Thursday, May 21, 2020

Update On Lung Transplant List

Far Guy is back on the Lung Transplant list as of Tuesday.  He had a long video chat with his Pulmonary Transplant Specialist.   They are starting to do transplants again.  Most likely he will remain on the list until he is 71 which is in 9 months.  Covid 19 is still a concern.  It was a tough decision...once he enters the hospital for transplant he will be alone with no family visitors.  After three or four days when he comes off the ventilator he can use facetime to connect with family.  However the visitation policy may change as time goes on.

So we wait...let go and let God.

I must repack the suitcase...switching out winter clothing for summer and make sure the craft suitcase has some projects!  If and when he gets the call I will take him there and stick around a few days, if our rental is ready I will stay if not I will come back home until it is ready.  We will be gone from home for 3 to 4 months.

Far Guy is stronger than he has been in a long time and has not had a cough since early February.

The Pin Cherries are in bloom.  Food for birds.

I have been working inside the greenhouse trying to get it cleaned up.  Yesterday I was working under a bench...I had to crawl under there to vacuum up some head hit a small wasp went rolling off  like a ball.  Nothing was flying out so I continued on with my work.  Far Guy took care of wasps.  He looked under the rest of the benches as good as he could for more...but none were noticed. Life is just one adventure after another.

Far Side


  1. Here's hoping that the lung transplant comes and goes as smoothly as possible. I don't think I realized what an emotional toll this will be for you, not to mention physical. How far away from home will you be?

    1. 3 1/2 to 4 hours depending on traffic

    2. Sending you good vibes for strength for you as well. It has to be so very hard for you! Hugs.

  2. Thank you for this update and we will be praying for each of you. I'm thankful FG's cough is better and that he is strong. Thankful you did not get stung yesterday, too. God bless. xoxo

  3. I am so glad that Far Guy is back on the lung transplant list.. Sure hope you hear something real soon. Also very happy to hear his cough is better and he is feeling stronger. You were very lucky there weren't any wasps in that nest. I will continue to keep both Far Guy and you in my daily prayers.

  4. It's great to hear Far Guy has weathered this storm and come out for the better. I can't imagine your level of anticipation. Sending you both my best wishes for the adventure ahead. Araignee

  5. Good news! Staying away from other people seems to really help FG! That is awesome, I'm seeing an improvement here at home also. 4 months? Yikes, but so worth it right?
    Yesterday I cleaned a mud wasp nest out of the air conditioner!

  6. Thankful for the good news for Far Guy! Pin cherries are new to me. From the photo they remind me of edelweiss!
    Also, glad the wasps had left the area.

  7. I am hoping that we will hear more about this in the near future. It's so hard to wait for something like this, but Far Guy is strong and although I don't pray often, I do pray for him and a good outcome. Have a great day! :-)

  8. Wow, your outcome with the wasp nest could have been so different! Your posts sound contented and patient, a good place to be considering how long you have been sequestered at home and "waiting".((💖))

  9. My fingers and toes are all crossed - and will keep him in my prayers. Hope he gets a call soon while he is feeling so good.

  10. Here's hoping you get the call! Stay well and happy!

  11. I will be praying for both of you that all will go well for Far Guy.

  12. Very good news. Hopinig the best for Far Guy.

  13. I guess the covid thing has been good for's protected Far Guy from all of the normal ills of winter and he was able to build up strength and his health to fight the new battle when it comes.
    I'll be praying for both of you because I know it won't be easy for you not to be there with him. I'm also very grateful there were no wasps to sting you. That was probably scary for you.

  14. I am so glad Gene is back on the list...prayers (and they do work) that he gets his transplant soon!

  15. I am so glad to hear the transplant list is active again. It must be stressful waiting but you are both ready and as you said, Let go and let God. That is a phrase I use often in my life. I hate that no one can visit in the hospital and I know you both do too. I know it is for everyone's safety but it is difficult. Be sure you pack something for him to use to Facetime! I'm still keeping you both in my prayers!

  16. It's wonderful news with Far Guy back on the transplant list. I hope that he doesn't have to wait much longer. Going into the surgery strong should be of great benefit to his healing.

    Glad there weren't any wasps either! Take care and stay well.

  17. Wow, he is going for a lung transplant? I can't imagine it. What an ordeal that will be.

  18. Great news, and so is the fact that he’s a lot stronger!

  19. I hope all your plans work out well.

  20. Am glad to hear how well he is doing and back on the list. Let go and let God. Let's go God!

  21. Good job on keeping FG well. Keep it up, and we'll all be wishing the best for a transplant soon.

  22. I'm so glad FarGuy is feeling strong and back on the list. So hard for patients to not be able to have visitors...and for the loved ones not to be able to visit. That's one of the hardest things about this virus. You're in my prayers. And SOOO glad there weren't wasps living in there!! *shudders*

  23. That is wonderful news and I had been thinking how well he has been doing so that's good for a transplant. It's too bad about the COVID thing being an issue. Thank goodness there is Facetime. Oh my...3 or 4 months? Will you be able to blog? I would miss that a lot! I think I have your email though and there's FB. I will be praying for you both! You were was a white lilac!

  24. Great news that FG is back on the transplant list!!

    Good news too that the wasp nest was not occupied.

  25. It sounds like this would be the optimal time for a lung transplant to come through for FG. Hoping and praying it happens, before you have to repack that suitcase for another season! Tough to think of him being alone but he will have wonderful carers watching out for him. Hard for you to be alone, too.

  26. Fantastic to hear that you have had some positive news for the lung transplant. Interesting to hear he isn't coughing at the moment - the Asthma Society here says a lot of sufferers have improved dramatically without the pollution levels normally present. It makes one wonder about what is really happening in our atmosphere during 'normal' times.

  27. Thanks for the update, I am pleased to read they have started transplants again, I hope you get news soon

  28. That's good news, and so happy he is feeling good at the moment. Prayers for continued health and a successful surgery when the time comes.

  29. A big congrats to Far Guy for getting back on the Lung Transplant List. Praying that it will come through before too awfully long. So glad he's feeling good too. Sounds like you're all ready to go when that call comes. Take care you two and stay away from wasps!

  30. I hope you folks get that call right quick!!

  31. That is good news. I am glad he is over with the coughing. I have noticed he is out there keeping up with things. Let hope the wait is not too long.

  32. That's great! Hope all goes well when his turn finally comes.


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