Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fall Color

On Tuesday we drove over to the Hanna Ore Road, the Maples are always beautiful there.

Maple Leaves

We headed to Bottomless Lake.

Bottomless Lake

As you can see Fall has come to our part of Minnesota.

Layers of color

It was windy but warm.

Yesterday was cool and it threatened to rain all day long.

We had company, Cousins Bonnie and Wayne came by for a visit….they are headed to a warmer climate…hard to believe that summer is over.

Maple that turns yellow

The leaves don’t lie. We are at peak Fall color now.  Soon the prettiest part of Fall will be over…and Winter could be ushered in any day.  I have heard all kinds of snow predictions already…100 plus inches and ten times as much as last year.  Which reminds me I better pick a spot for the snowstick and get it in place.

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  1. Lovely pictures. We are a bit behind SE Manitoba. Today we are to hit 30C. We'll see. Sounds like the same forecast for winter here. Maybe you better use a snow tree instead of the stick - just in case they are wrong LOL.

  2. Beautiful colors. Our trees are starting to turn; won't be long now. I sure hope those snow predictions aren't true. After last year I don't think I can survive another winter with tons of snow.

  3. The trees are lovely ,ours need water bad so color my not be good here.

  4. Ours are just beginning to turn. Your pictures are wonderful, showing how pretty it is right now. I do hope you don't get buried in snow this year. :-)

  5. Looks nice. Pretty similar here, though our peak is usually early October.

  6. I never get tired of looking at photos of the Fall leaves....hush about winter at our back door....I'd like to dream it will be mild till Christmas, a little snow Christmas eve, then mild until April. Dreamer huh? Enjoy these beautiful days.

  7. It sure is pretty around your home. I love your fall header photo, too. We are about a month away from fall color. I always look forward to you and Muddy Boots snow contest!

  8. Gorgeous autumn colours!

  9. Our Minneapolis weather man thinks that we will have less snow this winter and not such cold temperatures. I sure hope he is right. Too much snow and terrible cold last winter. The leaves are turning here too but not yet at their peak. Of course you are "Up North" and we are in the center of the state. Let's hope we both have a milder winter than last year with less of that White Stuff.

    Shirley H.

  10. Some of the trees in Southwestern Ohio are beginning to yellow. Lots are still green but fall is on its way.

  11. I love your photos, and your header! We have an odd thing in town this year...lots of maples on which just one or several branches have turned bright red while the rest of the tree is still green.

  12. Ooh! I don't like your weatherman! Beautiful fall colors in your part of the state. I'm wondering what I will be coming home to tomorrow. Giant zucchini, I'm sure of that! :-)

  13. Beautiful color! I'm curious to see how your stick fares this winter ;-).

  14. This year me and the stick are gonna be in sinc. for sure. No doubt!!!

  15. Enjoy the color and beautiful weather while it lasts. I'm looking for a long pleasant fall. I'm not so pessimistic about winter. I'm not looking for a good place to put a snow stick.

  16. Love the colors - one of my favorite spots is not far from Hanna Ore Road ~ hoping the leaves last for a few days yet I need to get out a couple more times :) Snow stick season coming up!

  17. I grew up next to a lake that was said to have been bottomless...can't fathom that...

  18. Our fall color is just beginning and will go on into November. Your all-at-once color is lovely.

  19. Love those maples!! Yes, get that measuring stick in place. I am always curious to see what it reads during the winter. :)

  20. The maples are beautiful! It's hard to believe you already have all the fall colors.

  21. Thank you for sharing my favorite part of Fall although it's really hard to choose as there are so many! We are lagging behind you for sure but I'll post pictures when it gets here.


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