Monday, March 4, 2019

Cold Weekend

The wind is just raw.  It was way below zero with the wind chill….some obnoxious number –40 or –50.  It is enough to drive you batty!

Bat plant

Bat Plant  January 2019 Hawaii


I am working on my socks.  Far Guy is inbetween projects.

Probably another five appointments this week.

House work, feed birds, shovel snow, cook, do laundry repeat as necessary and go to appointments.  Such is life in the elderly fast lane.

Far Side


  1. This is a busy week for appointments around here also. I don't want to go out really this morning! -14 but at least no wind! MIL has two or three appts just today.
    Stay warm!

  2. Your life sounds a lot like mine. We are also having the bitter cold wind chills here. I am getting real tired of being house-bound due to cold temps or slippery streets.

  3. Cold is relative, it seems. I feel cold when it's in the 30s and windy, but your situation makes me feel like a real wimp. I don't know how I'd do it, which is one reason I don't live in Minnesota! :-)

  4. Your day reads about actually like ours.

  5. Those temperatures sound terrible! I am lucky my Norwegian grandparents chose New York instead of your state, where I know a lot of Norwegians settled!!

  6. What an unusual and interesting plant. Aren't you glad you soaked up all that heat and sunshine in Hawaii

  7. With the exception of the appointments, my life sounds much the same. Thankfully not quite as cold, and the warm starts this afternoon though overnight temps will still be quite cold.

  8. You just said our life story now! and Made me Laugh!!!

  9. The Bat plant is interesting - I wonder if it blooms in the night. I love your description of life in the elderly fast lane! The past two weeks I had the medical appointments and this week is Tom's turn. Like many others, I am so tired of this weather. We are not as cold as you but we are currently in the single digits. It does not encourage getting out of the house.

  10. It was -37 F this morning at our sons house in Montana. That was WITHOUT windchill. I seriously think this is the winter that will never end. We were lucky. It was only -7 F here. I have three appointments this week too. I’m right there with you. Ha!
    Blessings, Betsy

  11. We have more of the same kind of weather today too. The sun is shining but the wind chill was about -40 this morning so many area schools are closed again. I had an early morning haircut and I don't think my car even warmed up before I got there. Stay tucked in where it's warm.

  12. Good to see you here! And you sound busy! I'm tired of snow and looking forward to spring!!

  13. ...but I'm happy to be elderly...and I'm suffering with a rotator cuff tear.

  14. So sorry for your bitter cold/wind. We had tornadoes all around us yesterday. (no damage here) We have lots of appts the next 2 weeks also. It is difficult to keep with them all.

  15. It was 13 here when I got up this morning....brrrr! But -40 or -50 I can't even imagine! The Iowa gang was at -24 this morning. The robins are here in droves and they'll be up there as soon as they thaw out from down here and your temps get warmer! LOL!
    I love that bat does look like bats too. My routine is about the same except I don't feed birds or shovel snow....instead I feed my girls and we all take our meds! LOL! I got my socks back out today too. I can't wait to see yours! I have to go catch up with your posts as I haven't been keeping up reading blogs...shame on me because I love getting comments on mine. TTYL! Stay warm!

  16. I can't even imagine it being that cold, and weather like that makes you dread all those appointments even more. Hope warmer weather heads your way soon.

  17. I'll bet you wish you were back in Hawaii right about now.
    I hope your weather warms up soon.

  18. I don't envy you that temperature at all! WE don't have too terrible many appts these days...for that I am so thankful. Well, we have 4 this week, one is of them is to get our taxes done, then Roger has one and I have another. Next week is pretty much free unless something else happens!

  19. We just flew back from Tamp today. It was in the mid 80s almost all week. Most days the sky was blue. Here in Detroit it's 17 and snowing. Sigh. Colder weather ahead this week, but 40s by the weekend! Maybe this will be the end of it. I am so delusional.

  20. diane in northern wisMarch 4, 2019 at 8:38 PM

    Well you guys sure do keep busy! I know exactly what you're talking about with the cold and snow this winter. It's awful and that's putting it mildly. Hubby and I have both got the most awful colds now too. I couldn't get warm this morning so had to keep putting layers on. Jim was so hot, he had to take his shirt off! Such is life in these balmy areas of the country! take care you guys!

  21. I don't know how you stay warm when it is that cold. Even keeping busy is hard.

  22. It is so cold that I lost any motivation to fulfill the list. We did go for groceries and a bad meal at the grocery store cafe Monday.

  23. Don’t you get tired of waiting rooms and appointments, though? We sure do!


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