Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Robin not a joke!

Far Guy saw a Robin in the yard yesterday afternoon while I was taking a nap.  He took a photo and showed me at supper ever so proud!

I went outside after supper and got a photo of my own.

First Robin in our yard  March 31 2020

First Robins In Our Yard:
April 19 2008, April 11 2009, April 5 2010, April 4 2011, March 23 2012, April 27 2013, April 9 2014,  April 24  2015, April 21 2016, April 5 2017, April 29 2018,
some time in late May 2019, and March 31 2020.

Not sure what happened in 2019...seems like I waited to see a Robin in our yard all spring.  Other birds were showing up but no Robins.

There is still plenty of snow and ice at the snowstick.

We had another quiet day, Far Guy woodcarved outside, we walked to the mailbox and wandered around in the woodshop/greenhouse.   I cleaned the bathroom and did some laundry and cleaned one more kitchen cupboard.

Life as we know it goes on.  Stay safe!
Far Side


  1. Your snow looks like it's melting nicely, Connie, and sightings of the first robin always gives us hope, doesn't it. Yes, "life as we know it goes on", that's for sure. This will all be over one day... but we'll talk about it for the rest of our lives, as will the younger generations too. Love, Andrea xoxo

  2. It looks like you might get more snow? So sorry but it will probably be the last of it. They could be wrong too as they are sure wrong down here. Glad you saw your robin...they have been long gone from here. I have some bird building a nest outside my kitchen window on the downspout. There used to be the same type of bird that built her nest there every year and then she must have died as there hasn't been one in several years. Now, the same type of bird is building one in the same place. I wonder if it's a relative? Stay busy, stay well, and thank God we have the internet to stay connected!

  3. How exciting for you. I saw my first Robin a couple of weeks ago. Now all kinds of birds are showing up. Still practicing my social distancing and stay at home. Hubby was just notified yesterday that they have a choice at work. Either cut their hours from 40 hours per week down to 20 hours per week or take a 2 week unpaid furlough. So far the majority want the 20 hours per week - so that they keep getting some kind of paycheck. Things are just getting way too crazy. I keep asking God for strength to get us all thru this and to stay healthy.

  4. I don't think the robins ever left here this year. I was seeing them all winter. It was unusually mild. Araignee

  5. My husband built a robin nest box & 3 blue houses to see if we could attract the birds to build nests & raise some little ones.

  6. I've been excited by seeing the occasional cardinal at the bird feeder right outside my office window. I had to finally venture out to Walmart to pick up binders for some last minute contracts for work. I knew my husband was bored because he insisted on going along so he could buy more bird seed.

  7. From your Robin Record, I would say your robin is early this year. Good. We all need robin song this spring.

  8. I've been hearing Robins, but have yet to see one in my yard. I did see one on the way to buy groceries one day.

  9. I haven’t seen a robin yet. I suppose at this altitude, it’s too early to hope for that sign of Spring.

  10. What a lovely sign robins are, to let you know spring is arriving. We don't have robins, but I always listen for the call of the shining cuckoo as it heralds the arrival of summer here.

  11. Glad you got to see your first robin of the year.

  12. No robins in Hawaii. My yard is green, yours is white.

  13. My three year old thinks that all robins are one robin, a bird named "Robin". So the robin she sees in my yard visits her in her yard, too, a town away. We have our first robin too!

  14. Early Robin this year! It's snowing here right now but not sticking on the ground much. Thank you for the beautiful card that arrived yesterday. I have it sitting right in front of me where I can see it all day.

  15. I love the sight of the first robin! A sure sign of spring. I saw one last week and have since seen several. I don't think the snow will last at the snowstick much longer. Enjoy your coming Spring!

  16. We have flocks of robins here. It rained recently and they were all over the lawn hopping around listening for worms.

  17. I haven't seen a robin yet but I know that they are here.

  18. Love to see robins a sure sign that spring weather is around the corner.
    Stay well, and carry on.

  19. Evidence has been procured. You have your first robin.

  20. Hooray! And we had our first hummingbird yesterday. I imagine he is just passing through and planning on going further north. Too early to nest I think. He’s very hungry, too. Long sips and many trips.

  21. Robins are a sure sign of Spring. I'm not sure just what your robin will find to eat. No worms yet.

  22. Well, I can't put down a March date for seeing a robin because I haven't spotted one yet. Our huge snow piles seem to be diminishing a little bit. These 50 degree temps do help alot. You are getting alot of cleaning done and far guy is getting alot of wood carving done. Good for you both. Our daughter and son-in-law in New Jersey both have the virus but they're getting better by the day. Thank you God. Stay safe and stay well you two.

  23. That's an early robin! Grackles returned to my patio, but no robins yet. Grackles like the suet--LOL! ;)

  24. I saw a robin on Monday - too early in my mind, but my brother says they've been on the farm for a couple of weeks. Regardless, it is exciting to see them. Spring is on its way!

    Take care and stay well!

  25. It's interesting how varied those First Robin Sightings dates have been through the years. I'd say you had an outlier in that May date for sure.

  26. I saw a fat robin just the other day. He was pulling worms out of the yard, and didn't care who saw him. I'm so glad everyone is hanging in there in your neck of the woods. You are always on my mind and carried in my heart. :-)

  27. That's amazing that you've kept track for so many years! We have flocks of robins gallivanting around here, but yesterday I saw that they are starting to pair off. Time for nesting!


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