Monday, February 25, 2013

Can you guess?

Sunday afternoon we had a date. Can you guess what this is?

Hint One

How about now?  We took Chance along..he had a grand time.

Hint two

Will this help?

Hint three

Yes, we were outside in the snow.  It was a beautiful day..30 something degrees! Almost spring like.

Hint four

I am sure you must have guessed by now.

Hubbard Sleigh Festival

This sleigh is a “Cutter” or speeding sleigh.  I would have called it a one horse open sleigh!

We went to the Hubbard Prairie Sleigh Festival and Parade in the itty bitty berg of Hubbard Minnesota.   Hubbard  should have been the County Seat..years ago towns/villages had to pay if they wanted the railroad to come through their town in Minnesota. The village of Hubbard refused to the railroad went through Park Rapids instead.  As you may know..railroads and rail travel were what brought goods to your town..and people.  If the railroad missed your town..well you might as well give up.   Park Rapids was made the county seat.  Hubbard was quite a town in it’s day..situated on the edge of the first prairie and named after Lucius Hubbard the distinguished Governor of Minnesota from 1882 to 1887.  Hubbard is a village in the township of Hubbard also in Hubbard County..that is the county where I am the Director of the Historical Museum:)

Blog Signature


  1. Ha!!! I never guessed the sleigh, so charming....always interesting your posts are, Thanks Francine.

  2. Oh, this is an adventure I would love to have. Closest I have come to a sleigh is riding a rock sled (a flat contraption which you fill with rocks our of the field) dragged by horses.

  3. Oh this looks wonderful ! Beautiful photos what a lovely old sleigh ! I have been on a horse driven sleigh it is amazing . Great info of the event and village . Our village is the same a part of a township that's part of a county gets confusing lol. Thanks for sharing with us . Chance you look good by that sleigh . Mild and sunny here today ! Have a good day !

  4. Nice! I think the best part is the furry blanket to keep the sleigh riders comfy. I always enjoy seeing Chance anywhere at all. :-)

  5. How cool is that! What a wonderful "date".

  6. Did you get to ride in one? I bet Chance would have loved that.

  7. Sounds like a wonderful day out. I would love to ride in one of those.

  8. I guessed right away. I love cutters because they make me think of Laura and Almanzo Wilder :). Of course I would bring a Little House connection in.

  9. It looks like you had wonderful weather for a winter outing. Did they take folks on sleigh rides? It is a beautiful cutter. (I would have called it a one horse open sleigh,too!) We have a carriage/sleigh expert in our club who is a font of knowledge. I learned, from him, that folks began using sleigh bells, not because they sound pretty, but as a warning to pedestrians. In days of yore people didn't hear the sleighs coming, so often would step out in front of them! Sometimes I wish I could have lived in a simpler life - but then, I wouldn't have friends, like you, from far, far away!

  10. We arrived early before 11 am and there were still setting up - we watched from our car as they put that great sleigh into place (a beautiful piece)... It was a very nice day!

  11. Looks like a really fun festival. A photography dream and I bet Chance was a hit!

  12. What a great old sleigh, I mean cutter:) I like how the runners are quite wide spread to minimize the tipping. What kind of fur is that draped over the back?

    1. I think it is a deer hide..I didn't touch was quite beautiful:)

  13. Easy to imagine going on a winter date in this sleigh, cuddled under the furs, with the wind making your cheeks rosy.

  14. The sleigh looks as if it just stepped out of a greeting card! So glad Chance had an opportunity to travel.

  15. I immediately thought of Laura and Almanzo, too! Very nice photos.

  16. Sounds like a lot of fun. Love the sleigh.

  17. I love the way you photographed just pieces of the sleigh before you showed the entire sleigh. That's a great technique that I might try on my blog. It must have been a fun ride, especially with 30 degree temps, which seem like spring after a cold spell.

  18. Did you learn all this by being the County Historical Director or were you always this smart? I learn so much from you that to me is VERY interesting. I love history especially the more "local" it is the better. Love the sleighs. I've never ridden in one but I can almost feel it when I read descriptions in Little House on the Prairie and also some old Midwest "times past" articles.
    I also love your header with the beautiful pictures of the snow...OH! And that handsome dog...what's his name? Tee Hee!

  19. Replies
    1. Nope no rides for us. We might have gone but we had Chance with us..Chance doesn't like horses very much.:)

  20. Pretty fancy vehicle to ride in. when I was little we still used horses but had nothing fancy.They had gone through the depression and didn't have any money for fancy stuff.

  21. Bet it was a great day in Hubbard with lots of people! Twas a nice day to be out!

  22. I would love a sleigh days we use the four-wheeler.

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨) (¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

  23. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open


  24. I figured you might know a little bit about Hubbard history! ;)

    Beautiful photos of the sleigh!

  25. What an interesting story. Great photos, too!

  26. Sweet! I used to live in Detroit Lakes - you are in beautiful country! Such a pretty sleigh - you don't see them to often.

  27. I like the close-ups of the parts of the sleigh. Glad you are having "balmy" weather for a day or so!

  28. I would have enjoyed going for a ride under that fur lap robe in that one horse open sleigh.

  29. Fabulous photos. I love how you kept us guessing! :) And Chance is just too cute! I think he should wear a red blinking nose and play Rudolph!

  30. Oh what fun! Love that old sleigh.

  31. I really like the bottom photo looking to the side. It is a great shot.

  32. Now that's the sleigh for me...a little Wd40 and a couple horses and I'd be off! Off in a snow drift probably! LOL!


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