Tuesday, January 14, 2014

PO’ed at the PO

WELL.  You know that Altered Book I worked on labored over for hours and sent off to the round robin exchange? 

Some Postal Employee went postal on my package between here and Idaho.  It looks like it soaked in a mud puddle for a very long time.

Book for Round Robin

So right now I am mad as hell at all the Postal Employees in Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana and Idaho.  I hope whoever is responsible for soaking a book that was incased in a bubble wrap postal approved $1.89 mailer gets a pox and I hope his penis falls off.  Oh yeah what if it was a lady mail carrier… may her boobs sag prematurely and her hot flashes put Mount Vesuvius to shame.  Mind you it is not just damp…it was dripping with water.  For goodness sakes it is wintertime…too darn cold to have water anyplace…maybe it was left unattended in a post office shower…or maybe an elephant crushed the packaging and peed all over it…perhaps aliens stole it because they thought it was worth reading and when it wasn’t they hosed it down with their super duper space hoses filled with miracle water that never freezes.

I don’t know what I will do now.  Sure it is only a book.  I can make another.  It was one of a kind. How do you go about making another one of a kind?  I would bawl if I wasn’t so mad.

I can tell you this, lesson learned. The next book I mail off will be inside a Ziploc bag and then incased in bubble wrap and insured for $50 bucks.  I used to have faith in the Postal Service…not so much anymore.

I had a rough day.  I didn’t need anymore DRAMA in my day. Perhaps you have a Postal story that will make me feel better?  It was one of those SPF days and I am not talking sunscreen.

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  1. That is beyond awful. Can you save any of it?

    1. It is in Idaho, Lisa is trying to dry it out and we will see how it looks after it is dry.

  2. Oh Connie, so terrible, not to sure about the P.O., hope you have a better day, Francine.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about the book. I have had my share of experiences with our lovely Post Office. They have "lost" important pieces of mail (hubby's paycheck,bills bank statements,etc) and have delivered shredded ( and I really mean shredded) mail. Whatever it was came in a ziploc bag literally shredded. This christams my daughter-in-law sent me a ceramic bowl. The package was marked Fragile all over it. I have never seen a more mangled box in my life. It really boggles the mind what those over paid whiney postal employees do with our mail. Maybe that is why more people are choosing not to send "snail" mail anymore. I say "fire them all" and get rid of the postal union and start over. There are a lot of people out of work who would love to have a job and they might give a s**t. Hope your day gets better.

  4. OMG! That is just awful. I wonder if it might have been some of the stolen mail I've read about, or what could possibly have happened to it. At least you found out what happened to it; otherwise you might have thought it was delivered intact. This is terrible.

  5. Gee I really feel for you for the loss of this important book. It is irreplaceable!
    Shirley H.

  6. I can't imagine how outraged you feel and yes, I would want to cry too. My p.o. story, we ordered a one of a kind tea pot, creamer and sugar once. Everything was busted to pieces except the creamer....what do you do with that? Had to jump thru hoops to get ins. $ but still, the one of a kind set was lost forever.
    I'm so sorry.

  7. Wow. I am so sorry. I have had good luck over the years with the PO and our little office in town is always helpful and friendly. Tim got caught in the UPS Christmas mess and paid $90 to ship two gifts...that didn't arrive until Thursday afternoon. Trouble everywhere :-(.

  8. Wow! The air in Minnesota must be really blue this morning. The postal service employees better watch their private parts! ;)

  9. I have nearly shifted to UPS entirely. The post office begins with crappy service and ends with crappy service and stupid rules and regulations --

  10. Sorry to hear about the book. I would be crying and the air would be blue around here. The postal service is getting worse all the time. If we want someone in town to get mail the next day it has to be mailed by noon. Then a truck picks it up and takes it to the Twin Cities and then back out here the next day. Isn't that ridiculous.
    Hope you have a better day.

  11. What a terrible thing to happen. All your hard work! I'm sorry. I could not help but laugh though at what you wished on the mail people!

  12. Well, that would tick me off too. You'd think they would have the courage to at least tell you what happened instead of being crass enough to just send it back
    Nothing like a good rant to settle things and get it out of your system..

  13. How on earth? For what it's worth, you have to give them credit for returning it to you.

    I hope today is a better day: it certainly can't get much worse. . .

  14. How awful! My Christmas package from my sis in WV was evidently thrown as a beautiful glass manger scene was broken to bits and the wrapped packages were torn.
    No kudos for the post office this season.

  15. That's awful . Now a days there is no respect for anything . I haven't had any problems with our post yet but if I do I am sure as hell gona raise hell . Hope all works out in the end for you . Take a breath and try to have a better day !

  16. Yes, getting disgusted with the postal service. Too many screw-ups of late! Can cause real friction on a family when people think they have been ignored or left out at holiday time!

  17. Looks like they really had to work at it to come up with this kind of disaster. I do hope your curses work on the perpetrators because I would like to use them.

