Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Not much new

I sorted a long time yesterday.  Filled a couple more boxes.  Made it through the roll top desk and it is almost empty.   It still has some Auction Bills and a few extra large photographs of flowers I had forgotten about and Eli Wheel decals....that old desk is a perfect place to store extra large items. 

Today will be my last day working upstairs for a bit.  We are getting company.  I should make it all look presentable again.  I tend to have piles of stuff here and there when I am sorting.

I watched a movie called Cowgirls N Angels  a really fun movie I give it a 9 out of 10 stars. My kind of murder and mayhem.
The sun almost came out got real bright for a while.  If it ever comes out I am certain it will blind us.

Far Side


  1. Yes,get those sunglasses ready just in case! That is what happens to me...I'll be in a big sorting soiree and then one of the kids will call and say they're coming down and of course, I have sorted all over the guest bed and room so I have to stuff it all away and now you know why I lose stuff! By the time they leave I have no idea what I did with it all. It doesn't take much to confuse me. Thanks for the movie tips...I write them down and watch them on the weekends. You always recommend good ones!

  2. Wish I could get out the sunglasses. No sun in sight for us all week. Sure do miss that big bright ball in the sky.

  3. We haven't seen the sun in ages! I know I'll need sunglasses!Love those flowers, just what we need right now!

  4. We got a few sunbreaks on Monday and it was so nice to see the sun again. But then it left and started to rain, the world felt normal. :-)

  5. Sunshine is good.
    Your clean out seems to be going superbly. Are you free in the near future to help me? :)

  6. It's been cloudy here too which is too bad because when the sun comes out it's almost pleasant out. We're in the 40's here in DC. I've pretty much given up on winter. It's been more like a long fall.

  7. Good job on the cleaning project. My kind of movie - no murder or mayhem. Ironically I tend to read the police or political thriller and mystery type of books. But I hate the movies like that. My husband goes to the movies without me a LOT because he likes the "shoot em up" movies.

  8. I always make a big mess when I am reorganizing and downsizing, too. How can you not! Sounds like you are making great progress.

    The sun came out here for a while and I had to shut the blinds--LOL! I was afraid I was starting to get an aural migraine from the binding light glaring off the snow--no lie! So funny!

  9. Dreary again today but no snow in the forecast until tomorrow. I'll look for Cowgirls N Angels, as I'm ready to watch a good movie.

  10. No sunshine here either. The fog is as thick as pea soup but at least it's not snowing.
    I sorted out a closet the other day and took two bags of my clothes to the thrift store the same day. I was afraid I might change my mind if I waiting.

  11. Thank you for the movie ideas. I don't like murder, mayhem or sex and cheating. I sort like you in piles, then when I get company the piles have to move to another spot so I can clean off the bed and dresser. Sigh

  12. You are doing such a great job with all your sorting. Will the items you sell be sold in a garage sale or on eBay or something like that? I have a lot I could sell but I don't know if I would want to have a garage sale.

  13. The sunny flower added brightness to my day. Very pretty!

  14. Now those piles? I hope you know what you're going to do with them. Some of the piles here are getting pretty old.

  15. Proud of your cleaning efforts and I'm going to have to check out that movie!

  16. I got rid of a few more things yesterday. No major sorting going on here, but I am asking, "Why am I keeping this?" more often.
    We would love some sunshine here too. Sunglasses would have to be found.

  17. Good job with all your sorting! You've really made sounds like. Hope you have a great time with your company!

  18. You have been very productive. I have sorting to do also... right now I'm in "thinking about doing it" stage...

  19. The sun came out for 2 hours this afternoon after a night and morning of solid rain. Couldn't even go for my walk. I did get outside while the sun shone and pulled out more Chickweed ( the ground isn't frozen any more and that darn stuff is blooming already!!).

  20. ot much to blog about myself... At least you can indulge in a movei from time to time. Seems like work takes all the fun and time out of life. Stay warm!

  21. You get a lot done. I wish I could watch movies, aside from the old classics that I watch every year. I just don't have enough of an attention span to get to the end.

  22. Sounds like you're making great progress with the sorting. Hope you have a nice time with your company.


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