Friday, February 1, 2019

Staying busy

I am busy with various craft projects when it is so cold.   I crochet, color and think of new projects I might like to try.

I went crazy one day and stamped a whole box full of images.  When I am tired of that project I just put the cover on the box…out of sight out of mind.

workbox of cards

Some have been watercolored…I do like watercoloring.


The watering can is one of the spring designs I am working on.

I finished up the tax paperwork for the accountant!  Yeah me!  It is all ready to drop off at his office.  I am always glad to put tax work behind me.

I am going to physical therapy twice a week for my hamstring tendon injury.  Physical Therapy is not painful until afterwards…then I get pain I cannot sleep through…they said that is normal and part of the healing process. It is a real pain in the butt.

We were –40 F again Thursday morning.  Just another fine Minnesota day.  So Long January…hello February.

Far Side


  1. I am so tired of being house bound due to this cold weather. Can't wait for the warm up we will have - all except for the flooding it will bring as it melts all our snow. Have a great weekend.

  2. Sorry to hear you are still having pain. I remember the pain in the butt.

  3. Love your cards. Sorry about the hammy :-(

  4. Your watercolors are always wonderful. And I do hope the hamstring pain hurries up and heals! :-)

  5. I love that watercolor! And like the other cards, too. It is not so cold here today...and for that I am thankful.

  6. Glad you're keeping busy, but sorry you're still having so much pain. Hope your injury heals up quickly, so you can get some decent pain-free rest.

  7. I am sorry about that 40 below! We have been having 20 below for a few days, and that causes enough problems! I am sure you have lots of dairy farms in your area, and I don't know how they cope. I spend the entire day trying to keep all the livestock happy and the pipes from freezing in the house and barn! I hope you are warm!

  8. Lovely cards! I hope the healing hurries up.
    We're finally going to be a little warmer--hurray!! :)

  9. Your cards are pretty. We've been hearing about your 40 below on the local news here in NC. I can't even imagine! Good you have lots of stuff to keep you busy.

  10. your cards are beautiful! Yeah on the tax season behind you, I made my delivery yesterday (so nice to have that off my table). Enjoy this warm up!

  11. Busy busy! I hope you have great results with physical therapy and all the pain is worth it. I did it for almost 9 months and had great improvement, but in spite of doing the exercises at home the benefits have dwindled. Maybe i need a tuneup!

  12. The water colouring of those stamped images takes them up to a whole new level. Lovely! I went to physio for my shoulder last year. My pain was while I was there, those pressure points, oweee! I wasn't good at doing the exercises, but the shoulder was good until just recently, so I may have to admit my failure at keeping the exercises up and go in for some more treatment. Hope your hamstring sorts itself out soon.

  13. I really don't like your temperatures . they are hard on everything. My fun right now is rotator cuff???

  14. I love your work on the cards! Beautiful! I sure hope that pain in the butt improves soon.

  15. Such pretty cards! Hope you have some warmer temps over the weekend like we are getting.

  16. You are working to hard or you are afraid to be bored. I took down the last of the decorations and cleaned all the floors. I did have some down time as I can do it tomorrow. Your cards are nice.

  17. Your cards are so nice. I hope that the PT helps you heal very fast! It's a bit warmer here today bur there is another storm on the horizon...

  18. Such pretty and colorful cards. So very sorry about your pain keeping you awake. I hope you feel much better soon. Sending you both wishes for a nice weekend.

  19. Our tax accountant, me, is waiting for all of the forms to arrive in the mail, and then I will tackle the job. I am always so glad when that is done. Not sure there is any hurry this year, what with the huge backlog in processing returns due to the shutdown. We'll see how it goes.

  20. That watering can is gorgeous. I’ve always been a wee bit envious of those of you who can paint so prettily. Sorry about the PT being a pain in the butt. Believe me I know. I had a one and a half hour long PT session myself this morning. I’m trying to keep my eyes on the goal. Ha!
    We’re waiting for two more things to arrive in the mail and then it will go off to the accountant Hubby has everything ready to go if those darn papers ever show up. Stay warm! Blessings, Betsy

  21. diane in northern wisFebruary 1, 2019 at 7:48 PM're so crafty Connie! I love the cards that you water color so beautifully. I think you must have quite a bit of patience to do that, and do it so well. You and Far Guy are really artists!

  22. Your stamped cards look pretty especially with watercolor added.


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