Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: May Day 1954

It  must have been a cold snowy late spring in 1954..59 years ago. 

May day 1954

May Day 1954 and count them seven May Baskets all for me because my baby brother was way too little to eat candy/cookies back then.

I will be delivering the May Baskets I made after supper this evening.

I made some for the grand boys last weekend..and the baskets earned me some hugs..I mentioned to Adam that he was suppose to run after me and give me a kiss, he just shook his head and said “YEEEW.”

How about you?  Will you deliver at least one May Basket to a non suspecting not in the May Day Loop type person ?  If so I hope you will share their reaction.

Happy May Day! :)

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  1. Lucky recipients of those baskets. Unfortunately my neighbors won't be so fortunate. Have fun delivering!!!

  2. Last year I put May Day baskets on a half dozen doorknobs, but nobody saw me, and I never got to see the reactions! I'll do at leat one today, just for you. :-)

  3. I won't be going out in the snow to deliver any baskets today. Can you believe it is snowing here!

  4. Happy May Day!!

    Love the photos. I don't recall baskets but I recall having to run around a May Pole a time or two...

  5. It snowed about 3 inches last night, so I'll wait a while before venturing out.

  6. Love the sweet picture of you, to cute but lots of snow back then......Happy May baskets to the lucky people....Never have made one, Francine.

  7. Oh so fun and that indeed looks like a cold snowy day!

  8. Somewhere I have a similar photo of me in a May snowbank. We had recently moved from St. Paul to Hibbing and I thing my parents were in shock at the heavy and late snowfall. ViMae wanted to make May baskets today, but she was only here a short time and it didn't happen. I picture her making them with her kids and grandkids some day. :)

  9. Happy May Day! It's cold here and windy!


  10. Unfortunately, I forgot all about May baskets when I left school. You are so nice for making them and I am sure your recepients will be very happy.

  11. It's not going to happen here. I find the baskets an interesting tradition but I've never ever seen it done here
    Happy May Day to you or Happy May day bagging! What is one supposed to say?

  12. Cute picture....hard to believe so many folks are still getting snow.

  13. Happy May Day to you! Hope you had a wonderful time being chased down and kissed by multiple grateful recipients!

    What I really want to know is: did you have to deliver your baskets in the snow this time???

  14. As far as I know we have never had the May Day Basket tradition over here - which is a pity. Perhaps I will start it - and start it by delivering a little basket to myself.

  15. And look at all that snow on May first! We thought this year was bad. LOL!
    No May baskets over here.


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