Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Dreary but warm

Well warm for Minnesota in January!  Day time highs have been about 20 F or -7 C eh so that is perfect  temperatures.

We had to play mail man  as our neighbors mail was in our mail box and I wonder who got our mail...the postman musta had a brain fart.

As you can see by the photo the sun did not shine yesterday.

Whilst Far Guy was at Pulmonary Therapy I went to the Bank, Post Office and to my parents.  My Dad attempted to cut off a finger in the hatchback of the car...luckily he had heavy gloves on and only needed six stitches.  It is not his Bingo dauber hand so Bingo will continue if he feels up to it.

No sorting took place.  I did get some boxes from the bank in town...they always have boxes sitting out for people to take.   We visited wally world and the grocery store...came home put groceries away had lunch and Far Guy napped while I watched a movie  I'll see you in my dreams.  I give it a 9 out of 10 stars...the opening is quite sad....I almost turned it off after the first five minutes.  After that I attempted to watch Eat Pray Love and I fell asleep.

Far Side


  1. Hope whoever got your mail plays mail man later too. Also, ouch about your Dad's finger... Glad he was wearing gloves!

  2. Your dad is in good company. I did that a few years ago. Boy, did that hurt. I had to learn to knit with a split on.

  3. So glad your Dad's injury wasn't any worse and that it wasn't his Bingo finger.

  4. Our mail gets swapped every once in a while when we get a substitute. I actually had to draw the NEW mail person a map of how to get past the mailboxes and down to my house! He said he didn't know there was a second house on our driveway. ....Smacks forehead!
    Glad your dad's finger wasn't broken!

  5. Oh ouch...that gives me the chills when I think about your Dad and his finger. I remember once when the kids were little and we had a van, that Jim got his finger in the sliding door...almost makes me sick to my stomach when I think of those things....such pain! But, yes, thank goodness it was not his Bingo dauber hand!
    Are those storm clouds (snow) in the distance on your photo? Thanks for the movie recommendations. I read Eat,Love,Pray but haven't seen the movie. I'm staying home except to run the present up to the pharmacy and get my bp taken. The rain is supposed to start around 3:00 p.m so I 'll do that and take my walk before it rains because, as you well know, I am so sweet, I could melt in that rain! LOL!

  6. You had a busy day! We sat around reading most of yesterday. Hubby cleared out the snow at the end of the driveway and took the dog for a walk. I made the bed, emptied the dishwasher and made dinner. Sorry about your Dad's finger, hope it heals fast. My dad plays Bingo twice a week so I know how important those digits are!

  7. Our mail route is an "orphan route". I discovered this years ago when I took my brownies for a post office tour. The "orphan streets" have their mail in a separate location in the post office and whoever finishes a route first grabs a street or two and heads out. This means we have an assorted of mail people and that our mail sometimes arrives as late as 5:30 or 6 p.m. or not at all. When we first bought our house, we and our next two neighbors had names that started with the same letter and had very similar, but different spelling. Those were fun times.

  8. We have had some mail mix-ups in our neighborhood lately too. One nice neighbor brings it over when he finds it. One not-so-nice neighbor doesn't bother. He even signed for a package for us and then just tossed it in his garage. Luckily the post office checked that signature and retrieved it for us.

  9. Oh boy, your dad did some damage to his finger! Good thing it isn't his bingo hand. :)

    Have a good day!

  10. The mail sure isn't what it used to be is it? Costs more and more for postage and worse delivery. Our mail carrier didn't even deliver the past two weeks. She said there was too much snow!?! Seriously? Compared to other years it wasn't bad at all and the street is bone dry now. Yet, I have to drive 5 miles to the post office for our mail because she's still refusing to deliver to our entire neighborhood. Apparently there is nothing to be done about it. The carrier, at least at this branch, gets to decide if they'll deliver or not. And don't get me started on all of the mail we get that belongs to our neighbors. I play delivery girl at least once a week if not more.
    I'm off to the cardiogist this morning. Since they're "fitting me in", I have to go to an office I avoid since it's almost to Idaho and a long drive. Of course, they threatened snow last night too, but I think it's still just rain. At least here. Ten miles to the north is a different story!
    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's hand. My Mom did that years ago and I still cringe when I remember it. Thank goodness he had gloves on. I can imagine it was still traumatic though.

