Thursday, February 7, 2013

Losing my mind among other things

The last few days I have been working in the bedroom, cleaning out drawers and closets..recycling..if I have not worn it in a year..I might not need it.  If it has holes or stains it belongs in the garbage..if some socks are itchy and uncomfortable on your new ones..or dig to the bottom of the drawer where you find some very fuzzy comfortable ones that you have not seen in a year or so. ( Jackpot!!)

Along the way..I found a stash of books..imagine that!  And two Christmas gifts that I did not give to the people they were bought for.. one is unmistakably my youngest daughters tiny gift and the other is a autographed book I purchased for my father.  I am not saving them until next year..they are on my desk and will be delivered.  “Stuff” hardly ever goes missing from my desk.

Far Guy lost his yahoo homepage on Google Chrome, it was an easy fix.   He also has that darn old Firefox..and he wants Yahoo News there ..Firefox and I have never gotten along.  It took some fancy doings but I finally got it all straightened out.  Somehow he picked a new search engine with a funny he was fit to be tied.  He doesn’t do change well.   delta is a browser-redirecting virus.  It was an add on I think..anyway it is gone..sayonara...hasta la vista baby. 

I fought for two hours on the phone with Direct TV..we are losing our satellite signal in the living room..the bedroom TV signal is just fine.  The TV gets funny pixels and makes a chirping noise.    After two hours  of resetting and rebooting they have decided we need a 50 $ service call..I told them they were nuts that it is their equipment..we settled on a 25 $ service call on MONDAY..with a credit from service lost from now until then.  BUT I am looking at changing providers..we have that fiber optic cable nearby now.  We have had Direct TV for about 13 years now…and this is the first time we have had a problem with their service.   For the amount they charge us every month ..I think I deserve some fricking service.  The chirping noise will eventually drive you a little mad..and you will have to drag out some old VCR tapes that have six hours of movies taped on them.  I will most likely email their customer service department and complain.  Not that it will do any good…but I will feel better after I bitch at them awhile.

I had my teeth cleaned..good thing I didn’t lose anything there.  That ultrasonic blaster can be awfully painful sometimes..especially on my bottom teeth. 

Jan 4 2013 The ditches are full of snow now..we will finally have some moisture come spring when it melts.  We still have a ways to go till three months spring should be here..not that I am counting or anything:)

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  1. Morning, oh ya, I am right along beside you, Koo Koo!!Francine.

  2. LOL - here you about spring not being here yet. Love that shot of the snow and blue sky though. Beautiful!

  3. For many years, sometime in January, I would find a present for my son that I had forgotten to give him. He got to expect it, this year I was good, everything was accounted for on Christmas.

  4. You aren't losing your mind because if you are then I must have already lost mind. there are some days when it seems everything that can go wrong will go wrong - Murphy's Law. We are expecting another snow storm - Nemo. So far in the last two weeks I have seen the sun twice and I am tired of shoveling snow. But our local groundhog said we will get an early spring so hurray!

  5. Just came across your blog. Loved that your life sounded like mine sometimes. So busy. We love the web, don't we but ut can come with it's own set of problems sometimes. You can cope very, very well.

  6. Congrats on your industriousness. You are to be commended!
    I often find gifts that get overlooked and forgotten - usually ones I get during the year and stash for later.
    The TV/Internet/Phone situation drives me nuts. I hate that we need a "package" and can't get a good price for just the service we prefer.

  7. Sounds like you're doing much the same a I am.....only I'm dunging out the junk plastic out of my storage cupboard. I found a baby shower gift in my "gift" closet that the kid has grown out of by now.....oh well.

  8. That doesn't sound like you are losing your mind...sounds like you are kicking butt! :)

  9. Write the letter to customer service - sometimes, it actually does make a difference.
    Hope you teeth/gums settle down soon. I've been eating soft foods this week - getting used to the crown. I long to chomp on tortilla chips!!!
    We have had about 14 inches of rain since the new year and it's raining again today.
    A good day for me to organize/clean out my closet too!!!
    Have a good day. Thanks for commenting on Ellie's one month photo. My Atlanta niece, Brooke, is flying to CA to see Ellie this weekend.

  10. Look out world, things are going to change.

  11. I keep thinking I need to take a room at a time and go thru everything. I did find a shepherd's crook a friend made for me over 15 years ago hidden in the back of the closet while I was looking for Christmas decoration. I just use a piece of PVC pipe or stick when I need something for moving the sheep, not wanting to get my crook dirty. Snow looks so nice and clean, but hang in there spring is on it's way. I already have bulbs blooming.

  12. I had my teeth cleaned a couple of weeks ago and I always have a sore mouth for a few days.

  13. Beautiful snowy picture. You are lucky to have gotten so much snow. We haven't gotten any since the first part of December.
    I found a Christmas gift yesterday that I hadn't sent. Birthday is coming up. I will send it then. If I remember. :0)
    I hope you get your TV problems solved.

  14. We changed over from Direct TV to Dish a few years ago and couldn't be happier. If you make the switch, you will get that new DVR that they have that can record up to 4 things at once. You would think you would never need it, but with me recording stuff from the Science channel and the History channel and the wife with her Court TV and cop shows, it gets a workout. Have never had actual Cable TV, never have lived close enough to the cable, always out in the weeds a ways. Anyway, I would check out what Dish offers before you make a switch. You might be pleasantly surprised.

  15. It sounds like you are on a roll! Does this mean that spring is not far away? (Spring cleaning?)

  16. Doesn't sound like you are having a very good day. I hate it when I get those days, seems like nothing is going the way you want it too. More power to you for the cleaning, we have so much crap that I don't even know where to start, it seems like I get rid of something then the hubby or the kids bring something back in to replace what I took out ;(

  17. All that technology that we can't live without (work and pleasure) -- it is sooooo expensive! Grrr and it also gets under my skin when it doesn't work! Today is very nice out there..... hope it forgets to get cold next week :)

  18. We had the same thing happen to our TV only it wasn't our TV or equipment it was all from their end and it was wide spread it was how the company received and relayed it all ! Firefox has never given us problems but there again I am not the computer wiz Papa is lol ! I am yet to go through closets and drawers and filter through all that we don't use , don't wear any more or never will lol ! Gearing up here in Ontario for a big winter storm to hit later this afternoon through the night and into tomorrow. Spring is on it's way isn't it ? ok FEW ,just checking lol ! Have a good day !

  19. as a historian and one who doesn't adapt to technological change very well your husband has my total empathy....:) Yup I'm a "comfort" food guy too.

  20. This is an interesting time going through things and cleaning up. It must give you a good feeling.
    The TV and service is a bummer. They've got all kinds of scams to take you're money.

  21. I love it when I get the cleaning/tossing stuff out "bug". It feels so good. Funny about your TV. We just switched from 17 years on our cable network to DirecTV and have thusfar (one week) been very well pleased with customer service. Also, it will save us almost half our previous monthly bill. I plan to blog about it sometime.

  22. It's wonderful when you have options. :-)
    I found a letter, while going through things packing up the NC house, that had been forwarded to us in 1996.
    I wrote what may have been a belated reply a few months ago, and fortunately the friend still lived at that address!

    Glad you could wrestle the computers successfully. Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. Are you sure you're in MN? In your last picture it looks like a mountain in the distance. I have Dish and other than raising the rates (still lower than Direct) I have never had a problem with them. I've had them about the same time 15 years or so.
    I've never paid for a service call. In fact, they updated my satellite and receiver several times free of charge.

    1. That is a cloud..but we can pretend it is a mountain:)


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