Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My Projects

I can get lost in yarn colors and types for a long time.  Mindless looking and wondering what colors would look like together. 

I balled up this yarn as soon as it arrived.  The project is a wrap and every two rows you switch colors.   I just wasn't feeling those colors together.  I looked a long time before ordering more yarn.

One project became two or more projects...the two colors on the left the torquoise and the peach were thrown out of this group...and they await brighter colors...the other colors are earthy and I was feeling them.  This yarn is Sheepjes River Washed series on the right, Stone Washed on the left.

I finished a bunch more kitchen cupboards and drawers.  I have four cupboards, three drawers and the open shelves I am making progress.  Then I should probably give the stove and fridge a good clean....and the backsplash.

I still have a couple of shawls in the works.  I have done absolutely nothing outside as it has been snowy, windy and cold.   I started watching Hart of Dixie on Netflix...I am curious to see how it ends...but not sure I want to suffer through it.

I made vegetable soup yesterday...the way I make it takes all day...chopping and adding....Far Guy made some bread.  Soup will be frozen into individual servings....I should be good for the summer.  Far Guy eats it only once  the day I make it...he has other freezer food he likes better...Gumbo and Chicken Tortilla soup that I don't care for.

We still have 2 Covid-19 cases in our more lately.

We are both feeling just fine!

Far Side


  1. I do like the yard colors. We had snow flurries here on and off all day yesterday. Homemade vegetable soup sounds yummy. i am making a big pot of Creole Jambalaya tomorrow for hubbies birthday. Lots os frozen leftovers.

  2. I ordered the ingredients for some vegetable soup. I hope I get it on Monday. It's been cold and rainy here so soup would be treat.
    We have 12 cases here in our little beach town now. Our governor created a website so you can track it by zip code. It was scary to see but important for reminding us to stay home. Araignee

  3. Glad you're making good progress with your projects, and that you're both feeling just fine.

  4. I got my stimulus money in my checking account yesterday. I promptly ordered myself a pair of those new AirPods to stimulate the economy! :-)

  5. Steady progress on your knitting and your cleaning. I just can't make myself dig into any spring cleaning beyond a couple of closet shelves.

  6. You have really been making progress on your kitchen! Crocheting and making soup sounds like a really good day. :)

  7. Oh I absolutely love the three colors you kept. That's going to be so pretty. Funny, the two colors you threw out are my two least favorite colors. Your shawls are beautiful. I've just looked back at your posts I've missed...all the way to the shawl and Easter egg tree. It is windy and cold here again today. Never seen anything like this up and down weather. Supposed to be in the 30's tomorrow morning. Is that not weird? Glad you both are well. It's wonderful that you still have only 2 cases of the virus there. We stayed at 4 but now there are thirty some cases in a nursing home here. Awfully scary.

  8. Colors are fun to work with. I appreciate your sharing with us. Makes it fun to see the finished project.
    I think my stimulus money will go to local places of business to help them stay afloat and get some good meals in the bargain.
    You guys are sure keeping always do though, so why should it be any different. I just don't feel the urge. :)

  9. The peach yarn reminds me of my Mom, it was her favorite color. You're making good progress on your cabinets. I need to get busy and do something around here. The longer this quarantine thing goes on, the lazier I see to get. :-). It's raining outside today which makes me want to vegetate in my jammies and watch utube.
    I'm so glad you are both still well, I keep hoping this will be over soon and we'll be able to get back to normal.

  10. I grew tired of Hart of Dixie and didn’t finish the series. I don’t finish books that don’t hold my attention either. It’s snowing this morning and the weatherman says this storm will be a whooper over the next two days.

  11. Such pretty yarns, Connie, and I'm glad you "threw out" the two you did... they do look like they should await some brighter companions. I love soup... I make it all the time... but I think it's much better the 2nd or 3rd or 4th day. I think Far Guy is missing out on some deliciousness with eating it only on the first day. Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. I bet it is fun to keep changing the colors and watching the pattern develop. We have counties in Iowa just like yours with only one or two people infected. We have 213 in our county and 5 deaths. The closest that we know of is the dementia nursing home in Altoona.

  13. It's so good to hear you are both feeling good! I like your yarn colors and understand your selection process. It's the same in making quilts. Some colors simply play better with other colors. You are going to have your kitchen completely Spring cleaned before long. I imagine this isolation is helping to encourage a lot of Spring cleaning!

  14. I think you made the right decision with your colour choices. The earth colours look best when kept in their same group.
    As our weather grows cooler here we are beginning to think about making soup again. Nothing beats hot steaming soup on a cold wintry day :)

  15. It’s great to have soups on hand in the freezer. I’m on the third time through crocheting a baby blanket. First time I finished it except for the border, found a mistake on the second row, frogged it. Second time half way through they decided to tell the sex of the baby, decided colors weren’t right for a boy, frogged it. Third time, half way through ....
    Oh, well, I have until August!
    You have some nice yarns to choose from. Half the fun is picking the colors!

  16. Wow, I can't believe it is still snowing your area. The soup sounds good.

  17. I used to make stews in our slow cooker.. Cheryl never ate any of it. I would eat it all because: #1 it was good! and #2 I had no idea how to save it other than refrigeration. I never thought to freeze it in small bowls. Then again, our freezer is ultra small. I doubt I would have had room. I should also mention that thawed out food never really taste the same as when they are fresh... Call me a "soup/stew snob."

  18. You're making great progress cleaning the kitchen. Trouble is, when we finally finish it's time to do it again. Nothing stays tidy and clean for long.
    Today I'm cleaning some windows which is a job I don't care for at all. Once I'm done I will record it in my housework journal and won't have to do it again for a year.

  19. I think all those balls of yarn that you're showing, are beautiful. Can't wait to see your finished products! You sure are getting alot of cleaning done....I don't find myself getting that ambitious. I did make cookies yesterday, but they're disappearing fast! Your soup sounds good too. Stay well you two!

  20. Can't wait to see what you make with the yarn! I love vegetable soup... You are certainly getting a lot of cleaning and organizing done. I wish I was in the mood for a bit of that!

  21. Yarn and fabric are my thing too😍

  22. I agree the peach and turquoise don't fit. But the other colors are lovely!


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