Sunday, January 12, 2014

Tamarac In Winter

We took a drive through the refuge yesterday.  Only the very east side had frost.

Tamarac Frosty

Not much was happening.  There were no birds and only a few deer tracks.  We always hope that we will see a wolf.  We admired all the sign posts that were newly painted last fall.


Snow and brown reeds.

At least down at Tamarac Lake there were some fishermen.

Blue Fishing Shelter on Tamarac lake

Day fishing is allowed in the refuge.  The shelters must come down at dark.  That little blue cube on the right is a portable fish house.

Tamarac Lake

It was a nice day about 27 F.  Very nice weather for January. 

Chance enjoyed the outing, he loves our little adventures almost as much as we do


By the time we headed back home the sun came out and there were just a few frosty areas that had not melted in the warmth of the sunshine.

The moon was out.

The moon Jan 11 afternoon

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  1. Actually it does look lovely. But that is looking at it from the comfort of a nice warm house. But there must be a real joy that comes from being in the midst of all that nature.

  2. Oh I would love to visit that park to, yes, even in winter.....beautiful pictures you took, love the last one of the moon with the blue sky, Francine.

  3. Nice moon shot. I'm with Chance: I enjoy these outings with you, too. :-)

  4. Sounds like an interesting place. I looked it up and realized that we drove through that part of Minnesota along hwy 2 on our very first trip west to the Rockies, in 1986. Camped one night there someplace. Nice country.

  5. Lovely photos. With the warm up we had yesterday and rain our lakes and rivers have less ice on them now . I would love some sunshine here soon it has been so dark and gloomy . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  6. I love when you share about your adventures. We noticed the moon yesterday afternoon, too!
    Hi to Chance!

  7. Those sign posts must have been done by a professional painter! ;)

  8. I have heard that it is considered a blessing when you see the sun and the moon in the sky at the same time.

  9. It's the job of seniors to get out and check on things like lakes frost, deer tracks birds and roads. There, you did a good job and had fun doing it.

  10. Sweet! We used to visit the refuge often with our children when we lived in your neck of the woods - one of our favorite outings, and it never got old. We especially remember seeing the swans on the lake. We hope to get back there some day, maybe after E.graduates from high school. Thanks for sharing.

  11. The refuge looks peaceful.

    A chinook blew through yesterday and raised the temps enough for some snow to melt. It was downright balmy compared to a week ago.

  12. It looks like a nice place to spend some time, no matter what the weather is.
    It's 36 here at mid-morning in southeastern Michigan. Quite a warm up from just a few days age.

  13. Blue skies and sunshine just make everything so much better!

  14. Beautiful.

    I like to fish but Ice fishing does not have the same appeal to me. I would have to try it once just to say I did.

  15. Beautiful scenery. I enjoyed the outing too. It warmed up here to 54 yesterday ad it's 57 now today so I got the outside decorations down. I think everyone is appreciative of the sunshine about now regardless of the temperature.

  16. Very pretty scenery. Glad you were able to get out for a drive.

  17. If we had the blue skies here, we'd probably have the cold too, but on this rainy day I do long for the sun. Thanks for taking me along!

  18. Last shot is a keeper for sure. I love winter moons and you have so much more winter than we do!

  19. So lovely! I'm glad you take these outings and share them with us. Have a great week.

  20. Glad you had a nice day. The pictures are beautiful!

  21. 27F with sunshine and blue skies? Wow...Minnesota heat wave!

  22. I like the diversity in the light in the landscapes. Beautiful, beautiful scenery that God created. I am glad the roads were good enough for you all to get out of the house - - - to keep Chance happy especially!

  23. Beautiful Connie! I love your drives also! :) It's an odd year here for snow and cold also.



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