Saturday, September 21, 2019

Bits of Sunshine

Got a little sunshine for my birthday!

The best jelly ever!  I figured I would have to go back to Hawaii to get some.  My husband is very thoughtful!

Our youngest daughter Jen makes the best cards!   The scissors were part of the crafty gift she sent.  I have always wanted a pair of bird scissors!

I have a cold, Far Guy too...we must have picked it up at the same doubt a Clinic someplace.

We are resting , drinking copious amounts of fluids and napping.

Good thing we made Chicken and Noodles a few weeks ago and stocked up the freezer.

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday!

Far Side


  1. I am just now getting over a cold, too. I'm glad I can't be blamed for giving it to you, since it seems my hubby and my coffee shop friend are blaming me for their recent colds. Glad you had a great birthday.

  2. Oh gosh, praying you get rid of those colds quickly - you certainly don't need that. I took to grandchildren to well-care visits a week apart. Both came down with a fever about 48 hours later. Doctor's offices are so germy.

  3. The jelly and the scissors are very cool, such thoughtful gifts! I hope your colds are better soon, those are NOT nice birthday gifts! I think you should re-celebrate when you're both feeling better.

  4. Wonderful gifts! I hope you can both quickly give the cold the boot

  5. What thoughtful gifts! That card is just gorgeous.
    Feel better soon!

  6. I love the bird scissors! I sure hope you both feel better soon!

  7. How thoughtful that Gene is...just what you wanted! Jen's gift is precious. I have a pair of those scissors but they are old and a little rusty...they must have gotten damp at some point. Jen's card is beautiful. I'm so sorry you're ill....did you overdo it on your birthday? LOL! Just kidding...I hope you both feel better. I'm sure you did pick up something at one of those "appointments". I hope you're better by tomorrow!

  8. Belated Happy Birthday Greetings.

    Both catching a cold - that is just mean - and good that you have the chicken/noodle soup already
    made. Hope the resting and soup bring those colds to an end.


  9. My grandma had those bird scissors! So sorry you got colds. Seems awfully early in the season to start that.

  10. Fall colds are bad news. Eat a lot of toast and new jelly and drink hot stuff.

  11. We find mega doses of Vit.D great for colds. Hubs and I take 5000 units from September to May and rarely get sick
    I have the same little scissors in my knitting bag. A gift from my daughter.

  12. I hate that you have colds. The jelly sounds very flavorful. I always wanted a pair of scissors like that too! You both make great cards. Hope you both feel better soon. Praying for you often throughout the day.

  13. Sorry you two have colds. Sound like you are doing the right things; drinking and napping.
    Water, that is!

  14. Happy late Birthday, and I hope you both get better very soon.

  15. Oh sorry to hear you're both sick! I'm trying so hard to stay well before my surgery in October. How nice that you got your fave jelly for your birthday, and a beautiful card and birdie scissors too! My hubs and I celebrate 51 years of marriage today! How time flies! Prayers that you and far guy get well soon!

  16. What a wonderful gift. Happy birthday!

  17. Catching up here . Oh happy belated birthday . Sorry you are both under the weather hope you both feel and get well soon .

  18. A very happy belated birthday to you, Far Side! That card is so cheery, and what a wonderful and thoughtful surprise on the Hawaiian treat!


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