Monday, May 18, 2020

Bird Report

We are a rest stop for birds heading North.  They stay a few days and then take off.

Oranges and grape jelly is out for the Orioles.

The Scarlet Tanagers like the suet feeders.

The Butter Butts (Yellow Rumped Warblers) are ground feeders, but also like the suet feeder.
We also have a couple of Hummingbirds that showed up immediately after I put up the feeder.

It is always fun to see which kind of birds show up year after year.
Far Side


  1. Oh, I love seeing your visitors. So pretty! Have a nice day.

  2. How do you serve them grape jelly? Will any jelly do?


      I always use grape jelly not sure about others

  3. As soon as i put out my orange Baltimore Oriole feeder they showed up. Now it has oranges and grape jelly in it to feed on. Haven't put out the hummingbird feeder yet, but since you have them I will put it out. I love all my bird friends.

  4. I can honestly say I have never seen an Oriole and I live in MD. Our state bird seems to like to be everywhere but here. Araignee

  5. I am thinking of putting out some feeders as I too enjoy the birds. This week I saw a female bluebird and a goldfinch. I would love to see an oriole and a tanager....beautiful! Not sure if we get those down here.

  6. Each year we have Orioles that actually stay and build nests! We love that. It makes me sad when they leave in July and head back though. This week saw an Indigo Bunting!

  7. We are deluged with robins and cardinals. My grandsons have a nest with 4 robin eggs in the wreath on their front door.

  8. Such beautiful birds. I'm so glad you are willing to share their beauty with your devoted followers. :-)

  9. We saw our very first Oriole at the feeder yesterday and I just learned they like sweet fruity treats. So I plan to cut up an orange today and put it out in the tree by the feeder.

  10. I used to keep track of the dates when I spotted birds on their migration. They were pretty consistent from year to year.

  11. I love seeing the birds...your birds are different than ours, so seeing NEW TO ME birds is a huge delight

  12. What beautiful birds to have visit your garden :)

  13. Those are beautiful birds! We have the Scarlet Tanager but not the others. I've never seen as many different birds as we've had this spring. For the first time, we have a pair of Mockingbirds in the yard and a pair of Killdeer with two half grown babies.

    Congratulations to your two fine grandsons. Bet you're proud of them. Enjoyed your last post.

  14. You really do get such a variety of birds passing through. Because you feed them so well year after year they have to stop by and say hello on their travels. ;)

  15. We have lots of birds in my area, too. They love to sit on the wires above the street and chirp.

  16. You have some beauties! You know what they like, that’s why. Their colors are such a treat.

  17. I love the variety of birds you get each year there. This year we saw a couple of Orioles once for the first time but they must have been passing through because I haven't seen any more. I love the Butter Butts too and that name cracks me up. We had hummingbirds within ten minutes of putting the feeder out. It's fun to watch them.

  18. I keep trying with the hummingbirds. I can't get anything at the suet until I put it out. Cold, windy day today so I didn't mow today. You have some great visitors. I like orioles.

  19. My hummingbirds are finally back both at the lake and at home. I love to watch them at the feeders. The eagles are back in their nest in the tree behind our trailer too.

  20. I was excited to see the Hummer floating around my bird feeder several days ago... I immediately put out the nectar feeder. We have orioles as well and Indigo Buntings. ( Lots of them this year!) but no Tanagers.. They are so pretty! You are so lucky!

  21. Your bird visitors are wonderful!

  22. What a colorful collection of birds you have at your house! Just wonderful. I don't know if I've ever seen a scarlet tanager. They certainly are pretty. May is a great month for seeing beautiful birds that are just passing through. Lucky you!

  23. You are in some good habitat for birds on their migration.

  24. So much color! We don't see any of these here, sadly. Enjoy your visitors!

  25. We've never had orioles... they are so pretty. I have noticed a lot more bird songs this year. We love watching the birds and listening to them!

  26. We had several pairs of orioles down here (southern Missouri), which enjoyed the grape jelly and some rosebreasted grossbeaks, but they have since moved on. For the first time this year the catbird has also been eating the grape jelly so I have kept putting out (at least until this last jar is gone)

  27. Beautiful! We have large, hungry, orioles, but I've never seen a scarlet tanger or that warbler. I tried to put up suet this spring but the squirrels ate it all at one sitting each time. So I gave up on that.


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