Thursday, May 28, 2020

Grilled Treats

My baby brothers wife had a new treat for us this week.  We met at his house this week  at his outdoor patio with my parents, my other baby brother and she who sees robins first and Stacey and NJ.  Social distancing of course and keeping Far Guy out of the smoke from the fire. 

A sugar cone layered with small marshmallows, chocolate, bananas and strawberries.  It was very good!  The cooks worked on getting the timing right. 

Several were put directly into the coals...they heat up quite rapidly and tend to burn the cone.  So out came the grill top  for the Cowboy Cauldron and that worked quite well.

The Owls have moved on...the morning it rained they left my baby brothers property.  Maybe they will be back...maybe not perhaps it was a rest /eating spot.

Far Side


  1. How special that your family can join up for a fun time together :)
    My sweet tooth is salivating at the thought of that sugar cone!

  2. That sounds like a very special treat. I am so glad you are able to get together with family.

  3. A neat idea for a sweet treat!

  4. I too am glad to hear you are able to get together with family and still keep your distance. :-)

  5. It's nice that the weather is allowing us to get out a bit more. Those cones sound yummy. I'd never heard of that before. Araignee

  6. That sugar cone dessert sounds delicious. I'll have to tell my daughter as they grill out a lot and I bet the grands would love it! Thank goodness the weather is nice so you can still socialize from a distance at least. Glad you got pictures of the owls at least. If the squirrels come back you'll know they're gone. STay well and stay safe!

  7. Ohhh, I'm very interested in making that treat when the Grands come visit this summer.

  8. The campfire treats reminded me of girl scout camp - about 50 years ago. Yum!! I may need to make these. Glad you got to see family this week. I saw some friends the same way last week. We sat outside on a patio to visit. Covid cases in our area are slowly increasing, so I will remain home as much as possible.

  9. Gatherings on the patio will no doubt become even more popular this summer. It’s much easier to safely social distance outside.

  10. Sounds like a very yummy treat! Getting together with family was probably the best treat of all.

  11. That's a new treat to try. It sounds quite yummy.

  12. No photos of the goodies themselves?

  13. I am so jealous that you are close enough in distance and in love to see your family often. We're so far away that especially in times like this it's really, really hard.
    Those cones sound amazing. :-)

  14. I love that "Cowboy Cauldron", Connie! How neat!!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  15. How nice to be able to see the family--at a safe distance, of course. ;)
    That cowboy cauldron is really cool!

  16. That sounds good! I'm so glad you all got together. That is helpful for everyone!

  17. That sounds like a yummy, gooey treat.

  18. There's nothing like getting together for a good visit and treats!!

  19. Your grilled treat sounds awesome.

  20. Ooh that new treat sounds delish! I love the yellow header at the top of this page springy and pretty. So nice that you're getting together with your brother and his family and your parents. We went to church last Sunday and then to breakfast after....took our masks along! Take care!

    1. Far Side, another good campfire treat, that you may have already tried, is to take chunks of french bread, roll them in sweetened condensed milk, then roll in coconut, put on a stick and toast over a campfire. DEELicious!

  21. Nice you were able to have a socially distanced bit of family time.


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