Monday, January 13, 2014

Chance: A Cousin named Mable

Hiya!  It is me Chance the wonder blogging Border Collie.  My turn finally!

I got a new cousin.  That is what Aubrey said “Chancy you got a new cousin!”

Alrighty then!  I have never had a cousin before, but if Aubrey says I have one then I guess I do!

Mable and Chance

Mable is little, she is a German Shorthaired Pointer and she is eight weeks old and she just arrived to live next door with Jordan, Gavin and Aubrey.  She has floppy ears.  Far Side looked in them and checked out her mouth…she has teeth.


Mable doesn’t know about playing ball yet, she doesn’t know very much at all…Far Side says all puppies need a period of adjustment.  She has a little whiny voice but I bet that will change.  I am not sure why she is called a pointer, maybe she just points at balls instead of chasing them…it will be fun to see what she does with a ball when she gets older.

We now have three dogs in the neighborhood. Mable and Bailey the Beagle and me.  We don’t see Bailey much she has a special collar that keeps her in her own yard, she visits about every four months when her batteries get low. She barks sometimes, I bark sometimes …not often..and now with Mable we can have quite a chorus!

It was a great day yesterday, I got to go for two long walks and played ball several times.




  1. Oh my Marble is a sweetie, such a sweet neighbour Chance, Hugs Francine.

  2. Your new cousin is quite a cutie. And you are so nice to try to play with her. Hopefully she likes to play ball when she gets older.

  3. It's good to have awesome neighbors! Enjoy!!

  4. She's adorable, Chance, and I know she will grow up bigger and play with you plenty. I'm so glad you are getting to go outside again! :-)

  5. Your new cousin is a cutie! I'm sure she will grow up to chase balls with you. Glad you got out yesterday.

  6. No doubt, Mable will be chasing balls before the snow melts, so be patient and keep trying.

    Love that Bailey visits when the collar batteries are low! Do you visit her very often?

  7. Well, Chance it's nice to have more friends to talk to. I like Far Side's photo of you and the snowy road.

  8. Mable might be cute, but you're handsome, Chance! Hope you enjoy some play time with the new pup.

  9. Lucky you Chance, another friend to play with. Hope your new friend respects your toys and doesn't take them!!! I almost missed Wisconsin there for a minute, when I saw the photo of you walking down the snowy road!!!

  10. I'm glad you got out and about! And had some nifty company too - you will have to train the little one on how to chase balls (mostly the one's you don't want to chase!)


  11. Oh my, what a very cute cousin! I bet Aubrey loves her a lot!

  12. Oh Mable is cute ! Sounds like you have a lot to show and teach her Chance . Hope you guys have lots fun . Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  13. Mable looks like she will be great fun for you to play with, Chance!

  14. Mable is a cutie ~ actually I love her she reminds me of our belated Rudy who was a "wirehaired" pointer ~ she has that perfect marking on her face ~ a great family dog and oh yes great hunters if somebody in the family wants her to be :) Welcome to the neighborhood Mable!

  15. Oh, it looks lovely with all that snow. And isn't your cousin adorable?

  16. Mable is adorable...but then again not as cute as Chance.


  17. It looks nice and frosty out at your place. Three dog night! Mable looks like she will be a great cousin...really glad she has teeth!

  18. Your cousin is beautiful - - a definite bookend worthy of you! When you talked about having the barking chorus, it reminded me of "1,001 Dalmatians".

  19. Enjoy having more company, Chance! Thanks for sharing your day and pictures with us. :-)

  20. You are Mable are going to have lots of fun come spring time! so glad you got out for walks and playing. I love walks and playing outside myself.

  21. Hi Chance, You look like you're having fun in the snow! Mable is so little and cute. You'll have to teach her lots of things!

  22. Fuzzy and I love to bark...we sing songs with the neighbor dogs and with Hank our cousin and with the coyotes!!! We get to singing so much Dad doesn't like it. In the winter we don't sing as we are sleeping by MOM!

    Fuzzy and Boomer



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