Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Baskets

We were surprised with a May Day basket!A may Basket for me and  Gene

What a great basket these two delivered!

Anna and Mason  May Day

We gave them their baskets.

Chance helps deliver

Chance helped deliver to these three.

Can you see a theme?  May Baskets = Smiles!

May Day Delivery

Some girls were not at home.  So we hung their baskets high on the light fixture so the dog would not eat the candy.

I still have to deliver Teddy’s May Basket.  I didn’t get it to a drop off point today.   It is his first May Day!

I hope where ever you got a bit of a May Day surprise.  What a fun day! :)


  1. Morning Connie, that is so sweet, love the kids with their May Day Baskets....Blessings Francine.

  2. That is such a lovely tradition. Most people around here have never heard of that.

  3. You are the one who got me going with May Day baskets. I think it's a great tradition! :-)

  4. Such fun. Love the tradition and so glad that you are keeping it going!

  5. Such a wonderful tradition!

  6. I love seeing the happy faces during your May day basket deliveries....

    It's a tradition that more of us should take up.


  7. What fun! We don't have May Day baskets, but we did get the day off work.

  8. This charming tradition seems to be coming back. I remember when my scout troop stopped doing it. Something about communists having May 1 as their day. Which I totally didn't understand. Then or now.

  9. The smiles say it all!


  10. You sure got the attention of these kids. the smiles say it all. Giving things also makes the giver feel special.

  11. Those sweet smiles warmed my heart

  12. Such happy faces! And I see Chance got in on the action. Glad you didn't end up delivering those baskets in the snow, like those poor folks in Colorado would have had to do! It's springtime, for crying out loud!

  13. I am glad to see you honor a tradition that has been lost in many areas.

  14. I love that you uphold these traditions. Our May Day surprise amounted to about 8" of white stuff. But... it is almost gone today.

  15. Happy Belated May Day!! How nice the kids made you guys a basket ~ gosh they are all getting big!

  16. Baskets of candy and smiles just have to go together--LOL! I love the picture of the May baskets hidden in the bag hanging high on the light fixture. A clever way to keep the critters out! ;)


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