Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wistful Wednesday: Watermelon and Relatives

I still have a number of old family photographs that are not completely identified.

This one is from Far Guys Mom’s side of the family.

Gathering of relatives

It was probably a family gathering with watermelon maybe the 4th of July. The photo was taken at a lake.  There are three unknowns.

Family Gathering Mae, Meadey Curt possible Marvin on right (2)

Great Aunt Mae was there and she and Great Uncle Frank lived in Nebraska.  Great Aunt Mae was Grandpa Curt’s sister.  I have no idea if one of those men is Great Uncle Frank or not. (Frank was Grandma Meade’s brother…confusing I know, but it makes it easier when you go to visit relatives…less stops.)

Great Aunt Ethel was there too.  She was Grandma Meade’s sister.

Aunt Marie was there. I wonder what year this was?  Possibly before she was married in 1943.

Far Guy’s Dad Marvin was there.  Where was his Mom?  Taking the photograph? 

Great Aunt Mae seems to be talking to someone….oh well they all seem to be enjoying the watermelon.  Maybe she is hollering at Frank “Sweetie bring me some watermelon.”

I wonder why so many people took photos of people eating watermelon?  You would be surprised how many old photos have that for a theme.

Whenever I eat watermelon outside at a picnic I lean forward so the watermelon juice doesn’t land on my shoes.

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  1. Watermelon must be a favorite in your family,(far guys). Looks like a day that sure would call for a nice juicy watermelon. I think that watermelon is one of my favorite things to eat! I lean over a plate if one is available. I wonder how many have watermelon juice on their shoes? :)

  2. I was wondering the same thing. Why aren't they at least leaning over? All our family get togethers had watermelon involved back then but I don't remember a family photo with everyone standing up to eat it. They sure do look happy though. Hope they didn't dribble all over themselves :)

  3. That's a really interesting photo. And it never was a tradition in my family to stand up and eat watermelon while somebody took pictures. It's true that everybody would have been dribbling! Made me smile, though. :-)

  4. Love the old watermelon eating photo, so great, Francine.

  5. Love this picture. I'll have to be on the lookout for watermelon themed photos at the antique stores now.

  6. Great photo - you have given me an idea for labeling digital photos - kind of hard to write on the back of them. ;oD

  7. That's a funny photo:) They might not be leaning forward, but they all look like they are leaning sideways:)

  8. This brings back memories of family get togethers of the past when the adults all thought watermelons were a big treat and the kids were all annoyed by all the seeds. I remember saying that someone should invent a watermelon without seeds and being laughed at.

    I have the last laugh.

  9. How fascinating. I have never seen a family photo of people eating water melon. Of course, we don't eat it much in the UK.... but I can't imagine a similar fruit themed family photo for this country. I guess it would probably involve strawberries?

  10. Even if you can't identify everyone, it's still such a great photo!!

  11. I don't have any watermelon shots either...but I do love it, and so does Ryker!

  12. that's a fun photo! Watermelon…seems to make everyone smile.

  13. This looks like the thirties. Interesting how they wore suits and ties to the lake. That's the way it was done then.

  14. Especially for a group that was as dressed up as this one, you'd think they would lean way over! Except...this isn't a photo of them eating watermelon. It is a picture of them posing with their eaten watermelon ;)

  15. Pretty dressy for a day at the lake but what a great picture. Far Guy looks like his Dad. How did you get the names typed on the picture? Is that a special photo editing thing? What program do you have? My scanner broke so now I can't even get them uploaded. I was trying to make cd's for the kids of their baby pics and relatives etc. Look at the great hats and clothes. Thanks for sharing your family.

    1. I have a program called Memory Mixer, it is the same program I use to make my headers. I can label old photos. My scanner pooped out to so I bought a new one at Wally World. The last one scanned thousands of photos:)

  16. What a fun photo! I love how people used to dress up at things like family reunions.

  17. My dad grew up on a farm and told stories about watching the watermelons grow all summer, waiting for a bite of the most delicious thing in the garden. Watermelon was a big treat then--couldn't buy them year around at Costco, seedless and all cut up for you! Must have been a sweet one, as they all look quite happy.

  18. I'm a little behind...I love the old pictures!

  19. I wonder if it was a church function because the men have on suits. The women looks a little dressy, too - - and not because they are wearing dresses. You do a great job of keeping up with both sides of the family. You are my sister. She did all that.


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