, cut up and cooked to a mush and adds honey. It's great to enjoy on lots of stuff. It's the only way I truly enjoy rhubarb. Your jam sound similar and bet it's really good! :-)

  5. My brother has a rhubarb plant but he rarely shares. I guess I'll have to sneak out to the farm and steal some. There's a memory, mom made rhubarb jelly, stewed rhubarb, and I can't remember anything else.

    Take care and stay well!

  6. There is nothing better than homemade jam! It looks delicious. Araignee

  7. That really does sound good! We never have rhubarb as the Chef is mortally allergic to it.

  8. that does sound delicious and reminds me I have some frozen rhubarb to deal with before the new crop comes :) I am going to make a strawberry rhubarb crumble. Have a great day!

    1. My cousin made a strawberry rhubarb pie that was delicious! A crumble would be easier (no crust to roll out?)

  9. You are a CHEF! An Artist with cooking flair!

  10. That looks and sounds delicious!

  11. It made a very pretty jam and I can imagine how tasty it was. One of my friends was giving away some freshly picked rhubarb yesterday, but I declined as I knew I didn't want to do any more baking right now. And I've never had good luck making jam.

  12. When I had rhubarb, I made sauce for toast, ice cream, and cakes - yummy stuff! I need to find a source for rhubarb.

  13. Sisters in freezer using. Makes for fun times.

  14. I love that you made your jam in a haphazard sort of way. I do that a lot and it makes it more interesting. You never know if something will turn out or not but even if it doesn't you can always use it for something else. I have a friend that makes her rhubarb jam adding a tin of crushed pineapple.

  15. I have so much rhubard right now that it's coming out my ears! I've been giving it away to anyone who wants it. I do drive bys and leave it in a plastic bag on their porch or steps. :-)

  16. Oh, how I miss rhubarb! I had a big patch on the farm and I would make all kids of rhubarb goodies! Your jam looks and sounds delicious! That's one thing I never made with it...now I wish I had!

  17. That looks like a great way to use up rhubarb. I do bet it tasted great.

  18. I love rhubarb. Your rhubarb jam sounds like great stuff. We quite often make rhubarb jam.

  19. It sounds good. Besides the rhubarb pie I made for Mother's Day, I have made two small batches of rhubarb sauce. It's yummy with a dollop of whipped cream (I should say a squirt of whipped cream, out of an aerosol can) as a side dish with the pork loin I roasted.

  20. Hmmmm...my family LOVES rhubarb! I have two plants and it's almost time to make something. I have some old cut up rhubarb in the freezer too. Usually I make pies...but jam might be good!

  21. You are so handy, swirling all that jam together, just like that. I don't think I'd know quite how to do that and have it come out so delicious! Sounds like far guy even liked it! Good job!!!

  22. Oh that does sound very good. Rhubarb for whatever reason upsets my stomach!

  23. While I was mowing today, I had a lot of time to think. As I went by the long row of rhubarb, I thought to myself "I need to make rhubarb jam." So great minds think alike...." It looks delicious. Phil


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