Sunday, July 28, 2013

Going Buggy

Jen found me a bug, she was playing bug scout. ( What did you do this weekend?  Oh I wandered around looking for bugs for my Mother to photograph.)

Little Bug

Then the entire bug committee was called in to argue..spider, grasshopper or praying mantis.

Bug advisory committee

I don’t has been a long week.  It is a bug. A cute little bug. As you can tell by the bug committee’s wardrobe it is still a tad chilly here in Minnesota.


Even the bugs are cold, I think this guy was shivering:)

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  1. I vote for grasshopper. Back when I was teaching students at the nature center about insects, one category was grasshoppers and crickets. We taught them to look for strong bigger back legs for jumping. I don't remember what category the mantises were in. Look for Peterson's First Guide to Insects. Easy to use. It has a nice chart of insect categories in the front. Inexpensive little paperback. Your grandsons might like it. Not so sure about your granddaughters.

  2. Ha! I really had to laugh at all the fun you're having with the bug committee. And yes, it does look a tad cold up your way, judging by the committee's extra clothing. :-)

  3. My boss caught a small praying mantis last week to take home to show his five children. I didn't know we even had them in Iowa. Yes cold it is down here too. I waited until the afternoon to go out to work in the garden.

  4. Just look at all the free entertainment for the bug committee! And not even at that cute little bug's expense.

  5. That is the best picture! Ha ha! Bug committee ~ looks pretty professional :)

  6. I love all the excitement. Really chilly here also. What happened to our summer.

  7. Sounds like the bug discussion warmed things up a bit. One thing about the cool weather is that the bugs will not be moving much so they should stay still for you to photograph.

  8. I can't imagine Cold in July. Love the bug committee.

  9. Looks like a grasshopper. I am seeing a bunch of them in my backyard. Must be peak season for them. We are cool here too. I like it!

  10. I vote for scary bug...don't want to find one like that anywhere here.

    Jackets? Shall I send you some of our heat wave?


  11. Not sure what it is, but you can send some of that cool down this way!
    Have a great week. ♥

  12. My birding mentor has been trying to get me to branch out into butterflies and rocks. I'm resisting on the fact that after almost ten years of birding I still get the house and purple finches confused....;)_

  13. Looks like some sort of cricket things. It's fall like here is sure a mess anymore.


  14. I thought it looked like some kind of katydid.
    I know! When my family came to visit this weekend they were wearing jackets! In July! The fall weather persists today (Monday). Supposed to get back into the 80s this week, but it sure hasn't yet.
    I love your bug committee! :)


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