Friday, April 3, 2020

Snowstick Winners!

It rained and lots of snow melted.  The snowstick is free of ice and snow.

So we have two winners!   I took these photos just before dark on April 2nd in the rain!

I can walk out to the snowstick without wading through a snowbank.

Congratulations!  DJan a blogger and long time blog friend from Washington State and Maebeme  a blogger from Canada. They both guessed April 2.   DJan  I have your address, Maebeme please email me your address  captainconnie2001atyahoodotcom.   I will mail something off to you next week! The Post Office in our nearby itty bitty town  will work for me as I can tell by cars parked how many people are inside.. I will wait until I am the only one there. 

What will I mail...most likely a one of a kind work of art!

Thank you to everyone who attempted a guess this year.

Far Side


  1. Hurray for no snow, says she as she looks at the snow on the ground...

  2. Congrats to the two winners. Yeah, no snow!

  3. Congratulations to the two winners.

  4. Well, congratulations to me and Maebeme. I am thrilled but it was partly because I didn't think it was possible the snow could last so long and I wanted to give others a chance to win. But I am happy to be a winner of any sort. Thank you, Connie!! :-)

  5. Alright! Congratulations to DJan and Maebeme! And I'm happy for you and Far Guy that your snow is finally leaving!

  6. Congrats! Yeah no snow at the snowstick!!!

  7. Your "contest" is always fun! Keep it up!

  8. And hurray for the arrival of spring weather!

  9. I wish I could announce a winner here in NE Alberta. There was 4-5 inches of snow 3 days ago and the temp this morning is -30C. Enough already.

  10. Hey this year I was fairly close! Congrats to the two winners.

  11. What a difference!!!! Congrats to the winners! Araignee

  12. It was fun! YAY the snow stick is FREE!

  13. Lots of room now for robins to hunt for worms!

  14. Congratulations to DJan and Maebeam!

  15. Congratulations to the winners and yayyyyyy, the snowstick is free!!!! Congratulations to you too, Connie, on that one!! :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

  16. I'm so excited, I rarely win anything! The e-mail with my address has been sent.

    Good to see that the snow is disappearing quickly. Even with the on-going situation the nicer weather will be much appreciated.

    Take care and stay well!

  17. Congratulations you guys. Thanks Connie for doing this. It is always fun to try.
    Anything you send will be a work of art. So nice of you.

  18. That is good news as you may be free of the largest amount of snow. I see northern Iowa is getting freezing rain and snow. Congrats to all the prize winners.

  19. Congratulations to both winners! That was fast this year! And we actually had snow falling yestersay. Be careful at the post office Connie.

  20. Congrats to the winners!! :)

  21. How fun! We are supposed to get snow tonight...bleh...but it won't stay.

  22. When I make a guess it is a stap in the dark as I have no idead about such things

  23. Congratulations to the winners. I hope they ill show us their prizes when they get them.

  24. Yay! At last the snow is gone. Let Spring begin.
    Congratulations to both winners.

  25. Congrats to your snow stick winners! What a fun contest every year! Once it started warming up, I'm surprised at how fast the snow disappeared from that stick! Can real Spring be far behind? Looking forward to the lakes opening up and loons returning! Take good care you 2.

  26. Too bad the Post Office can't institute drive-through service. Bring your wipes! And your own pen! Don't touch anything!

    Glad the sunshine and spring weather is making a comeback for you.

  27. Congratulations to the winners! We had a low of 26 last night with folks covering their plants and bringing inside the pots of flowers! Next week - possible 80. Aaahhh, Kansas.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie