Thursday, April 2, 2020

10 things

I have decided that instead of being in a funk about this virus situation I can do certain things every day.  This is day 24 for us being safe at home.

1. Do something to make someone smile.
2. Do something for Far let him cook.
3. Reach out to someone....check on the elderly...mail a card.
4. Complete a small project...clean out a drawer or a cupboard.  Organize something!
5. Go for a walk...
6. Do something volunteer related...indexing, find a grave or crochet for charity
7. Do an activity that I enjoy...making cards, knitting, crocheting, watch a movie or taking photos.
8. Put my feet up and close my eyes for at least 30 minutes.
9. Disinfect something! Clean clean clean!
10. Pray many times a day ( easy). Accept the things I cannot change (very hard).

What would you add to your list?

I like to be in control of our situation...and this whole nasty virus has me feeling like I am in a tornado spinning out of control.   So I suppose I am a bit of a control freak (who knew).

Sometimes my thoughts get the best of me.

 I like to know that Far Guy is not taking any unnecessary chances that would place him in peril...

that he isn't walking too far running out of oxygen without having his phone turning blue at the edge of the road about to be run over by the Speedee Delivery guy that drives too fast on our back road that might accidentally encounter a spike stick someday...  see that is what it is like inside  brain at any given moment when I don't know what the heck Far Guy is up to.  He has a very worn out beat up Guardian Angel...that is probably on strike.

We are melting more every day.

Far Side


  1. I do like your list! For years I was a control freak and thought it was my duty to make everyone happy and take care of them until I got sick from it all and realized no one really appreciated all the sacrifices I made for them so.....I moved down here and made a new life for myself and "healed". I don't really worry about anything as I do what I can to be 'prepared' and after that I let it go knowing I've done all I can and the rest is in God's hands. It's very freeing! It did not happen overnight though. I journaled and put all worries on paper in the morning (still do) and all negative thoughts so I could free my mind up for the day. I saw a neat prayer the other day and the last line said something about staying out of God's way! LOL! I like that and I think it is very true. I think worrying can be a habit and if so you can break it and enjoy your life! Think about the worst thing that could happen and know you will be able to handle it just like you have all your life. You are strong but you are not invincible....ask God for help and take care of you! Hugs ~ Sam

  2. I like your idea of having a list of helpful ,positive things to do. I too am in a funk about this virus thing. My Pastor just sent out a very inspirational email about thinking positive and trusting our Lord and Savior. Don't know what I would do without all my friends and my Faith in God. Glad you are both still doing well. P.S. I am a control freak also.

  3. i'm watching us army band every day at 1 pm...different type of concert every day...on is an oasis of pure enjoyment with NO mention of virus at all...

  4. I like your list idea, and that's a great list you have there.

    Sometimes my thoughts get the better of me too, especially right now.

  5. Love your list Connie! I will keep it handy. I heard about a church in Texas that recommend saying the Lord's Prayer every time you wash your hands. lots of food for thought there!

  6. Well, I am the recipient of one of your sweet cards that came into my mailbox at just the right moment. It sure lifted my spirits! Thank you, Connie. :-)

  7. I think even if his Guardian Angel is a bit tired and bruised. She has a backup waiting in the "wings". And sometimes there is one holding him up by each arm. He is well tended. I think everyone's guardian angel needs help and as many as it takes, will keep him safe.

  8. You are doing all the right things. Keep doing them. I totally understand that feeling of spinning out of control. This week I was feeling a bit more calm - until talking to my daughter (respiratory therapist) last night. The had a major staff meeting yesterday to "gear up" for the increase in cases that is coming their way. So - we'll continue to do what you are - stay home and stay safe.

  9. That's a very good list. We are doing some of those things (especially the naps), I'm going to add some more of your ideas. It sort of feels like one of those old Sci-Fi movies where the alien is eating everyone and you're wondering if you're next.

  10. Great list Connie. I have found that I need to be less on social media and not hearing all of the daily updates of what is happening in the state regarding the coronavirus.

    There are so many free resources online from concerts to learning a new skill such as a new language.

    Praying for you two for health and patience to get through this difficult time.

    It seems so many "things" have been stripped away from us with the social distancing but one thing does not change and never will. God is always on the throne. He loves and cares for each of us. We can take this time to get to know Him better.


  11. Good list to live by. I am surprised that the snow has melted so much.

  12. You need lots and lots of hugs. So I'm sending some from me!

  13. I think the best thing I did was giving up Facebook for Lent.... I bet it is full of accusations, conspiracy theories and negativity. I may just extend that hiatus....
    That's a good list. I think that we need to remember that God allowed this to happen, and therefore He must have a reason and in the end some good will come from it.

  14. Having a routine plays a key role in coping with the isolation. Your list sounds great.

  15. The virus will certainly upset plans unless like you we deliberately set specific achievable goals.

  16. I like your list and as someone who recieved a card from you, I know how much that lifts the spirits of the recipients. I'm a worrier and like to control my situation too. I have been surprisingly calm through all of this and I keep waiting for the shoe to drop. I pray. A LOT! You and Gene and our other blog friend Connie are at the top of my prayer list along with Dennis, (going to work every day in the middle of this stuff,) and his sister who is having surgery tomorrow. Add in daughter Mandy, who is a nurse, Alex and Tara and everyone else on my list and I spend most of my day in prayer while I knit or crochet.
    Blessings and love,

  17. I'm certain you were worried enough about Far Guy before all this started, and this has simply added significantly to your stress level. I like your to-do list; not only are you caring for others but you haven't forgotten yourself.

    Take care and stay well!

  18. Far Guy's Guardian Angel is just fine! These Angels get energized by challenges so these days they are all very high energy and working hard!
    I love your list. Does that mean if I let my husband cook I am doing something for him? What if I let him clean the bathroom?

  19. I also like to feel in control of my own life. It is the unknown that is so unsettling. Your list of things-to-do each day is awesome - now you just have to do them! LOL Stay safe, Mxx

  20. Oh, now I think FarGuys guardian angel is doing a fine job! He is alive and safe at home for now with someone who loves him dearly...and he can still cook for her. ;)
    On my list is the calligraphy class (I never seem to get to since isolation), card making, art stuff, letter writing, Annie snuggling...and lots of shows to watch and audio books. But my life hasn't changed much. Except I miss McFamily and Caroline. :)

  21. I absolutely LOVE your list, Connie. The only thing I can think to add is perhaps do some pruning of bushes & trees outside... or clean up some of the flower or shrub beds. The cleaning of the beds would be hard to do tho, if they're still covered in snow! *lol* But they won't be for long. Love, Andrea xoxo

  22. I like your list, I would add sit outside in the sun for 10 minutes or more each day, i would also add write a letter annd send it to those who rarely hear from others it will brighten their day.

  23. Great list! I would add do something creative, write down at least three things I’m grateful for, and spend at least 30 minutes outdoors.

  24. You have reason for your concerns. I hope you can let your mind rest a bit when you work on that list.
    I do make a list every day of what I want to get accomplished. It's nearly as good as yours though.

  25. Is the snow all gone or almost gone from your snow's looking pretty bare in that part of your yard! Big congratulations to whomever the winner is! We are loving this warm weather....still alot of big snow piles to melt though. Love your list of ten things....I don't think I could get that much done in a day....but some of it, I do! We ordered from the grocery store today for the first time...It won't be delivered until next Tuesday....but we'll be ok. Take good care.....stay safe and stay well you two!

  26. Your stick will be free tomorrow!
    I am trying not to listen to too much news. Our county has very few cases, but the film and gloom prognostication can certainly do a number on a person. My guy is starting to get very anxious which is worrying me. He has to do the shopping because I am vulnerable, but he doesn't want to. It's getting scary for us.

  27. That's a good list. I don't know what I could possibly add to it. Your snow is almost gone!!! Let's hope no new snow falls and mild weather prevails.

  28. Creativity and routine I think are necessary ~ take care!

  29. Well, you can cross #1 off your list, every time you post. And isn't it great medicine to counteract all that ambient angst? I'd send you a card, too, except I think I lost your new address when you moved your mail box around the corner to the other driveway. So I'll send positive thoughts :)

  30. The turning to an older age has messed my lists up a lot. What I think I can do isn't what I truly probably can do anymore. I have always tried to take care of others priority one. Encouraging all people even at the supper market. I will have to think more on this as I am project free today and am on the way to a hospital/clinic hoping our friend does not have lung cancer.

  31. Your list starts out with a great one, give someone something to smile about. Our lists are similar.


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