Monday, January 13, 2020


My word for the year was time.

Time to go through and sort "stuff".   I continued on where I was a week ago before I was struck down by the cold from Snotsville USA.  Yesterday I got through the Christmas sort that I left in a big mess...I worried about that...if the cold from Snotsville ended in my demise my youngest daughter would have to deal with it and she would be very unhappy.  All no longer used Christmas items were marked and packaged for sale.   I sorted through another misc tote that I had up there...and began a craft sort.  At least you can walk through the back storage area now..  Sorting will continue. 

I have to admit I opened a few drawers up there...peered in and quickly shut them again.  Maybe in a few days...

When we had a snow over Christmas my favorite and only son in law Andy got out the snowblower that I cannot start by myself.   It started for him and he moved a bunch of snow.   Then we had a big snow and people were looking for used snowblowers.  I took a photo and within a few minutes it was sold on Marketplace.  Then other fellows offered me more money if I would sell it to them...of course I didn't...and the snowblower left the next morning.   I am just happy to be rid of the hunk of junk that I could not start....we originally bought it because it had an electric start...well that worked a time or two...and was replaced several times and still did not work more than a time maybe two.

So it was the right TIME to get top dollar for an old snowblower with a broken electric start!

Flowers from I did not go there...but blog reader Kay did!

Far Side


  1. I admire you you for your ambition in sorting thru all your old stuff. I really need to do that but have no ambition. If I kick the bucket they can just call "1-800-GOTJUNK".

  2. Sorting is what I've been doing in the shed! How many wrenches of the same size does one need? I may sell some things on Marketplace too. I sold a Hound Dog box in one day.
    The rest of the shed stuff of which there is A LOT! ... is being sorted slowly, but not on cold cold days!

  3. Good job on selling that snow blower. And it really isn't much good if you can't get it started. Those flowers sure are pretty and pink! :-)

  4. I'm impressed with your resolution to sort and dump. I start the process but get bogged down.

  5. You go! I seem to be mired in unfinished sorting projects . . . .

  6. I hope you get a snowblower that works for you every time and is easy to use.
    Bright flowers are a nice break from winter white. Glad you're feeling well enough to be sorting again. :)

  7. Glad you are feeling well enough to get back to your regular routine. Glad you were able to sell the broken snowblower. Will you get another one?

  8. I think this is what my golden years will be/are....sorting and de-cluttering. Glad you are feeling better and sorry about the dang snowblower! I hope you can either hire someone or get a better snowblower. Stay warm and know we are all in the same boat...trying to get rid of everything we spent our lives accumulating! LOL!

  9. Good decision on that snow blower sale. I could start ours but don't have the upper body strength to handle it when it's moving. So when it snows when my husband is gone for work I depend upon a kind hearted neighbor. I begged to buy a smaller one when this one was purchased, but my tall, strong husband wanted "power".

  10. As soon as I can move around in here I am going to be lightening my load also. I even mean furniture. Since the big remodel started I've discovered that you really can live with less. I am starting with my books and moving on from there.

  11. I appreciate being the recipient of some of your "stuff" : the package was a welcome surprise.

  12. Did you sell on FaceBook Market place? You have inspired me...I am GOING to get rid of STUFF, repeat many times until I make it!

  13. Glad you are feeling better. We are fortunate to have the use of a tractor for clearing snow, out neighbour has a yard service business and is Ted's best friend. They have a truck with a snow plow on it and he does our driveway. I do minimal shovelling! Yay!

  14. We have been going through our stuff and getting rid of as much as we can. A couple of years ago we had to go through and clean out after my b-in-law died and it took us almost 3 months to finish everything. We promised that we would not leave that kind of mess for anyone else to clean up our stuff. We have done well, but still have a ways to go. You will get there, but it takes time and determination to get rid of things with so many memories sometimes. :-)

  15. Good for you! I've filled two boxes so far this year with Goodwill stuff and more went into the trash. I'm sorry your snowblower didn't cooperate for you but glad you were able to sell it quickly. Will you buy another one, easier for you to use? I don't know what we would do without ours. I just came in from shoveling the non-snowblowable spots and boy was I glad Dennis did the big part before he left. Of course he told me to not touch it, but when do we listen?
    Take care and I'm glad you're better. How is Far Guy doing. I'm praying for you both daily.

  16. You're sorting .... you're selling always have projects going. Good for you. Hope you two are feeling better and better as you seem to have some good energy for getting things done! Our neighbor just left to drive down to Florida....lucky him. Hope Spring comes soon up here this year! :)

  17. Congratulations for taking advantage of the right "time" to sell the snow blower! I have been worrying over getting a houseful of items sorted for a couple of years now. I should just do it! When you have a lifetime of belongings including many from other family members it is hard to know where and how to get started!

    Love the flowers!

  18. We all have too much stuff that we need to find time to sort through it

  19. Great that you could sell your uncooperative snowblower so quickly. DH has been keeping our generator in tip-top shape because we're having nasty winds ( and lots of snow..for us. you'd laugh at the measley amount we get)
    It's a good time to get rid of 'stuff'.

  20. I returned from the old place, having used the blower on all that sidewalk. I decided to restart it back home and finish the driveway. I pushed the electric start over and over again. I primed it again and changed the choke and I though I am going to have to let it cool down. Then...I looked down and realize what was the switch for start was actually the stop. I switched it on and the sucker jumped in the air from being so ready to go.

  21. We sorted the attic over the garage. Two loads to Goodwill and one to the dump leaves lots of stuff still but at least we know what's there now. My daughter has already scolded me for getting rid of one item. "You need to ask first." Well, come this spring, we'll be asking.

  22. You are so funny. Only you could make a cold sound funny. Hope you're feeling better. Good gosh, it sounds cold there! Here, we've had days and days of warm muggy rainy windy weird weather. The warm part is good, but once again the bushes and jonquils are budding and it is way too early.

  23. Stuff breeds when you aren't looking. Important to toss it but doing so can be really, really hard. My husband has learned to ask me first and I am trying to be realistic about. Winter here (south central Missouri) has been up and down like a yo-yo and the daffodils are poking up. It is way too early.

  24. I know the experience of doing away with an excess of treasures. It seems that it never ends.

  25. Glad you are making progress. We are just about finished sorting and donating/selling.
    John wanted me to tell you that he saw a mosquito while working in the yard today!!!! We have jonquils popping thru the soil. It is unusually warm. By next week we will probably have ice storms!!!

  26. Well, maybe that snowblower just liked your son in law better!

  27. I find sorting my junk stirs up a lot of dust. Which leads to more hacking and sneezing. But needs must!

  28. Hope you feel better. Snot is the worst thing. Phil

  29. Glad you're making progress with the clearout of "stuff" you no longer want/need to have around.

  30. Good riddance for that old snowblower. The older I get the less I tolerate crap like that! I am constantly now looking for tools that are portable and not pull starts. I just don't have the umpf it takes to pull the cords anymore.


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