Sunday, January 12, 2020

A bit better

We are both feeling a bit better.   Yeah us!  We will live to see a few more days.

Cold Minnesota winter was -29 F yesterday morning.  That is -33 C eh!

I ventured out in the afternoon for a photo.

The squirrels have a trail from the tree to the snowstick to another tree.  There are 16 inches of snow at the snowstick.

I knitted for awhile and then worked on taxes...I have them ready... just waiting on a few more papers to come in the mail.  I always breathe a sigh of relief when they are at the accountants.

I watched several episodes of  Once Upon A Time on Netflix huddled under a down blanket with a warm rice bag under my feet.  Gave up ...found an electric blanket and finally got warm.  My old bones must store up the cold.

Far Side


  1. I certainly hope you are on the mend! You do have a lot of snow. I hope your dad and your daughter are doing better too. I caught up on my sleep last night after the stormy night before. Stay warm and get better! It's 27 here this morning.

  2. So that is the weather that my daughter and grandkid are complaining about down in Chaska. We got rain and 50*F for a new record high yesterday and luckily the ice storm just missed us by about 20 miles. Stay warm and have the hot chocolate, it helps body and soul. :-)

  3. Glad you are on the mend. -29? Eeeks! We were a balmy 13 here but I won't complain, it was nice out of the wind and I still layered up nicely.
    I think the snow chances for us go up this week. All the bad weather went around us yesterday.

  4. I've been gathering things for taxes, too. Waiting for all the paperwork to arrive in the mail is often the holdup.

  5. I hope you are on the mend...both of you and your dad and daughter, too.
    Stay warm and safe. :)

  6. It was a crazy weather day in Northern Ohio. I drove up to the lake to shop and it was 65 degrees and comfortable in my light jacket. By the time I left store three (remember malls, when you did not have to walk back and forth to the car between every store?) the temperature dropped 10 degrees and it was raining. When I came out of target, it was in the 40's and we were having a thunderstorm. By the time I was headed home we had dropped to 39. Yep, 30 degrees in 4 hours. Last night there were some tornado warnings just south of us. So glad you are both feeling better!

  7. -29F? I'm afraid that my body would crack at that temperature. My hat is off to you. I wish hibernation were an option when it gets to 20F.

  8. It used to get almost that cold in Colorado, which is one reason we moved away. That is so incredibly cold! Glad you’re felling better.

  9. It's still snowing here today. We had such a nice December, but January is making up for it. We've been getting things ready for taxes too. Usually we have a packet from our accountant by now but not this year. I called on Friday to check on it and apparently he's been sick for over a week so they're running behind. Now I'm worried about him too. We're still waiting on some things to come in the mail though too.
    Stay warm inside my friend.

  10. When we get our cold blast this week, I'll think of you. Nothing here compares to your cold!

  11. So happy you both are feeling better, a beautiful snow photo, the wagon wheel just sets it off.
    We are having one of the warmest winters I have seen in a while, 70's all week but with lots of rain.

  12. That's a pretty scene. I just can't imagine temps that cold being a southern girl! lol
    Larry has been visiting Death Valley, Red Rock etc. and says it's been pretty cold in those places. Glad you both are some better. xo

  13. I am sorry you have been ill. So glad you are doing better. That snow photo is beautiful, but your low temps are more than I could take, I think. It is sunny and warm here in the NC Appalachians.

  14. I'm happy to hear you are both starting to feel better, but that cold - Brrr! That's Minnesota weather for sure. We had snow yesterday and temps in the teens. That would be okay but it was in the 60's a couple of days ago and that quick change in temperatures gets to you. It's good to see the snow stick. I was afraid it got buried!

  15. I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better.
    What would I do without my electric blanket??

  16. Glad you are both feeling better. I thought our 19 degrees was cold but I'll take it above your below zero temps. All of our snow is gone thanks to yesterday's ice storm and today's rain. Sure doesn't look like winter here without it.

  17. Hey, that's really cold. We aren't that cold. We start taxes in March.

  18. Glad to hear you're both feeling a little better! Sounds nice to be huddled under your blanket....glad the electric version worked for you! Keep getting better, you two! Blessings!

  19. I recently bought a nice long heating pad. Works wonders!

  20. That is good news - yes a cold morning for sure! We were out and about in the afternoon when it warmed up some.

  21. Glad to hear you are both on the mend. Your bones may be complaining about the cold, but you've got to have some hardy stock in your roots. At that temperature, anybody would be cold, old or young!

  22. Glad you're both starting to feel better.

  23. Yuck taxes, yup I need to work on mine, when it warms up and I can get to town for the software I'll fire up the old home pc and print everything out that I have. I too have things awaiting mail but like you am always relieved when they are done.

  24. "huddled under a down blanket with a warm rice bag under my feet. "

    That sounds nice!!


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