  18. Oh, that's terrible. I know how awful you must be feeling. I like the scenarios (I'd go with the alien one,) and the penalties. Maybe you could make a voodoo doll with pins in appropriate places and hang it on your mailbox!

  19. We ship my wife's artworks regularly and we just hold our breath in hopes they can get it there. So far only one problem and no damaged artwork. Our po can't seem to keep employees and they keep retraining the part time workers monthly. That package had to have landed in a container with water or the sprinkler system was turned on to get it that soaked.

  20. A friend who lives in New York state mailed my Christmas presents to me some years back. I was staying at our flat in Switzerland. Two months later the package was returned to sender marked "no such country"!! So my partner and I are lucky enough to have a small flat in a country that does not exist according to the United States Postal Service. Friend was then compelled to unpack her parcel and repack it in a new (and expensive) box to remail it to me in London. Which apparently does exist.
    NOT impressed by your soggy parcel at all. Poor you.

  21. If you sent it Priority Mail, it is automatically insured for $50.00 now, and you should file claim.

    We ship a lot of boxes thru the Post Office and UPS as we have a small home business. What we have learned that no matter how well you pack things, about 1 out of a hundred is going to be damaged, UPS or the P.O.

    We got one back that looked a lot like yours, so I took it down to the Post Office and had the Postmaster open it just to embarrass him a little. I was totally surprised when it emerged unscathed. I told him if I worked for the P.O. (not likely) I would be too ashamed to deliver a package like that, and he had to agree. It is a lot of the mechanized handling that goes on now that is a big part of the problem. Plus, have you ever been in the back room of a Post Office? Utter chaos is about the only description that comes to mind.

  22. You should bawl anyway, it might help you to feel slightly better:( Extremely frustrating, for sure. Can't think of any postal horror stories at the moment, but when I used to mail Christmas presents, I always insured them for $100, and I think it only cost any extra $1 to do it. Not that insurance really helps with a special one of a kind item, but it is better than nothing.

  23. I would be angry too. I think I will learn from your experience and insure from now on if it's affordable. They should be made to pay for their extreme sloppiness and carelessness!

  24. You hope his penis will fall off! Lol. Now that I know it might have been elephant pee instead of water I wish I had washed my hands more thoroughly.

  25. I have to say things rarely go wrong for us with us ps but im hurting for you

  26. Boy, they really did a number on that package...maybe the postal worker went postal on it??? I have never seen you so spitting mad, I best stay on your good side! ; )

  27. I've had a bad experience like that many years ago. My daughter's cabbage patch doll, sent from Germany, was unwrapped and look like a truck ran it over, tire tracks and all. And they wonder why they're going under. Service, people, service!!! Take an extra BP pill today, I think you need it!!!!

  28. How awful! I am having trouble with the PO as well, they have managed to loose/destroy 5 of my packages recently. I think I will borrow your excellent curses to bestow upon them.

  29. Not much I can say except I'd take it to the post office and complain, if only to help yourself feel better.
    *hugs* ♥

  30. Sorry, I should have let you sleep...tomorrow will be better

  31. After all that creative energy and work, I'd be thoroughly ticked off, too! At least take it in and complain. You will feel a teeny bit better!

  32. I sent my aunt a package priority mail, DC to Denver. So she should have gotten it two days later, maybe three... Well, no package. Finally it showed up a week later, all banged up. She took to her PO where she knows all of them, and they tracked it. It went to CO via Puerto Rico! Hope it had a nice holiday! Turns out it ended up in the wrong bin at the sorting center right outside of DC...

  33. Oh! Yes! I have postal stories...like the leather purse I wanted for my mother for her birthday, hung on the mail box so the wind blew it into an irrigation ditch, wound up in a head gate, delivered to me...I took it to the Post Office they said they are only responsible to get there if it gets damaged after it gets there there is nothing they can do. I filed a claim with the GOV. Then the PO employee that drove into the yard to make a delivery, turn around and FLUNG the box at me and drove off as fast as Possible...I made another claim.

    Nothing really happens with the claim but you do get the satisfaction of talking to a higher up!!! I have more stories if you want them!


  34. Oh, Connie, that's awful! The time and effort and creativity that goes into those types of art work is priceless. I am so sorry for your loss and the recipients. What a shame! I wish there was something I could do. Maybe I'll have another glass of wine tonight...just for you.

  35. My mail lady threw a flat box from her car window when she drove in my driveway. Usually to walk up and ring the door bell and hand me a package and I say "Thank You"
    She drove in the deep snowed driveway and apparently did not want to get out of her pickup so she THREW it towards the house and figured close enough. She got a sack of coal for Christmas!!!!
    Oh and the items were broken in the package.
    Did that make you feel better?
    The nerve huh? I liked the voodoo doll idea.

  36. Big bad bummer! It has always been difficult for me to let others do a job because I don't know if they will have my same standards - - but you couldn't really hand-deliver that yourself. I send a lot through UPS - - but some of their stuff is now routed through the mail carriers - - - at least what we get from Amazon. Our mail carrier said UPS has a contract with the PO now. Interesting.


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