Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Furnace Filters and Power Shovels

We went to town for supplies!  Far Guy went to Pulmonary Therapy and I ran errands.   He did quite well at therapy but pushed himself a bit too much...he spent the afternoon watching TV and resting.

I had an interesting conversation with a fellow in the furnace filter aisle.  Far Guy instructed me to get the cheap green furnace filters because the expensive white ones restrict the airflow too much and it is hard on furnaces.   Anyways this fellow said  "my furnace quit over the weekend, had to have a service call ($298) just to have them tell me I needed to use different filters...the white filters restrict the airflow too much."  Lesson learned.  I told him of my husbands instructions and the reply was "Smart man!"

I still have a Power Shovel to move snow.  It is electric, I just plug it in and push it around and it throws snow for me.  No pulling on ropes, no pouring gasoline.    I love it!

I can clear the walkway and the patio and paths to the bird feeders.   I also have several shovels...one by the garage and one by the house...they work too!   I shovel for a bit and lean for a bit.
Here is a photo of my Power Shovel....best invention since sliced bread.  It throws snow 12 plus feet ...good enough for me.

I have not been compensated in anyway, but if Toro wants to send me another Power Shovel I would certainly take it!

This month is about half done....we are headed back into the deep freeze later this week.

Far Side


  1. Wow! Never heard of a power shovel, looks pretty cool! Husband just got a BIGGER snowblower...I haven't used it yet...we'll see. We don't have any snow on the ground now, but they are predicting some for this weekend. Maybe an inch. Probably not going to need the big snowblower! LOL.

  2. Far Guy is very smart as I had herd the same thing myself about white furnace filters. We bought an electric (battery operated) snow blower the year. Just press a button and she starts. Sure gets the driveway and sidewalks done.

  3. I have never heard of a power shovel but I guess around here we don't seem to need them anymore. It's been a long time since we've had a decent snow.

  4. I always buy the cheap filters but that's because I'm cheap not for any scientific reason! LOL! A power shovel! Awesome! Now I know what to buy when I move back North!

  5. Ok, I am going to have to research power shovels!

  6. I'm glad we don't have much use for such things around here, but we are sure in the deep freeze right now. I think it's too cold to snow, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. By Thursday we might be above freezing! :-)

  7. I had to look that up! Especially after shoveling for 2 hrs yesterday! I'd need a cordless, but I guess I won't be getting one, too many ruts and other obstacles to mess with.
    Maybe a new push shovel?
    Love that you can use this!

  8. Interesting shovel. We have a snow blower.

  9. We had a new furnace/air conditioner installed 5 yrs. ago and the installer told me the same thing. It's nice to have confirmation. I'll also look into a power shovel.

  10. We also use the cheapest filters... that is what hubby tells folks to do :) That little power shovel looks like it does a great job!

  11. Glad Far Guy did well at theropy, and knows enough to make sure you have the right furnace filters. I bet that power shovel really comes in handy with all that snow.

  12. We have always used the cheap green filters and last year I was told by someone, (I really don't remember who), to use the expensive ones, they're better for allergies I was told. Well, just like that guy told you, we had to have a service call and the first thing I was told was to get rid of those expensive filters. We're back to the cheap ones and so far the furnace is humming along.
    Dennis shoveled before he left this morning and everything is covered again. I have to run some errands and then I'll need to get the snowblower out. Ours is a big Craftsman that has been a godsend to us. So far it starts on the first pull. Our little one we used to have would clog up on every pass.
    I'm glad you both were well enough to get out and about yesterday. Take care.

  13. That power shovel looks like it is small enough to be easy to handle. We have a small electric snow blower but it's still a little heavy.

  14. I have one of those power shovels and use it when the snow is deep. I killed my last one by running over the cord and pulling it into the shovel!

    I had never heard that certain filters are better than others. Can you share the brand name, as I've not seen green ones at the store.

    1. they are just generic filters sold at Walmart. Green in color:)

  15. I had never heard of a power shovel before you mentioned yours. Looks handy as all get out!

    I bet FarGuy was really happy to hear that story from the furnace filter aisle! Smart man, indeed. ;)

  16. I noticed that with the filters with our old house's furnace. I could tell that I wasn't getting much air through the vents.

  17. Furnaces and power shovels are things this Aussie is not familiar with, don't have them here in Newie

  18. I'm going to have to take a look at a power shovel. Just in case ! As I told my neighbor, " I can still shovel."

  19. Interesting about the furnace filters. We always thought the slightly more expensive ones filtered the air better but I think we will go back to the cheaper ones. I hope Toro sees your endorsement and sends you a brand new shovel!

  20. I have heard those power shovels are awesome! I may have to invest in one at some point but am praying this years snow won't be like last! I learned that about filters years ago as well - also from a service man. Amazing how the filter people have convinced everyone those thick filters are "oh so much better". Frankly, most of the crap in my furnace is from the dust settled into the vents NOT the furnace.

  21. Glad you got the right furnace filters! And sounds like your power shovel is a keeper. We're off to the big city tomorrow, supposed to be driving in snow, I pray there won't be too much of it. Four hours in the car is bad enough when the weather is good and balmy! Hope you're both continuing to feel better!

  22. You have talked about your power shovel before, but I couldn't imagine what it was. This time I Googled it to see how it works. It's a mini show blower! Nifty.

  23. Glad Far Guy knew which filter was the right one for you!

    I am sharing in your snow experience--well, a little. Walked through the snow to get my cup of coffee yesterday. That was enough northern-ing for this Californian for one year; today I just watched the flurries from my hotel window. Brr.

  24. I had the experience with the fancy filters and went back to the old cheap blue ones too!

  25. I like to sit in the afternoons and I don't even have that therapy ... I'm just lazy. Hey! That electric shoveler sounds wonderful. You like the one you have and recommend it?


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