Monday, July 29, 2013

Theatre, Opera and a Whine

The Theatre was really enjoyable, one of my cousin’s daughters had a part in Dixie Swim Club..what a hoot.  Even Far Guy enjoyed it.

But the Opera..oh Lordy.  B.O.R.I.N.G. I kept falling asleep.  The group scenes were wonderful but the scenes with two singers singing forth and back, back and forth..just lulled me to sleep. Three hours of singing was a tad much for me to endure. Far Guy and I concurred that if we had been there by ourselves we would have left at intermission and saved ourselves some misery. We had four friends in the production and one relative…they all performed is not their fault that we have little or no appreciation of really fine musical productions.

I was supposed to have Saturday off to attend a family reunion..but no one volunteered to work for me.  Such is life.  Today my supposed day off is full of meetings and programs late in the day. I am tired.  Last week was pretty much “hell week” at the museum…early openings because of the rummage sale…not enough volunteers to go around…board members that assured me they would show up but “forgot.”  They forget that they are supposed to be part of a team, and a team is only as strong as it’s weakest link. I am  real tired of leading the blind and there is no way I can send enough messages to the one with dementia, the two in absentia are no help at all and one shows up every Tuesday to tell me he is way too busy to be bothered with museum “stuff.”  That leaves me with two active Board members…thank goodness for those two.  2/7 is better than 0/7

Have you ever thought you were in a real slow boat headed nowhere?:(IMG_0519

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  1. Oh many times my friend, slow boat to nowhere......Busy weekend for you, back to Monday, Francine.

  2. Oh yes...I know this feeling WELL. I've started saying no. It makes folks angry, but it has sure saved my sanity, because the more you do, the more you are expected to do.

  3. Ouch. But then there is always Nancy Reagan advice. "Just say....

  4. I love the "slow boat to nowhere". It describes my life sometimes. Maybe it is time for you to say no. I could not work with people that treated me that thoughtlessly.

  5. I am so sorry to hear that your board members are deadbeats. There's a good reason I don't sign up for things like that, I might run into my own version of Far Side and she would make me feel guilty! :-)

  6. I ran into a couple of volunteers at Sherburne NWR yesterday that left me wondering. They were supposed to be providing info about the refuge to visitors (like me), but couldn't be bothered. They were too busy "chatting" with each other. Not my idea of good volunteers...

  7. I feel like I am on the boat about every other day, sometimes!

  8. I wonder if those "missing in actions" think having "Board Member" on their "resumes" is a status thingy?

  9. Maybe word will get out from your blog and they will be shamed into helping...we can hope.

  10. Sadly, many people want to be on boards for the prestige that it gives them. I'm glad that you have two active members. Can they recruit some friends to help?

    I am not an opera fan; perhaps, if I understood the words. . .no, I just don't like opera.

  11. I don't understand people who make a commitment and then don't follow through. Such a shame that your board members are shirking their duties. You are going to need a long rest once the museum closes for the season.

  12. Yup some just want to be on a broad just for a title and not the work ! Oh no opera for me thanks either to boring I would prefer to watch paint dry hah aha ! Each to his own I say ! Hope you get the help you need ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  13. You are made of good stuff to put up with this stuff. Unfortunately board members are hard to find ,let alone good ones. I happen to be past president and one of his jobs is finding new board members. "It ain't easy!"

  14. I'm a volunteer and understand. There's a let-someone-else-do-it mentality whenever someone needs to be off, something needs to be done, or someone bails out :(

  15. I'm really lucky that the boards that I am involved with have really enthusiastic active members. That hasn't always been the case.
    I agree with others. People love to say, "Oh I'm so busy. I'm on "this" board and "that" board" In actuality they are members in name only.

  16. I've seen The Dixie Swim Club twice. Two different casts. I enjoyed both versions. So did Tom.

  17. My BFF's daughter is beginning a Master's program in Opera. I just don't understand it. How could a young gal find it fascinating?! I'm with you!
    How terrible to have Board members who aren't committed.

  18. The Board Members story sounds very familiar to me...hang in there

  19. Opera puts me to sleep, too. The play, on the other hand--I love plays! Even bad ones--LOL!
    The board members...would make me furious! I'd be calling them ten times to remind them so they couldn't say they forgot! ;)

  20. Can you have a heart-to-heart with one or more board members? The active members of the board should make some of those reminder calls...peer pressure, you know. Also, whoever is in charge of such things should ask those inactive ones whether they would like to step aside, and when their terms are over they should just not be nominated to be reelected.

  21. A friend in a similar position as you is dealing with the exact same thing here. Sigh.


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