Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Gifts!

Jen went on a Spring Vacation to Miami and brought us back a bit of summer.

Gift from Jen

It had more margarita flavored Jelly Belly's in it…but some went missing.  I have not had a margarita since last October it may be timeSmile ( I always ask for half strength…full strength makes me giggle and walk funny)

My Mom made Far Guy a Chance inspired table runner and place mats to match.


Blog reader Dale spent some of his quiet time this winter after two surgeries woodburning Chance’s likeness into some wood.  Thanks Dale!

 All the gifts

Our other spring gift is mud.


Yes we still have snow, but it is melting and making mud.

Happy First Day of Spring!

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  1. Those are some really nice gifts. Our Spring here is a lot of standing water, mud and snow piles.

  2. That was a nice gift, to see Chance through another person's eyes. And boy, you do have a lot of mud. I figure we'll have our share on our walk today. :-)

  3. Such neat gifts! The mud! I should take a picture of our chicken lot! I have to carefully keep my balance carrying the bucket in! I slip and slide all the way to the chicken house door. We go from one mess to another!!

  4. Oh those are wonderful gifts ! Happy spring ! It is mucky and sloppy here to but who cares it's spring lol !! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  5. Yep, you certainly are in Mudland. But when I'm squishing my way around my yard I'll just be happy it's not more of that white stuff!

  6. So what's wrong with giggling and walking funny? :)

  7. Wow, I'm impressed that your mother is still sewing so well, and I love the border collie fabric.
    As a kid I had a wood burning kit, what a nice gift the two pictures are.
    We are well acquainted with mud here, it is a three season thing for us:(

  8. Your gifts are fabulous (well, maybe not the mud, but at least it means warm days are coming). Enjoy!

  9. Happy Spring, lovely gifts, even the mud, Blessings Francine.

  10. Haha I ask for half strength Mai Tais too!

  11. Mud, we call mud season Break-up here. Looks like Chance has several admirers!

  12. Nice gifts. I'm hoping we don't have a lot of flooding due to the snow this year. Happy spring!

  13. Never tasted margarita jelly beans, but they do sound good and the color is very spring-y. It's not surprising that Chance inspires art. He is such a handsome guy!

  14. Happy spring to you, too! Love the margarita - what a cute gift!

  15. Wonderful gifts. :-)
    Be careful of the mud!

  16. Mud season is the worst but it is the best too, because dirt season comes next!


  17. Could spring be on its way? Love that glass of jelly beans.

  18. Love the placemats and carving! C'mon spring, any time now would be good!

  19. I love the Chance gifts! They are all so border collie! Spring was never my favorite on the farm either and I think it was because of the mud. Margarita's and I stay clear of each other....I get a little "lippy" when I drink them. I haven't had one in years now and probably never will again. Now jelly beans I could probably handle.

  20. Cute gifts!! And the wood burning Chances are really excellent!
    Sloppy spring--yup! ;)


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