Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Frozen Tundra, that is what Minnesnowta looks like now.

Frozen Tundra

Yesterday we had a Doctors appointment far away for Far Guy.  A breathing medication has been changed and we see the Doctor again in two weeks.  The Doctor is betting that a change in delivery ( Inhaler vs Nebulizer) of meds may make Far Guy feel better.  The Doc says his airways are “angry”  and hopefully this will settle them down.

We went to Costco, stocked up on some things we needed.  It is a good place to get in a long walk.

The roads were pretty good when we left but lots of blowing snow on the way home.

Snow banks March 4

Some snowbanks are taller than vehicles.

We are happy to be home safe and sound.

Far Side


  1. So glad you had a safe trip. If it wasn't for dr. appts you wouldn't need to be out on the roads at all. It's always something even when retired but that is good that you got a good walk. I have never been to a Costco. There is nothing down here....oh, a Sam's Club about 2 hours away. Lucky you that there was a 'perk' besides the doctor appointment. I hope the new medicine works for Far Guy...it sounds promising.

  2. Brrrr. That looks chilly. Cosy up by the fire, that what's I say! xxx

  3. So glad you had a safe trip. MN looks like WI. Hoping the doctors appointment and new medicine for Far Guy helps him out. Stay safe and warm.

  4. Angry airways are no good. We've had an uptick in feeling better... well Rich has so even though it was cold and windy we had a good day. Those roads look intimidating!

  5. So cold! We in lower Michigan are anxiously waiting for spring too. Hope the change in meds helps your husband.

  6. It looks brutal. I'm glad you are home safe and sound with plenty of supplies. I need to make a Costco run myself. :-)

  7. I hope the different medication helps Far Guy.

  8. Sounds like your trip was an adventure. I hope the medication helps Far Guy. We're grouchy here because the temperatures are down around 10. We just don't know what real cold weather is. :o)

  9. South Da-snow-ta looks the same. Hope the medication changes makes a difference for Far Guy.

  10. I'm glad you made it there and back safely!

  11. I sure Far Guy gets some relief with a new product. Our frozen terrain is a little brighter than yours but the cold still is bitter. We are promised home by Friday and then we will move into weekend rain storms. I have visions of hot rainwater melting things down with great energy. The rain will probably really be cold and maybe ice filled too. Journeys like you took can be scary just because of the weather outside of the vehicle.

  12. I really hope the inhaler works better. Angry body parts are no fun at all.
    Costco is a good place to walk and to stock up, that's for sure. :)

  13. You've got a lot of snow to blow around. Good that you're home safely.

  14. Glad the trip was made safely and hope this works better for Far Guy.

  15. I sure hope the new medication helps Far Guy. Minnesota looks a lot like Washington! It’s hard to believe it’s March. I’m glad you were able to go and get back home safely.
    Blessings, Betsy

  16. I hope Far Guy sees an improvement with the change in medication. We have a Costco membership and going there always serves as our exercise for the day! We like their meats and we always get stocked up on our paper goods while there. When the roads look like that it is a relief to get home!

  17. Wishing Far Guy best of luck with the new meds.

    If our weather is any indication it appears there is (finally) some relief in sight. We're supposed to be in the 20's F, later this week and above freezing next week during daytime hours. I am so looking forward to it.

  18. I don't remember seeing any snow fencing in your area. Have they ever been considered? I hope FG's airways respond to the new medication.

    1. Where they can they plow drifts up in the fields to catch snow. :)

  19. Travelling in not so good weather can be scary at times but if it helps Far Guy then it needs to be done

  20. I hate having appts in weather like you have, but I suppose if I lived there I would be used to it. Glad you made it there and back safe and sound...oh, I love that: Minnesnowta!

  21. That does look severe. Fortunately you can still drive on your roads with that dry snow.

  22. I am such a chicken about driving in winter! I'm glad your travels were safe and hoping that Far Guy's new treatments are helpful.

  23. So glad that the trip went well. Here's hoping the new medication is helpful.

  24. Aw...and here I was hoping you were going to say you got a new truck...

    Hope the new medication delivery system works out well for Far Guy...or maybe you just need another winter vacation to some place warmer :)


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