Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Far Guy's Woodcarving Projects and Graupel

Far Guys facebook friends voted on the color...yellow won. 

I helped him a bit choosing the right color yellow.

It is a lovely rose!  It was packaged up and mailed to one of his high school friends.

I asked him what he was going to carve next...he had no idea...but I had an idea for him!
The wood is Black Walnut....and this treasure will be all mine!

Ever heard of Graupel?  That is the word they use to describe the soft snowy balls that have been falling from the sky.  One minute the sun is shining and the next graupel is falling from the sky.
The Juncos are back along with two Purple Finches.
Far Side


  1. I'm glad yellow won... I love yellow roses (they're my favourite flower).

    No, I hadn't ever heard of Graupel. Fun word.

  2. The yellow rose is absolutely gorgeous. Tell Far guy he did a great job. Never heard of the word Graupel. Is tha Norwegian?

  3. That is beautiful! We had snow with the sunshine yesterday...lol, what is that called? Some of the most strangest names I've hear for weather are: Chicken Squall and Thundersnow.

  4. The rose is beautiful. And no, I've never heard of graupel. To southerners it's all snow that can come if it only stays for a day or so and never past the end of March.

  5. That is a gorgeous rose! What a treasure gift.
    I had never heard of graupel before in all my years living with snow until this year. I have seen it, of course--LOL! It's a german word for soft hail. How odd. We got graupeled again here, too. ;)

  6. He is very talented with the carving tools. The rose is lovely. Graupel is not part of our vocabulary here in southern Missouri. The internet weather yesterday for our area said "snow will stop in 10 minutes" except it was not snowing or even raining and it was in the 40s. Maybe they got us mixed up with someplace else

  7. Walnut will be beautiful clear finished . I do like the yellow as well.

  8. That is a beautiful yellow rose. I've now got a song going through my head about the yellow rose of Texas. I have seen graupel but never knew how to spell it. Thanks for the lesson! :-)

  9. The rose is so Beautiful!! I hope his high school classmate knows how blessed they are to receive this beautiful gift.

  10. *gasp* Ohhhhhh Connie.... Far Guy's rose!! Yes, that yellow color is absolutely perfect! But, on the other hand, the snow is NOT! Sheesh, girl.... you need to have a serious sit-down discussion with Ole Man Winter at your place. Tell him he's outworn his welcome! ;-) Love, Andrea xoxo

  11. What a beautiful rose and you chose just the right shade of yellow. I have not heard the term graupel. You've increased my vocabulary! You guys need some Spring! Actually so do we. Come on Spring!

  12. Graupel - a new term to me. I call the stuff “sn-ail.” The carved rose is a beauty!

  13. Good Morning Connie. That rose is gorgeous and Far Guys high school friend is a lucky person to get it. I'm curious now as to what that beautiful piece of Black walnut will be.
    We have graupel here all of the time in the spring and fall. In fact, a little bit fell this morning. More more pleasant to hit you than hail! I had never heard of it before moving to Spokane.
    Wishing you both a lovely day.

  14. Lovely rose! I think the color is perfect.

    Darn snow, I wish it would just go away. I've never heard the word graupel before. Now I just have to find a way to use it in a conversation...but that would mean more snow. No thanks!

  15. Spring MUST becoming to start seeing song birds...surely it is. Please!

  16. Far Guy's carving is stunning. You and he are so talented!

  17. The rose is beautiful. Look forward to seeing what sort of black walnut treasure you will have made for you :)

  18. The rose is beautiful. You two are so talented! Can't wait to see what he carves for you out of the walnut! I never heard of graupel before this week when they started talking about it. I swear, things are starting to make me feel senile, nothing is as it should be, or used to be, and even the language is unrecognizable.

  19. The yellow rose is just beautiful! And I learned a new word today!

  20. Beautiful rose!
    I have heard of graupel. We had some last year in March. Before that I just used to call it slushy snow. It's what we usually get here late in the season. It makes me want a snowcone. Araignee

  21. I love that yellow rose. It is so lovely.
    I didn't know about Graupel. We just called it snow pellets.

  22. That matches the yellow rose I bought for my Easter dinner at home.

  23. The yellow rose turned out beautifully. Wow - he has skills! We had a constant weather change yesterday. The sun would shine and then we would have a blizzard/white out for 10 minutes. Then the sun would come back out . . . repeat, all day long. Weird weather.

  24. I never heard of Graupel... as I used to tell my students, you learn something new every day! We have a lot of purple finches, in the past we've only seen them here and there but this year they are at both the front and back feeders at least two or three times a day.

  25. A yarn bowl, maybe? I’ve always wanted one! Whatever it will be it will be beautiful since it’s black walnut.

  26. So you look at the piece of wood and see something in it and carve it.

  27. Wow that rose really turned out beautiful! I'm sure it would have been beautiful in any color! Great job far guy, and Connie for helping him find just the right rosie yellow! We've had snow off and on for the past three days....I'm waiting for that warm up! take good care!

  28. Cheryl wants to know what the Walnut carving will be! She thinks you are going to carve Graupel. ( Never head that word before....Must be a Minnesota thing.) Alaska had a bunch of words for snow... in Michigan, we just used adjectives. ( Big Snow, heavy snow, wet snow...) Unimaginative mid-westerners I guess we are.

  29. The rose carving is wonderful!
    Graupel, huh? We have hail or what I call tapioca snow, but no grapel.

  30. We have about an inch of that muck this evening. The rose is beautiful!

  31. It is a wonderful work of art. I like the yellow. It was good to see it as raw wood first.

  32. That is a new word on me. I saw you use that term "graupel" and wondered what it meant. I guess only a place which gets a lot of snow would have an extensive vocabulary to accurately describe it!

    Far Guy's rose is exquisite. I can't wait to hear what that new project will be.


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