Thursday, January 30, 2020

Frost, fog and a friend

We went to Detroit Lakes yesterday.  I needed a hair cut...I swear she cut off about 10 pounds of hair at least it feels that way.   In all about 8 inches was cut off...and it is still long enough to put in a bun!  I only get my hair cut a couple of times a grows really fast about an inch plus a month. I go to the place where you can check in online but I didn't.  Next time I will.

It was foggy and frosty when we left.

The sun came out in Snellman.

But then we drove right back into the fog again.  This old barn is really leaning.

 I had to wait a bit to get my hair cut so we went to a couple of hardware stores.  When Far Guy dropped me off to get my haircut he went by the grocery store to get a few things...he was recognized by Sonja a faithful blog reader and they had a nice chat.

Sonja sent me an email:
Well, by now I'm sure you know whom I had the pleasure of meeting today. I had to do a double take because I really don't know a lot of people from this area that I might run into at the grocery store.  And I wasn't going to let the opportunity pass and then be left wondering if that was indeed your handsome husband.  I also did not want him to feel like he was being stalked, but it did make my day.

For the record it made his day too! 
Far Side


  1. You know you are a rock star blogger when people come up to you out in public! I cut my own hair but I'm sure I don't do it well but it's up in a bun so no one can really see the 'hack job'. LOL! We have had fog and frost here too in the's been a strange winter. I don't know how I missed this post but glad I found it even though I'm a day late.

  2. I need a haircut too. I can't believe how fast mine grows. I thought it was supposed to slow down as you aged. It seems like mine has speeded up. My nails too.

  3. I wish there was some way to make my hair stop growing after I get a perfect haircut. But no, nothing seems to stop it. You sure must have a lot of hair, to cut off 8 inches and still get it into a bun! :-)

  4. Isn't that fun that Sonja recognized your husband. I've worn my hair short for years, but have started to grow it out recently. It certainly doesn't grow as quickly as yours!

  5. That was a nice drive - yes that barn is really leaning one of these days maybe... New fangled hairdresser "check-in", did you make your appointment online also? Far Guy is a celebrity!!!

  6. Why you are a famous blogger and that makes Far Guy famous too! I love the highway pictures, especially the old barn. I dearly love seeing old barns and out buildings although they do make me a little sad too. These old barns are sometimes all that is left of a life gone by and often they seem to hang on with all their might.

  7. Love the winter Pictures! I went in for a haircut this Summer and the girl cut my hair down to an inch all over! I was so upset especially when I told her not to cut it very short. I just went back in a week ago for my first haircut since that bad one, and I was so afraid of it happening again! Thankfully , this girl cut it right. I just wish my hair was as thick as yours. Mine is getting so thin. Sharon


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