Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Quiet roads and a big splash

The traffic out and away from our home is horrible.  People passing in no passing zones, even trucks passing two vehicles at one time.  It is crazy, does the whole world have a death wish or what?  Lots of tourists…in another two weeks they will be heading home.

Quiet road

We prefer our quiet country road.

Deer Traffic

Don’t get me wrong, we do have traffic.

more deer traffic

It is just a different kind of traffic….hit and miss.

We have been woodcarving Christmas Ornaments just about every day, the patio looks like a woodshop.  We are nearing the end of the carving.  We have 70 ready to paint and 3 painted.  I will attempt to paint a few this week to send home with visiting relatives.

Chance is a bit better for the moment, he sleeps most of the time but attempted the stairs all by himself yesterday.  Taking the Vets advice I took him swimming, I slipped on the slime covered concrete pads at the boat landing …I made a big splash…it was a warm day so I was much cooler. Far Guy did not laugh but I am certain he felt like it. Chance just looked at me like “Wow… you want me to do that?” We wandered around in the water…swimming is just not his thing. Luckily the water cushioned my fall so I was not injured. 

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  1. Sure glad you did not get hurt when you slipped and fell into the water!
    Is Chance sick? I hope not. Guess he is not much for swimming.

  2. Glad you were not injured when you fell and the water cushioned your fall. Would like to see one or some of the Christmas ornaments when possible. Hope Chance is ok. Have a blessed day.

  3. I like country roads best too. Those deer pictures are amazing! It's no wonder so many are hit by cars the way the leap right out into the road. Sure glad you didn't get hurt when you fell. I fell recently too. Got my feet tangled up and fell into a bush and then landed in the duck's dirty water. Falling is scary! and dangerous! Hope Chance is okay.

  4. I'll take your country road over my city street any day. Glad you weren't hurt when you fell. Give Chance a big hug for me.

  5. Oh, my! Glad you were not hurt in your fall. Your post made me feel like I was there watching, too. Made me smile to think of Chance and you in the water. :-)

  6. Love to see deer jumping. They are so amazingly graceful! I certainly hope you miss and not hit the deer. Our dogs feel the same way about water. I hope the medication effects wear off after Chance gets used to it.

  7. When I used to jump with horses (not much)...I always thought, "if I had a deer to ride" I could win every competition! They are great jumpers....able to scale tall buildings in a single leap! YOur traffic report was too funny...true but funny! SO glad you didn't hurt yourself when you fell and so glad Chance is doing better. Nitty is holding her own and Annie too....so far.

  8. That's scary, glad you're ok. Tourists in this area drive us crazy.

  9. Tourists here drive us nuts too. We don't lose them come fall because of the foliage, winter is skiing so it is never ending. We have to be careful on our road because of deer also even though it looks like we have more houses on our road than you. Glad all is well. Hugs, LJ

  10. The things we do for our children - - be they people or be they fur.

  11. Oh no! Those bot landings can be a slime incline. Glad you weren't hurt. And glad Chance is doing a little better. :)
    From the sounds of it, I guess I don't miss being out fighting the traffic. Although the deer can be more dangerous than the trucks.
    You guys have really been carving up a storm. Nice to be getting closer and closer to the end of the project. :)

  12. Oh no - glad to hear you're alright!

  13. That's the kind of traffic I like to see - the four-legged variety.

  14. Oh! Man I am so glad you were NOT hurt! Falls at our ages are dangerous!

  15. I like country roads too. It looks like the maniac drivers today have never been tested.

  16. Can I laugh? I am glad you were not hurt!
    Since I live in one of the worst traffic areas in the country, compounded by summer maintenance work on the roadways, I do have to say you have no idea about bad traffic. But good for you.

  17. We have a bunch of those crazy drivers here too!

  18. I'm with you on the drivers, good grief, people are so impatient, it's scary. That's one high leaping deer!
    Ugh, sorry to hear it is so bad for Chance. Will he swim out to fetch a ball? Our dogs are only swimmers because they want to fetch something back. Luna especially will go lay in the water if she is hot. Glad you are okay, but I probably would have laughed (only if I had known you were okay) ;-)

  19. You got some amazing shots of that deer!!

    I'm glad you weren't hurt when you slipped and fell. Sweet of your hubby not to laugh.

  20. Barney's therapy is rest. I think his eyesight has become worse so the stairs seem impossible for him to approach. He makes it but really has to think about that first step on the small ramp. Once he starts he does ok. If anything goes wrong, he just collapses and waits for help.


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