Saturday, April 4, 2020

Snow again and Town Report

It snowed Thursday began with rain and turned to snow before morning.

No sitting outside in wind chills that were below zero.  It snowed just enough to almost cover the grass. is the before the snow town report.

Grocery online ordering and outside pickup was a success.  Lysol Wipes were available...we needed some for the vehicle.  I am contemplating wiping down all the groceries in the parking lot and then putting them in the vehicle.  That way it would be a clean transfer someplace else besides in the house.   I have time while waiting for Far Guy...I might just try it next week.  FYI they were still out of TP as I tried to order one package.

Things were the same at the Clinic...only the patient is allowed inside.  Temperatures are taken and a post it note announces to the world what that temperature was.   Masks are handed out.

There was a nurse in the parking lot tending to someone.

I drove down Main Street on our way home.

Once at home...Far Guy leaves his shoes in the garage and changes to another pair...leaves his oxygen tank carrier in the garage....wipes down his oxygen bottle, throws the oxygen tubing away and heads for the house where he throws all his clothing into the washer and washes up...including giving his moustache a good scrub.

So far there are no cases of the nasty virus in our county.  Knock on wood.

This is day 26 for us being safe at home.  Far Guy feels good, the best he has felt in a long time.  Having no lung irritants like perfume, aftershave and cleaning solution in buildings  makes a big difference. 26 days staying at home having no contact with other people except for the Infusion gals on Thursdays seems to be the key to keeping him feeling good and healthy.  I am now contemplating some kind of bubble I can keep him in.

Far Side


  1. Indeed! No perfumes and crowds! What a wonderful thing to have.
    I haven't been to town in nearly two weeks so I don't know what it looks like.
    I will find out soon.
    You are doing an amazing job.

  2. Isn't it amazing how this change has lead to such better environmental conditions all over the country so quickly. Now if we could only do something about that
    I'm wiping everything like crazy too. Chewy delivered a box late last night and I wouldn't bring it in. It's in the back of the pickup until I can suit up and clean it up.

  3. It's so good to hear that FG is feeling good. And not having perfumes and crowds is also a bonus for many of us. It's been colder here than usual but nothing like your area.

  4. You and the guy have been in my prayers. Glad to hear holding is working!

  5. It's good to know that there are positive outcomes from all of this isolation. I wonder how we will be changed long term when this is all over.
    I have heard both ways now about wiping down all grocery items. I still do it, in the kitchen, a clean counter and a "dirty" counter, and then clean the counters and anything else we touched, washing hands then again. The main thing is not to touch your face until all of the cleaning is done.

  6. How long does the virus last on hard surfaces? I read somewhere that it lasts longer on cardboard.
    Keeping you and Gene and your sister in law with cancer in my prayers.

  7. I don’t plan on going shopping until May. My pantry is well stocked. I’ll miss fresh fruit, but I have some frozen fruit. Happy to hear FG is feeling good.

  8. Connie, it sounds like you've got a plan and you folks are sticking to it. Perfectly, I might add. Good for you! If you have to go out, it sounds like you're doing it in absolutely the right way. I pray your county misses the virus altogether, because of your actions and the actions of others like you. Isn't it sad that our world is so polluted. I wish people would become wise after this and pollute less, when things return to "normal". But I doubt it.... very much. Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. This new way of living may be the best way for you guys to live for the foreseeable future, otherwise I see him walking around in one of those big clear plastic balls.

  10. I am so glad you both are doing well.

  11. We are now mandated by our Governor to wear face masks...deaths in our state 111 as of yesterday. We are still well and keeping busy farming.

  12. Snow again! But I imagine it will melt quickly. So good to hear FG is feeling okay - hope it stays that way until he can get his transplant (having his own bubble sounds like a good idea). Take care and stay safe, Mxx

  13. Since you have the time wiping down the groceries before they even go in the vehicle sounds like a plan--weather permitting, of course. You guys have this down now. Glad FarGuy is feeling better!! :) :)

  14. You are doing such a great job with all of this. Me? I'm an idiot. I went to the mailbox yesterday and there was an unexpected cardboard box. I carried it home under my arm and right into the house out of habit.. I did come to my senses, empty the box and take it outside and then Clorox wiped everything down that it had touched.
    I'm so glad Far Guy is doing so well. Lets hope this is all over soon so he can get his transplant and life can go on with actually seeing people we love in person with skin on and not through a camera lens!

  15. Aside from snow and freezing temperatures, a good report! We now have 3 confirmed cases in our county. I guess it's time to make a few face masks.💖

  16. Great news that Far Guy is feeling better than he has for some time. Snow again... not such good news. Hopefully it doesn't stay long.

  17. I'm so glad he is feeling good! It sounds like you have some good routines worked out. We bring our groceries in and put on the table, then wash hands, then wipe down all grocery items with antibacterial wipes, then wipe down table. If you can't do it in the car could you in the garage?

    We still have not found any TP either. Luckily we had a big pack from Costco but that won't last for ever! Three weeks ago, before things got so bad, I tried ordering a 3-pk box of wipes from Amazon and was able to get them so we have that for the moment. These are sure crazy times that I never expected.

  18. Day 26 and nothing in sight as to when this will end. Stay safe and healthy.

  19. I am glad that your husband is doing so well during quarantine.

  20. That is wonderful news that Far Guy is feeling so well. Now if we could just get everyone to stay scent free and continue the physical distancing when out in public.

    Take care and stay well!

  21. I have no idea what it is like outside as I haven't been anywhere in weeks

  22. It's weird, the little silver linings, isn't it? They say in the city, the lack of traffic means less air pollution so kids with asthma are feeling better.

  23. Thanks you two, for doing all you can to stay safe, even when you have to go out for some things. Sounds like the next two weeks are two crucial weeks for staying in and staying safe. We're doing what we can...ordering groceries to be delivered, and if Jim has to go out, he is wearing a mask and gloves. Praying this will all blow over sometime soon. Take care!

  24. Boo hiss! Not more snow :(

    Glad the isolation has done Far Guy some good. It is great to get a break like that if it can get him back to feeling good and healthy again. It's a good thing those lysol wipes don't affect his lungs. Hardly anything bothers me, but when I smell those disinfectant wipes, they get me coughing, for some reason.

  25. I'm glad you guys are still doing well, and that Far Guy in particular is doing so well right now. I hope that continues to be the case.


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