Thursday, January 31, 2019


COLD.  It was really cold Wednesday morning.


The wind chill in the nearby village of Ponsford was –66 BELOW. 

We stayed inside all day.  I didn’t even venture out for a photo….our big old outside thermometer is broken…the hand must have freeze dried and fell off.

There was no mail, no school and many businesses were closed including the Clinic.

I heard on the National News that you could freeze your eyeballs.  I laughed…certainly there would be lots of Minnesota people wandering around blind.  Body heat must protect your eyeballs.  Animals that are stuck outside in the weather may get real frosty eyelashes…but their eyeballs seem just fine.  However I have seen dead fish with frozen eyeballs!

If you go outside without the proper clothing you can get mighty cold.  You might even wish you were someplace else.


We have 15 inches of snow at the snow stick.

We will be in the high 20’s above zero on Saturday something to look forward to!  After that we have more winter weather headed our way.

Far Side


  1. It was definitely freeze your butt off here in S.E. WI also. My hubby stayed home from work yesterday and worked from home. Way to cold to go outside. Thankfully we are supposed to warm up today to minus 4. Stay safe and warm.

  2. We're looking for warmer temperatures this weekend, too. Sounds like you are staying warm. That's good.

  3. Our warm temperatures will go away just about the same time you begin to warm up. Our coldest weather of the winter will hit us Sunday and Monday, with a daytime high below freezing. Unusual for us, but nothing like what you're dealing with right now. Scary cold! :-(

  4. It has been wicked but I've been able to keep everyone safe on the farm. All critters are fine. What a stressful time. Not looking forward to the weekend of higher temps and rain?

  5. A 60+ degree swing is predicted for us between yesterday and Saturday. Crazy!! But I guess it makes us hardy.

  6. has been cold here in Saskatchewan, but here in the south of the province, not nearly as cold as what you've experienced. We're to get a brief warm-up starting today but the cold weather is coming back in short order.

    Staying indoors is the best idea. Freezing eyeballs, now that's fake news. :)

  7. I've thought about this ridiculous cold every day this week. Saw the news saying to not open your mouth. Been thankful for our moderate winter. We will have insects galore if we dont get some kind of extended freeze. Wondering if you will have less bugs. My mind running full tilt anout it all.

  8. Crazy, isn't it? Yesterday we were the winner (???) here in Northern Ohio with a -48 with the wind chill. Yet, by Saturday it will be 32 and I have lunch plans with friends. So glad our city decided to delay trash pick until next week (at the last minute, after a little facebook protest) and although our on-foot mail carriers went out, they were evidentially called back in. Ain't nobody need to be out in this!!!

  9. I got a chuckle when I saw the gal wearing goggles and talking about freezing eyes. Oh yeah, I've heard of that happening! LOL

  10. Brutal! Stay warm and safe. We have a few slightly below freezing temps coming our way in a few days, so the forecast says. Some places have their first daffodils blooming already! Crazy weather.

  11. Crazy weather. I hope the warmup comes soon for you all. It makes our teens and twenties look like summer!

  12. So were you all the coldest point in MN?

  13. Brrrr You folks stay warm! And inside! Housebound is better than being a Popsicle

  14. The best idea is to stay inside if you can.

  15. I'm glad the clinic was closed! I think it would have been a horrible trip to make. 20 above is going to feel like a heat wave! Stay warm!! We still have to get through today. LOL!

  16. Brrr! What a week for so much of our country. Here in Missouri we've been -6 but I think that might be a heat wave for you! Stay in and warm and I hope you are both feeling better!

  17. Oh my - that is WAY too cold! (But pretty much like that here in northern Sweden too.)

  18. And we whine here when the temps are in the thirties, not to mention the twenties

  19. Oh, the warm up will certainly be welcome! -8 is the coldest I ever remember here and it was terrible. God bless you both.

  20. We've been following the deep freeze reports on national news. It sounds bad, and dangerous.
    Looks like we might actually get some freeing weather and perhaps a bit of snow soon, and just when we were thinking early spring.

  21. Our -9F seems so minor in comparison to your temps! Our weather is supposed to warm to the high 50's Sun and Monday....part of the time I think it just might; others I will believe it when I see it and feel it! Stay warm!

  22. I bet -40 is colder than -24 degrees F. I think maybe the body parts would freeze more quickly at your temperatures. I did have to see a scarf over my mouth as it did hurt the lungs. I finally got out on Friday to check on the old place.

  23. The weather certainly has been crazy! I've seen those warnings every day for the past couple of weeks. I've only ventured out when absolutely necessary... I don't like ice!

  24. On the news they were talking to a young fellow from Winnipeg who said he usually wore lined jeans but now it was so cold he wore longjohns under his lined jeans. Cozy, but not a fashion statement for sure. Since the Winnipeg area is where we are originally from we love to see what we escaped from!!

  25. Brrrr! Had to come see how you did through the winter blast. From the news it was like a scene from, "Day After Tomorrow." Stay warm.


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