Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Yarn and Wood

We have been working in the greenhouse/woodshop.  It rained yesterday so we worked out there until it was time for our naps.  Monday we took a load of kindling to my other baby brothers fire pit and took a whole load of stuff to recycling.

One day I stacked a whole bunch of like kinds of wood together.  Nice and neat!

I blocked another shawl.  This is number four of the five skeins I ordered.
I put it in the shawl box.  I am getting quite a collection.

Back view. 
Note to self never order five skeins of one kind/color of yarn again...the last shawl is almost done.  Good thing too as nine skeins of a favorite yarn in all different colors was delivered yesterday.

I started  crocheting a wasp nest they say that if you put one up wasps will stay away. We need one under the back deck where I was attacked last summer.  Maybe one out at the sauna too as they tried to build a nest there also...  Buggers.

Big day yesterday as my baby brother went shopping and brought us ammonia and a rain gauge for me and blueberry pie and coffee for Far Guy. 

 We are greening up quite a bit.  It rained yesterday so I will have to mow soon. We needed rain badly as the ground was powder dry.

Far Side


  1. Sounds like spring has come to your area. We are fast heading into summer. We've had two days in the 80s. Thanks for the cards.

  2. That is a lot of interesting wood. I can envision all kinds of interesting carvings. Due to all the rain we have had and still having I have had to mow the lawn twice in less than a week. Not fun.

  3. We don't have to mow since we rent, but I am already tired of hearing that riding mower what seems like every day. Another pretty shawl for the collection. :-)

  4. Wow, you sure crochet quickly! It doesn't appear you'll run out of wood or yarn for a little bit though.

    We had a thunderstorm roll through here last night, with a fair amount of rain and lots of win. No real damage that I could see in my yard. Enjoy spring!

  5. I've seen the crocheted version of the wasps nest and they are pretty neat. We've put up brown paper versions and they do work!

  6. Sounds like your various projects are still coming along nicely. Also sounds like you won't run out of projects any time soon though. ;)

  7. Beautiful shawl - I know what you mean about multiple skeins of the same color. Been there and done that myself. I had good luck with hanging an inflated brown lunch sack to deter wasps. Seems silly, but it worked.

  8. I will have to look into crocheted wasp nests. I saw one go into my car trunk. My husband said they can't get past the rubber seal. I made him open it and they were starting a nest on the rubber seal! Then I saw one go into my gas tank door. He opened it and they were starting a nest attached to the little door!

  9. Looks like you have a good supply of wood for carving and yarn for crocheting, to keep those hands from being idle. The results are always beautiful.
    I recently read about using a paper bag "nest" to discourage wasps, but crocheting is more fun.

  10. Your arrangement of wood looks really artistic - give it a name and you have a sculpture! :) xx

  11. We got 1.5" of rain over the long weekend. We've had so many grey dreary days, but very little rain in May so far. The lawn soaked it up and we can practically SEE it growing today in the sunshine.

  12. Yay, you got ammonia! I've never heard that a crocheted wasp nest would keep wasps away. I hope you'll show us a picture of it when done. Do they have to be crocheted or are there other ways to make them? We always get wasps under our eves and they try to get in the house. I always learn something new from your blog! You did some good wood stacking there!

  13. I’ll be interested to know how your knitted wasp nest does at detering the wasps. I’ve read where they do which would be good as i hate spraying them in our sunroom.

  14. Beautiful shawl!!! You do have quite a pile now. I admire your patience. Araignee

  15. You're getting so much done! I love that shawl but I can imagine it gets to be like groundhog day after awhile! LOL! Oh, new yarn and all different colors!?!? Are you going to show and tell? Did I miss something? What is the ammonia for? I printed off a pattern for the wasp nest pattern too and you stuff it with plastic bags. I have wasps here too. I hope it works! The blueberry pie was a nice touch!

    1. I alternate between ammonia and vinegar on the tile floors and have been out of ammonia:)

  16. We had a two day rain on the weekend. We really needed it.

  17. You are doing more then I am but I am a lazy ass

  18. I never heard of putting up fake wasp nests! That is just fantastic. I hope it works and you stick them up all over the place--LOL! ;)

  19. your shawls are so beautiful and now you've got lots of new yarn to make things with! I dare say I would rather have the blueberry pie and coffee! Our rain gauge is getting some use lately too! Finally tomorrow I can get my hair cut! Hooray. we've got wasps too....let me know if that trick works!

  20. The shawls will bring so much happiness to those who get them. Oh and warmth as well.

  21. I've been thinking about getting a rain gauge. That way we'll know how much rain we got here, not at the airport.
    Blueberry pie sounds like another great idea. Maybe on the weekend when the clouds move in.

  22. WE have wasps and I would be interested to know if your crocheted nest is successful in keeping them away. I love your shawls and you finish them in record time! This one is so cheerful looking.


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