Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Evening drive

We went for a ride on Monday night.  Just to get out of the house.

It is greening up out there.

The farm where I grew up.

Oh deer!  We just saw four.  Saw some Eagles but they flew away as did a very large Hawk.

It was a nice drive.

Far Guy is busy with another carving project.  I worked inside and outside and in the greenhouse.  I ordered some more yarn...supporting small businesses in New Jersey and Indiana.  I am blocking one shawl upstairs and have another started.

Far Side


  1. We've been doing the same. Just driving around to get out. Yesterday we went to the drive thru bank to deposit our tax return checks and it was an adventure. We were very sad to see the area around our local Walmart was a disgusting mess. People are just throwing gloves, masks and wipes on the ground and the wind has covered the field with them. It is such a scary time. I came home a bit shook. I think I'll stay away from the city areas from now on. Araignee

    1. That's so sad!! Some people are so irresponsible.

    2. That is sad. In our rural town I've had a better experience, but I only shop once a week and go at 7am. Our Walmart is clean as a whistle inside and out and everyone was being very respectful of each other.

  2. I haven't driven since I took that one drive to find barns, about 5 weeks ago. Well haven't driven except to go to the grocery store. I think I'm due for another drive around.

  3. It is greening up there! We have vultures here although they do serve a purpose. They take care of the road kill for sure. There was a dead armadillo and in 1 day there was only the shell left!
    Oh, more yarn! Yippee! Are you wearing those shawls or just making them? LOL! I wish I could drive through my hometown for real. There re you tube videos and Google Earth that let me virtually drive around the back roads. Pretty scenery you have there.

  4. It looks like us a month ago! But that said you are much further north. We had rain and now I'm sighing...the grass has grown inches over night!

  5. We take a lot of drives, also. I look forward to see your and FG's new projects. Good for you ordering from small businesses. Have a good day. Mildred

  6. We have greened up quite a lot in the last few days. 3 straight days of rain helped a lot. Except now it is really soggy out there. Always love seeing the deer . Last Saturday we drove out in to the country and saw one field with about 20 deer in it.

  7. So that's where you grew up? I love seeing your "roots." And those deer look healthy and curious. It must have been nice to get out and about. :-)

  8. We have gone on a few short drives, too. Our Walmart is a zoo. No masks, no distancing. Total rudeness. We have not stepped inside, but we have heard from others and seen the crowds and Facebook comments. Poor employees.

  9. I haven't filled up my gas tank since the first week of March - and still have a half tank. But I haven't ventured out of town at all. The one time we drove the 70 miles to drop off Easter and birthday gifts for the grandkids, we drove my husband's vehicle. He hasn't even driven to visit any clients or job sites for work. Very unusual for us to not put on many miles a week.

  10. Our car insurance company sent us a check.

  11. The leaves have busted out all over here - I'm so glad to see spring, it seems like this winter was horribly long.

    Take care and stay well!

  12. It feels odd to drive after being home for so long.

  13. Carving, shawls, and a nice car ride. Was a beautiful day. :)

  14. Love the photo of the deer. There's deer on Molokai, but not on Oahu, where I live.

  15. Looks like a nice drive. I love seeing the deer. I can't wait to see what Far Guy's new carving project is and what your next shawl looks like!

  16. Thanks for showing us "your" farm. Driving by the farm where I grew up would require 200 miles each way and a few stops, which is not encouraged these days.

  17. I think it helps our mental state to just get out and go for a bit. Everyone should be safe in your own car. Thanks for showing us yours.

  18. Lovely to get out and about a bit. The deer are remarkable - ours here usually hide in the bush and we seldom see them out in the open.

  19. There's always something to do to keep out of mischief. I can't knit or crochet but I find lots to occupy my days. One of these days we'll have to go for a ride and try out DH's "new" truck.

  20. Drives are always fun. We drove to the west side of town last night on an errand that couldn't be put off any longer and I realized I hadn't been that way since the first part of February. It's surreal. Its been raining for 3 days solid and everything is bright green here now. It's beautiful and I wish it would stay that way.

  21. We seem to get green at the same time of year..

  22. Haven't been for a drive for so very long and miss doing that

  23. What a nice drive. Nice that things are greening up around you. I just noticed today that it's starting to green up here too....but we sure do need rain. I think we finally got 1/3rd of an inch....that's not enough. Our church is opening this weekend so we'll go but wear masks for now. Might stop and have breakfast on the way home too. Peace to you both!

  24. Sometimes, ya just gotta get out for a drive. It's nice to see something besides the same ol' four walls. The greening up must have been refreshing to view.

  25. I love a drive in the country. My driver is gone. Going alone would not be fun as he drove and I looked.


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