Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wistful Wednesday: Meeting Little Elvis

In mid January 2010 Andy bought a Sheltie puppy.  His name was Elvis…Far Guy and I call him Little Elvis.  Chance met Little Elvis for the first time up in Bemidji at Trica and Dicks house in town…Jen, Andy and the boys were visiting for the day.

he has my tail

He was little.  Chance was a tad worried about his tail.

Miney, Elvis, Chance Jan 17 2010

Miss Miney, Little Elvis and Chance.  That is Adam in the background.

2010 Jan 16  Paige Adam and Noah

Paige, Adam and Noah Jan 2010.


Miss Miney and Little Elvis January 2019.   Elvis is nine years old now.

They are happy to see us when they come to visit.  I wonder if they miss Chance as much as we do.  I wonder if they distrust us because Chance is not here…do they wonder what we did with him…or do they just know.  Jen says they just know.

Do we plan to get another dog?  Not yet, neither of us are ready.  For now we will love our daughters dogs and the neighbor dogs and that is good enough for now.

Far Side


  1. Love your header photo of Chance. Nice to read about him again.

  2. It's always good when a sheltie comes to visit. I think they just know too. And they know you're sad. They will try to make you happy.

  3. Oh, my, love that pic of the 3 dogs on the road. Elvis is just precious!

  4. I still miss Chance, too, but I fell completely in love with my sister's new dog Charley. Nothing quite like dog love, is there? :-)

    1. I think they do know. Our house cat loved our dog, followed him everywhere in the house. Our dog passed away in August, and was cremated. When I brought the wooden box of ashes into our home, set it on the floor, the cat came and sat by it. Moved the box to another side of the room. The cat sat by it. Ultimately put it on hubby's desk and only then did cat leave it alone, after days. Almost unbelievable and bothered hubby.

  5. Such great dog pix! Can't blame Chance for having been worried about his tail! Hope you are staying safe and warm. no USPS mail delivery here today. I don't mind, but I can't even remember if/when that happened last.

  6. We had a wonderful Border Collie named Betty when our girls were kids. When we moved into town we gave her to a good family because we knew she would be too bored in town with no animals and a small yard. But I cried like a baby and swore "no more dogs to cry over" - so I just love up our kids' dogs and the neighbor dogs. And our geriatric cat.

  7. I'm curious, does Odda still escape to visit you and FarGuy?

  8. Ah, beautiful, beautiful dogs. I also think they know. Animals are smarter than we ever give them credit for. Both our dog and cat knew when I came home from the vet last month after having to let Amelia go. They sat side-by-side and just stared at me and then they cried, both of them for several days, during the night. It was very, very sad. You will know when the time is ready. Your broken hearts needs to heal a bit. Blessings, Betsy

  9. Little Elvis was an adorable puppy. He has such a sweet face. I hope he and Miss Miney visit often so you get a dose of doggy love now and then.

  10. I think they just know.
    So sweet to see Little Elvis as a puppy! And Adam just a boy. Time has flown by there, too.

  11. I love these pictures! Especially the one of the three dogs running down the road. Happy memories!

  12. I think Jenn is right and they do know, and I am pretty sure they trust you. Cause most times dogs do know...a whole lot.

  13. I'm still not ready for another dog after more than 2 years since the death of the last one, Sparky and Kippy just before him. Don't know if I can take that anymore. I'd like to think I will someday soon. Great pictures!

  14. Love your pictures of the dogs and the grands. Please be careful in that severe cold....they say it will break records but sometimes they exaggerate I think to get everyone to go to the stores...not that you shouldn't anyway but true pioneers are already prepared! Stay safe and warm!

  15. A sweet story... and I think Jen is right... they know.

  16. We had to put down my last two hunting dogs and decided retired people who want to travel shouldn't get another one. That lasted one year and we got our first GSD (German Shedding Dog)and now another GSD rescue dog. Lily. So it goes...:)

  17. Love all your photos. Dog people share your love for Chance and the other beautiful Shelties.

  18. diane in northern wisJanuary 30, 2019 at 6:40 PM

    Love seeing all the pics of your dogs....and especially the one of them running up the snowy lane! Sweet memories now touched with some sadness. I know how that goes. Still fun to look back and remember! Peace and warm hugs to you both. Feel better you two!

  19. Every one grieves on their own time. I haven't been without a dog since I was 12 or 13 (other than the 6 months I was working up north and my dog was living with my parents). I think the fact of having another dog(s) that still needs attention, walks, feeding, etc, somewhat helps to ease the passing of the other one. I can't imagine not having a dog, how painful that would be, but am actually thinking that to not have one for a little while would make it easier to do a few things that we would like to do. You will know when or if you feel ready to bring another one into your life.

  20. Lovely photos . I miss Chance to . I cant even begin to think of our life with out our Miggs it makes me cry , she is nearing 10 now and has already been through a lot in her life with leg surgery's and now arthritis . It took me many years between dogs as it does break ones heart in the end for each and every one but they do bring years of so much love , friendship and joy regardless . I believe pets know when another pet has passed they feel it to. Thanks for sharing , stay cozy and safe in this crazy arctic weather and have a good weekend !


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