Friday, May 29, 2020


Far Guy decided that he wanted Yellow Pear Tomatoes this year.  The seeds took forever to come.  Oh well it was still freezing at night in the greenhouse anyways.
The seeds are growing slowly.

Tomato on the left lettuce on the right.  The tomatoes will be thinned out after they get a bit bigger. He wants just two plants in the container...the Yellow Pear Tomatoes are determinate growth...which means they only get so tall...which makes them a good container tomato.

He modified two coolers to fit in his little red wagon...he can wheel it around and wheel it to the garage if the weather gets bad. (One of his medications come in coolers so we have quite a few of them)

Grocery shopping was fine.  We now have Clorox Wipes thanks to cousin Bonnie and Wayne...they were shopping and thought of us!

Far Guy had to wait a long time at the Clinic for his infusion the Pharmacy that mixes his medication was all mixed his wait was real long.  He sent me a text and said it would be a long wait.  So I went flower shopping.

The place I went some people had masks, employees did not...I didn't come within six feet of my plants and left.

Blue Pansies, Yellow Violas, Salvia Victoria Blue and mostly Red Impatiens.

They should make this area look a tad bit better.

I have to dig around a bit, remove some old packed down bird seed hulls and add a bit more soil.  A good project for the weekend.

We visited two cemeteries and took up the flowers...two more to go...maybe on the weekend. 
I mowed the lawn on Wednesday.  The pollen is crazy bad...covering everything...we could sure use another rain to wash things off.

Far Side


  1. Your posies look beautiful, Connie. I haven't gotten any flowers this year... just tending the growing things that I have. I'm heading out to have my every-3-months blood draw later on today, except it's been over 4 months since my last draw due to the virus thing. The lab that I go to isn't doing any virus testing so at least I know that no sickies flock there for a test. I'm still apprehensive about it all... enough so that it's 4am and I haven't been to sleep yet. Pooey! Love, Andrea xoxo

  2. Such pretty flowers! I miss going to the nursery but with our numbers so high here I'm not going anywhere. My sister and her husband just tested positive and are very sick. I am very worried. Araignee

  3. Yellow pear tomatoes are great for tasty mouthfuls - I hope you manage to get a good crop off your plants :)

  4. I love your simple garden and wish I'd take heed, but I don't. I like to fiddle around and pull weeds which is sort of comforting to me in a way. I love pear shaped tomatoes! I dried many of them one year with some seasoning and made them into chips which were a delight to eat. I seasoned them before dehydration. They were fun to eat on winter hikes!

  5. I like the idea of having those coolers used for planters. And in a little red wagon, too! My favorite tomatoes are the small yellow Sun Golds.

  6. Never had that kind of tomato. Will try some for sure if I get the chance though. No point me saying I'll grow some, because I'm no gardener... Tried growing things and it never really worked out too well.

  7. The flowers you got will be pretty together. I like your yellow cover photo theme. We had a flock of finches feasting on the dandelions in our yard for a couple days. Hubby mowed yesterday so the dandelions are gone & so are the birds. I think a got a good couple good pictures of the birds.

  8. I'm unfamiliar with that type of tomato. Sounds interesting. I'm only doing flower containers this year. No tomatoes. I will just have to buy them at the farmer market. My experience at the plant nursery last Saturday was similar. No employees wearing masks and not very many customers were either. I can't speak for other locations but I believe my community is basically ignoring masks and social distancing all of a sudden.

  9. That's a pretty clever little portable little vegetable patch. Hopefully you get the sun and warmth you need to get those tomatoes growing fast.
    It's good to see that you have gardening weather now again. Flowers help the spirit.

  10. Don't know how I manage to miss so many of your post. Just read back to Memorial Day. Those owls are so cute. Owls are a guinea's worst enemy. They come in just before daylight and grab a guinea from it's roost in the cedar tree. I still love owls. Never heard of yellow pear tomatoes. Sounds good. I like the flowers you picked out. I bought red Impatiens this year too. We need a little sun now too. It has been raining for three days, again.

  11. That is a great re-purposing of the coolers! I wish you a bountiful harvest!

  12. What a great idea to repurpose the coolers for container gardening! Easy to move if it gets cold or there is potential for hail.

    You would think after all this time the Pharmacy would have the medicine figured out. Shame it took so long, but at least you got your flower shopping done.

    Take care and stay well.

  13. The seedlings look as if they are doing well and putting them in coolers in the wagon is ingenious. I was at the grocery store at 5:00 am when they opened this morning. I can't get a lot of things on the grocery pick-up orders so I figured early morning there wouldn't be many people there. I was right. I wore my mask and zipped around the store stocking up on a few things I can't get online. There were NO Clorox or lysol wipes. Darn! Now I can do pick up for a few more months again.
    Stay well.

  14. What a neat idea to reuse the coolers as planters! I hope your plants grow strong give you a good harvest!

  15. My tomatoes are taking forever to grow except for the cherry ones. I used to get those coolers too when I used to take Enbrel. I'm sure there are still some down in the basement. Pollen is all over my car and the rain did not wash it away. I love your flowers. That is something I really miss but I am not going to go inside Walmart which I would have to do to checkout. I've got a few perennials and I have seeds I can plant. Enjoy your nice weather! You deserve it!

  16. I love the idea of having plants on a wagon so it is easy to move them around! There is nothing like fresh tomatoes. The flowers you got will brighten up your garden for sure. We live in a very small town and only about a quarter of the people wear masks when they go out. Our grocery store does have all the employees wear a mask and I do appreciate that for their sake. You know most of the young are invincible anyway - right!

  17. Wow! you have had a very productive week, the plants look great, we have had so much rain we are concerned about our tomatoes!
    Thanks for sharing, enjoy your gardening this weekend.

  18. Yes, the spruce pollen is nuts here. It covers everything.

  19. Great idea using the coolers to grow the seedlings in. I've had those yellow pear tomatoes. Apparently they are lower in acid but we didn't really think they tasted any different than the usual ones.
    Love you flowers. I bought some more today too!!

  20. I love the flowers you chose....and the colors. They're going to look so beautiful. Yellow pear tomatoes sound delish!

  21. Plants on wheels. That is a good idea. I am thinking I tossed the wagon as its wheels were shot. I could have bought new ones but I was busy. The pear tomatoes are my favorite. I planted too many tomato seed so have lots of starts left over. I may squeeze more into a section of the flower garden.

  22. Far Guy's yellow pear tomatoes remind me of some of the designer tomatoes my husband likes to grow. He usually buys heirloom varieties from a friend out in the country who sells seedlings out of her yard...but this year, her "crop" got wiped out by a frost, so he had to start some of his own from seed. S-l-o-w process! He grows some pear shaped mini varieties with stripes and different colors. We have several friends who really go for those crazy varieties, but I guess I just favor the old fashioned red domestic varieties, myself. I think I could spend an entire summer eating nothing but fresh tomatoes!

  23. Hmm, everything I've read about yellow pear tomatoes says that they are indeterminate. I hope Far Guy's plants get growing quickly. I have grown them for quite a few years, and have a couple of plants again this year. I think mine are flowering now.


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