Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Super Harvest Moon

Last night we headed out on the prairie to watch and wait for the moon to rise.

Supermoon one

You could barely see it and then all of a sudden it was there.

Supermoon two

It was a beautiful evening…except we finally got enough rain for some wayward skeeters to hatch.

We stopped by Steve and Jo’s to wait for the moon to come over the trees at their place. Odda and Putz were happy to see Chance.

Supermoon three

By the time the moon came over the trees it was dark and the moon was smaller…but still pretty. 

Did you see the moon last night?

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  1. Very pretty. I did not see the moon last night. Glad Chance saw his buddies. I love your header photo.

  2. Beautiful pictures of the moon. I finally saw it this morning at 4:00AM. It was cloudy around here last night. Glad Chance got to see his buddies.

  3. Saw the moon early this morning when I took the dogs outside. It was clear in the sky, so the moon looked beautiful, and lit up the whole back yard.

  4. I saw the light from the moon coming through the window last night and even though there were plenty of clouds, it was very bright outside. Great shots! :-)

  5. It was awesome here as well - clear skies Sunday night and beautiful moonset Monday morning as I drove to work. I've seen some pretty amazing shots of it on facebook from down south of here in the mountains. I love yours with the irrigation in it.

  6. It was a great moon, but I couldn't hold the camera steady enough for any good shots.

  7. Nope. It was raining here. Maybe tonight if the clouds blow off!

  8. Yes, I did, I drove home from my Mom's late last night, it was beautiful!

  9. Sorry comments were acting up lol !
    Nice shots ! I also did a post with photos of last nights Harvest /super moon it was lovely ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  10. I Missed it- just forgot. I was hoping to catch this last one. Nice shots!

  11. I was outside in the evening, sure nice and bright, but not sure I made a point of looking right at the moon. I did the two evenings before though:)

  12. I saw it while walking Barney but didn't go back out with the camera. I will just look at your great shot. I could tell the light was bright out there as the lights were off and it seemed like the street light was shining in the house.

  13. I saw it yesterday morning when I woke up when it should be dark and it wasn't! I went outside to watch it and only had a few minutes before the clouds on the horizon drifted up and over it. Beautiful!

  14. I did see the moon. Here in Michigan it appeared to be enormous. Lovely sight, lovely harvest moon.

  15. The big red fall moon is one of my favorites. I can't look tonight because it's still snowing today.

  16. Thanks for letting me see it. We were in the trees...and it was cloudy. Two strikes. However, I did get twalk he dogs by the light f the moon the night before. No flashlight required!

  17. It was very bright- I like your first photo. And of course, the one of Chance in your header with his semaphore ears.

  18. I saw it when I let the dogs out...I love harvest moons especially close to Halloween when the clouds move across the face of the moon.....really spooky. Your pictures are great.

  19. Sadly, it was overcast here,so no moon viewing!

  20. Last night it was rainy here, so no moon was visible. But I did see a nearly full moon rise the evening before, and it looks like there will be a clear sky again tonight.

  21. You know, I totally didn't even think about the super moon deal until you mentioned it. But we couldn't help but notice the moon last night--it was so bright! We had clear skies here, and when the moon comes up, I like to catch it right on the horizon where it looks so huge anyhow. Maybe last night that magnifying effect would have stood out even more. Oh, well. Guess I'll have to wait another kazillion years or so for the same phenomenon to come around again...

  22. I did not see the moon last night. Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures!

  23. I tried to take pictures...not so good.

    Happy full moon. A shared one is even better.

    I always think of the song Somewhere Out There by Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram.

  24. Indeed we did. Most spectacular.... Briefly though.

  25. No moon here...just tons of very wet clouds!

    You did a great job of photographing the moon!


  26. Lovely photos! I work at a place called Harvest Moon Timber Frame so I was out trying to get the full moon over my barn, but wasn't as talented as you are at capturing it. Nice to see good photos


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