Monday, March 3, 2014

Some Signs of Summer

Ha!  There is still snow here and it is way below zero.  There is no sign of summer…or even spring..yet.

Last summer I did see a few signs that were interesting enough to photograph.

Cows signs

With the price of beef…happiness is probably having just a cow or two.

Bull sign

“If you are thinking of crossing this field, you best do it in 9.9 seconds – The bull can do it in 10.0” 

This guy or gal had a sense of humor.

I took these photos on some back road in Hubbard County.  Some days when we go for a drive, we just take roads because we have never been on them before.  You never can tell what you might find around the next bend.

Blog Signature


  1. We do the same thing trying to get "lost" here. You never know who or what you might run across. Like Hubbard Counties famous sign painting wits....:)

  2. I do love to take back roads. You get to see so much more of what is around you. That farmer really has a neat sense of humor. Hopefully one of these days Spring will arrive.

  3. That second sign definitely made me laugh. But yeah, I guess I would stay out of that field. :-)

  4. Morning, so nice to see green instead of white in the pictures. Great humor, love taking back roads, Blessings Francine.

  5. We do the same thing I love going for drives in our country side and taking roads we have not yet traveled ! These are cute . I would have a cow or two just because if I could , I love farm animals and miss them . Oh look green grass in you wonderful photos . All though cold here the sun has been shining every day so far and snow has been melting ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  6. I too love to find back roads we've never been on. I love those signs!

  7. I have a friend who that first sign would be perfect for. I've seen various versions of the second sign, sometimes it is a dog and a yard instead of a bull and a field. We love taking the back roads too, although living in a mountainous area somewhat limits the backroads compared to flatter land.

  8. With the price of beef, happiness would be having many cows. I have been blocked from you photos for a couple of days but I am back viewing them now again. I think the school server which this computer is routed through didn't like your photos but I think they are great.

  9. Wonderful signs! And my first reaction to the title of your post was, "Summer? I'm still waiting for spring!", but it was restorative to be given a glimpse of the future.

  10. All the bends have something interesting around them. These are great signs.

  11. Very creative people writing those signs.

  12. Love the signs - thanks for the chuckles this morning.

  13. You MADE my day after a nasty winter weekend! LOVE IT.

  14. What a great pun your title is! And those summer signs are just way cool. I love country back roads.

  15. Yesterday we were in shorts. Today we had our parkas on. In the South!
    Spring has to find us sooner or later.
    Have a good week and stay warm!

  16. Oh, I love those two signs. So funny!

  17. Way back when the price of gas wasn't @*&% dollars per gallon, I used to take the back roads for a leisurely drive to nowhere, just because, too. Don't do that so often anymore :(

    Thanks for sharing your fun signs. Not sure even an Olympian could make it across that field in time.

  18. Fun signs! I think we are having Spring as my allergies are kicking in :(

  19. I love both signs! Printed well, reads well...proceed!
    ♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬

  20. Oh, I LOVED those signs!!! Now there are some people with a great outlook on life and a sense of humor. :)


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