  11. The post office has an App (Informed Delivery) that shows (photos of the envelopes) what mail will be delivered that day. You can even inform them when it is not in your box. It's handy to have, especially during tax season when all those important documents are in the mail.

    1. Yes Far Guy gets an email with a photo, but it did not show our neighbors mail:)

  12. O! I found Tired Teachers suggestion very interesting. We (also) seem to get our neighbor's (all our different neighbor's) mail at least once a month. Sure is aggravating. I think I am going to look into that app. Sounds like something we need.

    I'm glad your Dad had his gloves on. 6 stitches are quiet a lot, if he didn't have gloves....scary

  13. I hope you get more of our weather as our highs have been above 0 C for a couple of weeks.

  14. I tried to remove a fingertip once when I got it shut into a car door and cut through my fingernail base. They told me I would probably never grow a new nail but it eventually grew back. Then years later--other hand--at a factory job I caught my two middle fingers in a pressure roller (non union and had no protection guards)--crushed both fingertip bones and tore all the meat of the middle finger almost off so that it flipped up to the tip and the crushed bone showed. The plastic surgeon who sewed my fingertip back down told me not to expect to have any feeling in that fingertip but it gradually came back over about a year. So, just reading about your dad's injury made me go queasy. Both took a long time to heal and were very painful. I hope his healing goes well. It's amazing how in one unguarded moment you can mess yourself up for months--LOL! Poor guy!!

    I really liked I'll See You In My Dreams. Nice to see movies that have seniors in them! :)

  15. It sure looks cold in that picture! I hope your Dad’s finger heals up quickly. That hurts just thinking about it.

    We have that postal app and it is handy. You get an email each day showing you pictures of what will be in your mail that day. It won’t prevent you from getting your neighbor’s mail though. It is nice to know what is coming each day, especially if you are expecting something important. Here’s the app if you are interested (it is free):


  16. Oh, goodness, glad the stitches won’t interfere with your dad’s bingo game! Must hurt though. Nice you are having some “warm” January weather instead of that below zero stuff. Upon your recommendation we watched 100-Foot Journey and liked it a lot!

  17. I guess you could say that you napped too! Your poor dad, ouch!

  18. Oh my, thank goodness your dad's finger is okay, but owwwie! We sometimes have the same kind of problems with our mail, too... but I have to watch what I say since daughter-in-law is a postal carrier, lol. Blessings to you! ♥

  19. Oh oh, I slammed the hatch down on my daughter's fingers last summer! No stitches needed but she has a dandy of a scar.

  20. Oh so painful good thing it only needed stitches

  21. Boy I got here late enough to have so many comments to plow through, figure I'd better get something on here before I run out of steam. Sorry to hear about your dad's finger, but it sounds like it will be okay. Ouch!

  22. Oh your poor Dad. I hope his stitches heal quickly.
    I need boxes to put stuff to donate in and am finding it harder to find any place that doesn't routinely crunch their empty boxes. We used to be able to get boxes at the liquor store but now they are reluctant to let us have any.

  23. I Googled the "Dreams" movie. It does sound like a good one.
    I hope Dad's hand isn't throbbing too badly.

  24. So glad your dad is ok after his finger mishap! And you got a couple more movies in! I hope that far guy's pulmonary therapy went well. You got a break from sorting! That's good. Have a good evening now!

  25. Our mail persons have reversal problems when reading the numbers. Our 3209 gets us 3206 mail which I have to walk down the street. We have substitute carriers continually as they just can't keep enough employees. Also the get the numbers correct but the wrong street name.

  26. I always try to give the mailman or woman a break with the mail delivery - I don't think I could do it and maybe the Universe was just saying you needed to visit the neighbor! :)


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