Thursday, April 9, 2020


Far Guy has a woodcarving ready to paint.   I told him he could do it!

All his facebook friends think it should be a yellow rose....maybe.  I believe he was thinking red.

My old brain finally finished another scarf....I had three projects going at once and my brain kept messing up...forgetting which stitch I was supposed to be doing.  ( brain farts)

This is more fallish...but it is finished.  You can see the yard is mainly brown.

The yarn is Sugarbush Drizzle a super kid mohair and silk.  The color is called Rustic Downpour.

I am STILL working on the kitchen cupboards.  I try to do a few everyday...yesterday I did 4 cupboards and 5 drawers.  I began raking parts of the yard a few days ago...yesterday I raked whilst it spit round snow icy balls out of the sky.

We are both feeling okay....I was a bit discouraged to hear  that the Governor of our great State is extending the Stay at Home until May  and he expects that we will reach a peak outbreak in July when there should be enough ventilators to go around.  He is also asking summer people to stay home and away from their cottages. ( Lotza luck with that one Gov)

There are no COVID 19 cases in our county yet.
Far Side


  1. I'm awake, can't sleep, so I guess I get to be the first to comment today. I like the colors of that scarf very much, lots of colors you could wear it with. The carving is wonderful.
    Our schools have been closed for the rest of the school year, and I think that will be happening in most states. We all wish we could get this over with sooner, and I guess if it turns out we are over- reacting, it will actually be a blessing. But it is going to be hard to put up with.

  2. Love the colors on the scarf. Very pretty. Schools here will probably be cancelled for the rest of the year. I am hoping that our Gov doesn't extend our stay at home. We are in it until April 24th as it is. Can't wait for this to be over, however, I do feel there will be some unpleasant consequences arising from this. My hubby's whole department is talking reorganization and that doesn't sound very good. PRaying this all ends soon and for the good.

  3. Beautiful projects! You both have been busy. Our governor declared our little county a hotspot yesterday. We went from one case to 60 in matter of two weeks even with the strict lockdown. We have one tiny little hospital with a limited ICU that mainly serves as triage. We are usually flown out when things get bad but that's not happening as the DC and Baltimore hospitals are full. Scary, scary times. Araignee

  4. I hope for your sake that people do listen and stay away from their lake homes. They could easily bring covid to your county and then use all the limited hospital resources. That's the concern here too since so many from the Twin Cities have lake homes here. With the extra time on their hands and the cheap gas they have been sightseeing on the North Shore and Lake County now has covid cases. Please let them be smart and stay away to help you and Far Guy stay safe.

  5. The scarf is beautiful! I haven't read the news yet today...this first! The carving? I'd be tempted to just put something on it that would bring out the wood grain and leave it as is! Wow!

    We are living our normal hermit type life, except that I am not doing anything off the farm at all. I miss the interaction I had with others at CrossFit a LOT! But I am willing to do what it takes to keep myself and hubby safe.

  6. We have had 19 deaths at our local hospital, and almost 300 cases in our county. That we know of, anyway. I think I had it but was never tested but have recovered completely. I used telemedicine to interact with my doctor. That is a very pretty scarf, great colors.

  7. So glad you have no cases. We have 10 so far with limited testing. 1 death. One of the cases was a mother with 7 in the family. Not enough tests so when she was positive, they isolated the family. The last 3 are people in mid 20's. No known contact so they are saying community spread.

  8. Our tiny little county now has 3 cases....none are serious and they are isolated at home, The local WalMart now has one in - one out rules....I would hate to be the person in charge of that! Love all your projects....I'm teleworking and see no end in sight...

  9. Far Guy is certainly a talented wood carver. I can't wait to see his rose all painted... I have a fondness for yellow roses, but red ones are nice too! We have 30 COVID cases in our county and our schools are closed until April 29th and I expect that as we get closer to that date they will close them for the remainder of the school year. I'm not sure when our stay at home, or as we call it "house arrest" is scheduled to end. I know it isn't for quite a while. Stay safe and well!

  10. I would guess many of the summer folks might already be handing out in their cottages. I have to agree that the rose really would look fabulous in yellow. He does amazing carving! Your shawl is beautiful - very soft and wispy. Good job!

    We've had 3 Covid cases early on and all 3 have recovered. However one of the cases from another county died in our local hospital so the data is kind of deceptive. DD#1 is caring for Covid cases each day at work (respiratory therapist) and settling into a routine.

  11. The rose is gorgeous! Love all roses but red is my favorite.
    The scarf is so pretty and lacey!
    Hey-ND still doesn't even have a stay at home edict. We are lousy neighbors. :(

  12. I don't know how our economy is going to survive this stay at home, close all essential businesses order. That being said, I do believe we are keeping safe but I still am concerned for people to have a living.

