Monday, April 13, 2020


We had a quiet day at home.  We watched the Sunrise Service broadcast from a local cemetery.  Pork chops, rice and squash were on our Easter supper menu.

I had an idea for Far Guy to that kept him busy designing, measuring and carving.

I messed around with a new crochet pattern for a shawl...ending up supporting another small business this one in Kentucky.

We both had a nap.

Last week when I was in town I saw an egg tree.   It made me smile...perhaps it will make you smile too.

Note the scar in the lawn...made by a snowplow.

Our County now has two people who tested positive for COVID 19.  We knew it was coming we just hoped it would be later than sooner.
Far Side


  1. Love that tree. I used to do an egg tree when the kids were little.
    We went from 2 cases to 60 in a week here. Now we have to shop by last names on certain dates and wear a mask at all times. They've arrested 28 people for breaking the lock down rule.
    Stay safe!

  2. Love the egg tree. We have a neighbor that does this also. Sorry to hear about the 2 people that tested positive. Living is S.E. WI we have a lot more here. So sad. Praying you and Far Guy stay healthy.

  3. I decorated a large twig I put inside a coffee creamer that I painted and decorated with hearts, flowers, and then eggs and fabric carrots for my MIL a while ago. Now I wish I could do another one for spring! Alas. Nothing allowed in but mail right now.

  4. A couple in our town hid along the main street some giant eggs and purple easter hunted from your car, didn't get out, left them where they were for others to see. Beautiful idea for the kids and all.

  5. I love the Easter egg tree! I saw one here in my community last week too, but it didn't have quite so many eggs. This one is so colorful and fun. In our former community, a deputy from the sheriff's office left little Easter candy treats at every house. It's a town of about 150 (mostly older folks) so it probably didn't take him too long but sure brightened up the day for people. Covid-19 numbers are exploding here in South Dakota, but mostly in Sioux Falls and tied to the big meat packing plant.

  6. I love the egg tree! I've been thinking about buying yard for another shawl...I need to find a place online. Any advice is welcome.

  7. The Egg Tree is so colourful and fun - it did make me smile :)
    Stay safe, Mxx

  8. Absolutely love the egg tree!!
    Our county has close to 100 cases and one death so far. It finally got here, too...or the test kits did. Stay safe, you two! :)

  9. ❤️ the egg tree - I’m sure it made a lot of people smile.

  10. I love the egg tree! I does give one hope. You folks stay safe...2 cases...that is 2 too many. We have 6 and one death. Sigh.

  11. The egg tree looks very festive and is definitely a mood lifter. I'm glad you had a pleasant Easter day. Stay safe.

  12. I love your egg tree! What a cheerful sight. Your Easter dinner sounds good too. We have hundreds of cases and 15 deaths in our country. It's a scary time. I'm sure glad I have faith in the Lord.

  13. Those little egg trees really DO put a smile on faces, don't they? So bright and cheerful. Such pretty clouds in that one picture too. Yes, I think every county in the country has been touched by this virus. Our county, here in northwest Indiana, how as 35 cases as of today.... and I'm sure there are many more not diagnosed. Love, Andrea xoxo

  14. Your Easter dinner sounds yummy! I'm glad to hear you are supporting the yarn shops! It's always good to support small business. I love the Easter tree. Sometimes the kids around here will do that and it looks so cheerful. I'm sorry to hear you've now got cases of covid19 in your county. You two are doing a good job at staying safe, just keep it up. Do you wear a mask if you get out of your car at the grocery store parking lot? I have heard that may help since so many people frequent the stores and are constantly in and out of the parking lots. Our part of the county has over 200 cases now and that is not including Kansas City which is counted separately. This is all so frightening and unreal. Please take care.

  15. You both keep yourselves busy which is a great way to stay in the game.

  16. We have one in our neighborhood, too. Yours has more eggs, but our eggs are huge! I’m guessing 8 or 9 inches. They both made me smile.

  17. That's a cute idea for an Easter tree!!

  18. That egg tree was a thoughtful way to share happiness.
    I'm thinking sooner is better than later. The sooner we get the spread over and get to the downward side of the slope everywhere, the sooner we can begin to get the pandemic under control. We just have to continue to avoid it as it spreads. Then we have to hope that those who had it are now truly immune.

  19. We have almost 300 cases and 23 deaths at our local hospital. I hope you will escape the worst of it. I'm praying and that's saying something.

  20. What a neat idea the egg tree is! I'll have to remember that for another time.

    Hopefully the spread of Covid-19 is over soon. Take care and stay well!

  21. Thanks for the pictures of that egg tree....that did make me smile! I love all the colors. How nice that somebody was so thoughtful! Your Easter dinner sounded good. We had ham, which is what we usually have for Easter dinner. Sounds like yours and far guy's hobbies are going well too. Well, everything is white here again....hopefully it will start to melt by the end of this week! Take good care of each other!

  22. Nice photos, no one near me have covid 19 thankfully

  23. Sounds like a good day - Happy Easter, the Easter tree is really pretty! We were also hoping for later on the confirmed cases in our county.

  24. How fun is that?! Never heard of an egg tree--but what a colorful sight!

    Let's hope your county keeps it at two cases, no more. Hopefully, everyone is staying home and not sharing their germs.

  25. Sorry to hear about the two people who tested positive in your area, but glad you had a nice Easter.


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