Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Company from Indiana, Oregon and Oklahoma has kept us busy the past few days.

Monday my baby brother and his wife and their daughter helped us pick raspberries at our cousins U pick.  Our cousin has a raspberry patch where years ago my Great Grandparents lived and  farmed.  The raspberries are a little late this year because of the cold spring.


If you listen you could almost hear the corn grow.


The clop clop swish swish of the horse drawn wagons is always a sound I enjoy.


Seems like a much simpler life to me.

We secured 18 pints of raspberries, I put them on cookie sheets and freeze the berries individually.  When they are frozen I put two servings in freezer bags for next winter when I need a taste of summer.  Raspberries are $2.00 a pint here, how much are they in your neck of the woods? :)

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  1. Yum yum, love Raspberry s....always glad to have help pick them :), About the same price here, Blessings Francine.

  2. I love fresh raspberries. Haven't priced them in the store - waiting to pick some up at the farmers market. We do have locally grown corn now at 50 cents an ear.

  3. The raspberries in my grocery store are too expensive to buy...and, I think they are from another country.

  4. Even though this is raspberry country, I think they are twice as expensive. I know I don't buy them often, because they are so pricey.

  5. Those little baskets of raspberries are about $3 here I think. Not sure if they would be a pint, but I think so. If I bought a flat, I could get them at $2.50 lb. The local lady that sells them in gallon ice cream pails, that hold about 5 lb, charges me $8 a pail. I bought some 'jam' berries at a large berry farm for $1.50 lb. I go through 250-300 lb of raspberries each year. Raspberry jam is the most popular.

  6. I, too, love to see & hear Amish horses. I always enjoyed traveling to see my Dad when he lived in PA as he was near Lancaster. It does seem like a simpler life. We have a community of Amish in CO, but it is about 5 hours from us.
    The last time I looked the raspberries were $2.99 - but I don't think that was even a pint. At the farmer's market in Idaho a few weeks ago they were $5.00.
    I used to freeze blueberries that way.

  7. Yes I love seeing the Amish here with horse and buggy , I also love seeing them in the fields with horse and plow . Crops here of all kinds haven't been doing well due to the wacky weather we have had and so prices are sky hi now ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  8. Timing is everything My wife and I were just looking for u picks before I started reading blogs. $ 3.25 a lb here.

  9. I like hearing the clip clop sound too. I think the Amish lifestyle is fascinating - don't think I could live it though. I rarely buy fresh raspberries. Yours look really good.

  10. Smart people those Amish....just think of the money they're saving on gas! Raspberries...my favorite! You lucky! The stores are pretty high for just a pint....more than I like to spend and probably at least double what you paid! Enjoy!

  11. $4 at the farmers market, all-you-can-eat and share with the robins, free in the garden! I live in MN, too.

  12. They are about $5 a pint in the stores here. I don't know of any others.


  13. $2.98 for half a pint and $3.98 or half pint organic. What a deal there!
    Sounds like a great time with family!! :)

  14. They are priceless, I can't barely find any to eat, my husband loves them so much. So nothing in the freezer...but memories.


  15. Lucky you! I would only get a handful of raspberries from our bushes every morning in Illinois. Now that we're in Hawaii, I miss those handfuls.


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