Monday, January 27, 2020

Big Sort Continues

I worked all afternoon on the "big sort."  I was running out of I cleaned out a small corner  upstairs and began to stack totes and boxes.   Now I can at least move around in my work area up there. 

I made a fair amount of progress.  Books...good gracious I had enough books up there to start my own library.  Three boxes of books later they are all stacked up.  I know there are some more books in a couple more drawers up there.   I had some three ring binders that I made back in 1996...all about annuals and perennials...all that crap is being recycled.  Seasonal decorations were sorted...not much is being kept...I allowed myself one drawer of "stuff" to decorate the outside wreath. If I didn't love went in a box to be sold.  Many fancy boxes and tins were boxed up....only a few were kept.

I finished up my squares for the Crochet A Long that I am working on.   These were fun squares to do...the pattern is called Aster.

Here are the squares I finished.
We have only three medical appointments this week...practically a week off. 
Far Side


  1. When you finish sorting at your house please feel free to come and help me sort.HA, Ha,!! I still haven't any ambition to do it. I think the squares turned out very nicely.

  2. Glad you're making such great progress with the big sort, and finished up your blanket squares. Nice you only have three appointments this week too... That's a welcome change, I'm sure.

  3. Your squares are made in such cheerful colors! (I'm still trying to perfect the hearts!)

  4. Sorting. When the weather gets nicer again I'll be sorting in the Big Shed. I'll sort for an auction eventually. After all, how many open ended wrenches of the same size does one need? Are 52 galvanized buckets enough? 8 dog crates? :)

  5. We are starting our annual winter purging and have a feeling that there will be more than a few boxes headed down the road over the next few weeks. Good luck on your fun and the memories somethings will bring. :-)

  6. Sure wish I lived close enough to visit one of your garage sales. What a haul I would make. Love those pretty squares. :-)

  7. Such colorful crochet blocks! Your afghan is going to be stunning.

  8. Those blocks are lovely. It's going to make up into a nice afghan. Good luck with the sort and the continuing appointments.

  9. Wow, you are really working on the sort! I am in awe!

  10. Your sorting is impressing and inspiring me! It must free the soul.

  11. Your big sort is spurring me on to a big sort of my own!! THANK YOU so much!

  12. I just pulled out all my books and sorted them too. I am NOT putting three bookcases back in my living room when all this remodeling is done. They are all getting donated somewhere. Now I just have to figure out where.

  13. As soon as I catch up on blogs this morning, I'm headed to the closet to sort out some clothes I'll never wear again. Small steps. I got rid of lots of books last year and took even more to Mandy's.

  14. Wow! You are really going to town! Good for you.
    Love those squares. Going to make a colorful blanket. :)

  15. We got rid of a lot of stuff two years ago, but there is so much more to go, when we decide, or my daughter decides, we can let it go.
    I love the bright colors in your squares.

  16. Sorting our stuff is a hard job. I get rid of bunch of stuff and then look around and wonder about how much is left. Lots!

  17. I have a room that needs to be sorted, but I'm just not in the mood! I love your crocheted blocks, they are so cheerful and colorful!

  18. Those squares are just beautiful! How talented you are. Good job on the sorting...sounds like you're getting a lot accomplished. When we moved here three years ago we did a lot of that as we were moving from a big house into a condo. Now we're starting to accumulate things again! Time for more cleaning out I guess. Blessings to you two. Hope your med. appts. go well.

  19. Too much " Stuff!" hehe... Nice to hear everyone has the same problems... Good luck with the Doctor visits. You'll live to be 100!

  20. January seems to be the month for minimizing as it’s a popular topic on blogs I read. I still need to clean out my Christmas wrapping drawer and organize it. I better get going — January is almost gone!


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