  13. Far Guy did a great job on the rose, and your shawl is a beauty. Stay at Home orders are working in Wyoming as the curve is relatively flattened - no deaths, which is a good thing.

  14. Both of you are takented artists. I love the carving and scarves. Amazing you are so productive during confinement. Most of us are saying, "finally I have time to (insert negleted chores) but we let days go by without doing them. You are an inpiration.

  15. You are both keeping busy with your projects. The rose is beautiful as is your scarf. There is so much talent between the two of you.
    Our governor has cancelled school for the remainder of the year...and will decide if it's safe to resume in the fall. Seriously? The fall?
    Meanwhile, we got an email from the resort where our trailer is, and the season is opening May 1 as usual. They are considered an "essential business". Again, seriously? Camping is essential? You aren't allowed to fish though. Who is making us these rules?
    Take care and stay safe my friend.

    1. Wow, camping? I can't believe they'd open the RV resort. People are usually packed into those places and hang out together around the fire etc...weird.

  16. Wow, the rose is beautiful. I'd kind of like it with just a clear shellack or whatever you'd put on wood. The better to recognize the beautiful carving. And the shawl is just beautiful too, love those colors. I need to order some yard from somewhere because my last project has been done for weeks. I keep thinking I'll be able to go to a store...but I think our stay at home order is going to be extended too. The governor is speaking today at 3.

    1. I agree with Dawn , just put a clear finish on it and let the grain of the wood show through , gorgeous.
      Just go ahead and send me that shaw , it is beautiful . ;)

  17. PS: I was going to say you are far more energetic than me. I thought about cleaning out the silverware drawer and haven't even done that yet, much less all the rest!

  18. Both your projects are beautiful! I hope you'll post a photo of the rose once it is painted.

    After your reminder, I did get the drawers in my kitchen cleaned. The cutlery drawer needed it most of all!

    We've got 56 cases here in my city and at least 3 people are in hospital, though I don't believe we've had any deaths thus far. Provincially we're just under the 300 mark, with 3 deaths. Our schools were closed three weeks ago with no expectation they would reopen until the fall. I'm hopeful people will heed the warnings to stay out of cottage country because the health care centers there won't be able to handle much.

    Take care and stay well!

  19. Oh my goodness, Far Guy's carving!!!!! It made me gasp... how beautiful!!!! So is your shawl, Connie.... and, just for the record, I love fall & fall's colors! I think your Governor is probably overly optimistic about May but bless his heart. I'm guessing the stay-at-home order will last through the summer but perhaps I'm being pessimistic. Maybe there's a happy middle in there somewhere. Love, Andrea xoxo

  20. We are entering Easter weekend, a time when traditionally everyone flocked to the beach for their last summer holiday break. The Police began roadblocks throughout the country yesterday to try and prevent people from traveling instead of staying home, and were finding far too many people were breaking the lockdown rules. They make them turn around and go home again. I hope for your sake that the holidaymakers stay away. Take care, Mxx

  21. My project is at a standstill as I can't get supplies for it. The taking of the friend to the hospital clinic was a two hour plus time sitting in the parking lot. Serious tests for cancer in lungs and bones.I keep discovering new things about the doll chest. The rose is wonderfully carved.

  22. That rose is gorgeous! He is certainly a talented carver. I love the scarf and that will go with so many different colors too. I sure do understand brain farts! I have more of those these days. I can see where too many crochet projects at the same time could get confusing. Of course I would not be able to handle even one! and you are getting cupboards cleaned out too?! I sure could learn some things from you. This isolation is making me lazy and that's not good! You two take care!

  23. The rose is so beauitful I really like it
    I haven't left the house in a month

  24. The rose is lovely and red or yellow it will be even lovelier.
    Your projects inspire me to do more so keep it up.

  25. I love far guy's rose, even before it's painted....and love your new shawl. You guys produce some beautiful things, that's for sure. We're pretty used to staying in....but we know that this nation has got to get back to work before too long, before so many businesses go out of business! This will be the longest April we've ever lived thru. Stay well you guys.

  26. Goodness, July!?!? Awesome carving of the flower. Both yellow and red seem like good choices. I would take up carving on a small scale if Cheryl would let me.... maybe. It is messy and there is dust or chips ( depending on what tools you use.) I personally loved carving big things. With Chisels... Much more satisfying than chainsaws... but I used everything I could get my hands on to shape the wood. Good times.

  27. Beautiful creations - as always.

  28. I was surprised to see your governor estimated a peak day for cases in July. I read a report by a national medical modeling concern that they estimate the overall peak day for the country will be over the next few days. I hope whatever day everyone settles on is the right day! Hard to determine when it will be safe to come "out" again (but sure glad we haven't had to resort to roadblocks like NZ yet, though!)

  29. Nice you're getting so many projects done.


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