Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Pussy Willows and Spring Cleaning

The Pussy Willows are at the pollen stage.

They are done being cute individually.
However they still look good en masse.

The lake on Monday.

It was supposed to rain yesterday, it was cloudy but it didn't rain.

I worked on spring cleaning in the living room and I am a third done!  It will be slow going for a day or two...we have lots of woodcarvings on display that need to be cleaned.

 I broke a mirror so seven years of bad luck will follow me around unless I throw salt over my left shoulder. 

Far Side


  1. Pussy Willows bloomed here and left the seeds all over my yard. Hope you threw the salt over your left shoulder.

  2. I love pussy willows but haven't seen any in years! You go girl on the cleaning! I wish I could say I am right behind you but alas I am not! Still prepping for Stitch Maynia but I am through shopping for awhile now and today I need to cook and then it will be time to mow again! Enjoy your beautiful Spring!

  3. I didn't get that cleaning done! Wish I were like you, I read a book I got as a gift from my son instead. I took a day off.

  4. With the two of us rattling around in here all day I can't keep up with the cleaning. I need to drag everything outside and hose the place

  5. It rained here for a little while. Even heard thunder for the second time this year.
    Salt over the shoulder is essential. ;)

  6. I never heard of changing your luck with a throw of salt over your left shoulder. I'll have to try that, or is it only good for when you break a mirror? :-)

  7. The lake looks so tranquil. It would be wonderful to have a view like that. We got a little rain last evening about supper time. My husband is trying to repair some major lawn damage so that little rain will help. He pressure washed our back deck yesterday to remove all of the dirt and loose/peeling stain. We will need to re-stain that deck fairly soon.

  8. Grab the salt! That's a tradition in my family!

  9. Such a beautiful view at the lake. I spent the afternoon outside yesterday but I was sitting and knitting, not working. I'm off to get my grocery pick up order in a few minutes. Wish me luck. They have already emailed me that they substituted things and some others are just plain out of stock. Oh, for the olden days of going to the store and getting exactly what you needed.

  10. Primo allergy conditions! The Aspen catkins appeared last week and will soon be little pollen bombs. Yesterday, I moved a bench from the garage to its outside location - now it will rain. 😉

  11. Yep, salt over the shoulder! You are going to have the best Spring cleaned house anywhere to be found!

  12. I am not superstitious in any way a broken mirrow is bad luck if you cut yourself on the broken glass

  13. Spring cleaning is so satisfying - the end results are so worth it :)

  14. You're telling about spring cleaning but you can't make me feel guilty.

  15. Oh, please, I hope you tossed salt over your shoulder. No one needs more bad luck. :-)

  16. OOh I'd like to see all those woodcarvings that are on display. I would still love to buy one of far guy's lady slippers one of these days. They are so beautiful, as I remember, and since I originated in Minnesota they would have alot of meaning for me! I think we got your rain. It's been raining here for 3 days straight. I think we're headed for sunshine and higher temps very soon! Had to have a Pest Guy in today, cause all of a sudden we have small black ants! Yuck. I think we might have some uncles too! Take care you two!

  17. The lake looks so nice...and ice free! I haven't seen pussy willows in years. They grew near the slough down the road from the farm I grew up on but I've never seen them near the city.

    Take care and stay well!

  18. Does the Salt actually work? I always thought broken mirrors were seven years bad luck and there was nothing you could do about it. That is why I never look at my own reflection....

  19. Salt makes for more cleanup though. Do you have to do it in the location of the broken mirror, or can you go outside to do it, lol?

  20. Make it one of those cardboard salt shakers so it won't break or break anything else.


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