Tuesday, March 31, 2020


I baked!  Well first I cleaned out a cupboard in the kitchen and found a partial bag of Bran Cereal that I was supposed to use for muffins.  Saw it and threw it on the counter...that top cupboard is awfully tall so I have to use a step ladder to clean out all the corners real good.  I recalled the tart dried cherries I had in the deep freeze...would they still be good? 

There were more bran flakes than the recipe called for...so I didn't measure I just dumped and added more of everything....I could not replicate the recipe to save my life.

They turned out just fine...another baking success!  I found a bunch of corn meal...that will wait for another day.

Years ago I used to make muffins for Far Guy every week, he would grab two out of the freezer on his way to work...he would thaw them out on the 90 mile drive.  Back then he took coffee with him but he had a small coffee maker that plugged into the cigarette lighter so he could warm up his coffee or make some fresh.

It was a nice day here yesterday...in the evening it turned cool with the wind coming from the East across the lake. During the day Far Guy woodcarved outside and I cleaned up the solar light garden.

There is still about five inches of snow at the snowstick. We may get rain on Thursday.
Goodbye March....you were not a real pleasant month for anyone.  BUT I am thankful we made it through the month.  Stay safe everyone!
Far Side


  1. Goodbye March and hello April! I like your solar garden. All of my solar lights have died or have been broken. I thought about picking them up when I saw yours! Then common sense took over. I may not have any solar lights this year. Perhaps I will leave the Christmas Lights on the pine trees instead?
    Your muffins look great!
    I'm going to make some brownies today. My big baking adventure!

  2. Those muffins look so delicious. I used to bake all the time, bread muffins, cookie. Now days i bake Sour Cream Twist cookies once a year for my son. We have had nothing but rain for the last couple of days, sump pumps are really running. I am glad to see March come to an end. and hoping April is much better. At least hubby and I are still virus free and healthy. Stay safe and healthy.

  3. Thank you for the lovely card! You are so nice to share your talents with us bloggers! We are staying home except to pick up groceries. . . a new experience for us. The option has been in place here for a while. Home delivery is also available at a price which is not unreasonable if you can't go there.

  4. I ventured out for a quick shop yesterday. I was surprised at how empty the shelves are still. Must be supply lines are broken down. There was only one left of my favorite soy milk. We are OK on the TP front, but I don't want to go out again any time soon. I wore a mask and gloves and will not go out without them any more. Stay safe, dear Connie!

  5. Glad the muffins turned out fine, and that you and Far Guy are still safe and well.

  6. I am so kicking myself for cleaning all my cabinets and tossing everything right before this nightmare began. Of course, I had no idea my kitchen remodel would be interrupted but I sure wish I had my big containers of baking flours. What I would give for a corn muffin right now. Araignee

  7. Thank you for the biscuit recipe. I made them yesterday and we had jelly on them. Delicious! Stay safe.

  8. You are such a creative cook! If I "threw" things together it would not be edible! LOL! I see lots of bare ground up there! Looking good in your neighborhood! Stay well!

  9. Years ago I also used to freeze muffins for my husband to take to work. But I have to follow a recipe - I can tweak it a bit to suit myself but I could never just throw it all in LOL! Sounds like your thaw is well under way and you will soon be dancing around a snow-free yard. Take care :) xx

  10. Very creative baking! I cleaned out one cabinet and had to toss some badly expired items. But ended up baking banana bread and some cookies. Baking isn't something I enjoy particularly but it was a nice treat and used up some supplies.

    A 90 mile commute? That makes for a very long day.

  11. I tweaked a recipe and made banana walnut muffins a while back. We ate a few and I put the rest in the freezer. We enjoyed some for our anniversary breakfast on Sunday. I like to bake but we try to avoid baked goods anymore. I might just have to make more muffins though.
    That snow stick just might reveal its self this week. No April foolin'.

  12. I remember having a coffee pot like that and used it on long trips. Not many coffee shops in those days. I opened the doors and got some fresh air in the apartment this morning. Snow and cold coming through on Thurs.

  13. GOOD BYE MARCH! Don't let the door hit on the way out!

  14. Might be a good time for weekly muffins again--LOL! Muffins are great!
    Really been melting here, too. Have a super week. :)

  15. Your muffins look good! I need to figure out what I can bake with what I have on hand. The baking aisle at the store is almost empty. I usually like March but this year I'm glad to see it go.

  16. Those muffins look really good. I'm thinking of baking cookies today although we really don't need them. I have my "teledoc" neurolgist appointment in half an hour. I sure hope I can figure it all out. It's rain/snowing here right now. At least at this point it's not sticking to the ground like it did overnight. I'm so ready for this nightmare of a March to be over.

  17. Love muffins but my husband doesn't so I only make the kinds I like :0)
    Glad you are staying healthy

  18. That's about the way I bake too. Sort of haphazard. Mostly things turn out quite edible. Happy last day of March!!

  19. Good work with the muffins. I know people say baking is a science but I tend to toss stuff in and it works out most times.

    Take care and stay well!

  20. We have lost very little snow and it's cold. I see the last storm is east of Winnipeg and might miss you.

  21. I told David about the coffee maker plugged into the cigarette socket in your husband's car. He is quite impressed.

  22. 5 inches to go! Good Bye March! I will not miss you at all!

  23. Your muffins look and sound yummy! I always feel like baking when I see somebody else is baking! Wow the snow is receding fast on your snow stick....how is June the snowbank doing these days? We still have some humongous snowbanks around here...but one of these days they may disappear. It's fun to see that parts of your yard are now snow free! One of these warmer days I'm going to sit outside on the deck and watch the ice on the lake melt...hopefully! Take care.

  24. The muffins sure look good. I used to make muffins with raisin bran but just haven't thought about it in a long time. It does still look like winter there. Hope spring brings you some warmer temps and melts the snow.

  25. I've been wanting to try out a new muffin recipe but we still have cornbread so I'm holding off. I love muffins, they are a nice treat with our morning coffee. Today was supposed to be rainy but it turned out only the morning was so we took a nice walk this afternoon.

  26. You had me at tart dried cherries :)

    Glad your creation turned out as yummy as they look!

  27. You do look like you are doing serious thawing. I think March is one I don't want to remember for a lot of reasons.

  28. The muffins look great. You made me go snack.


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